Git-R-Free 1 Year Anniversary Today!

Live forum:


03-04-2008 13:34:44

I would like to announce that today, April 3rd, 2008 marks Git-R-Free's 1 Year Anniversary!!

It's been a great haul since I decided to bring our unique style and site into the freebie scene offering more offers than any other site, and phenomenal customer support along the entire way.

Hears to MANY more years!

I'm going to take some time to myself tonight and jump on Xbox Live and Play Rainbowsix Vegas 2

If anyone else has it go ahead and look me up, Xbox Live Name [bf695ea07d0]x ShAgGz x[/bf695ea07d0]

If you send me a message saying, Git-R-Free I'll know it's someone from the forums and I'll add ya, maybe we can play a few games or something, I may actually host a game and award free greens, I can explain more for whoever decides to join me.

I'll probably get on around 800 PM EST and will be playing for quite a long time, expecting till about 3-4 AM EST. )

Thanks again to Everyone for all your support, be on the lookout for some new sites!


03-04-2008 13:56:16

http//[" alt=""/imge3e6608531][=http//][img="e3e6608531]http//[" alt=""/imge3e6608531][/url]


03-04-2008 15:49:57

whooo hooo!


03-04-2008 18:53:30

Cool... Congrats on the Anniversary....


04-04-2008 09:14:13

Congrats! These sites are awesome. Can't wait for more!!!


04-04-2008 14:33:57

Congrats...I have had a good experience with your sites!!!!