07-02-2008 06:26:10
That's Right Folks let me get right to the point.
Over $2,000 in Prizes Available!
Click Link for Details http//
Don't Miss Out, You Definitely Want to be a Part of This.
Along with this Referral Contest I would like to announce Git-R-Free's Latest Site!
--------> ! $220/ref (5.0 Credits Required)
Everyone ENJOY and HAVE FUN!
09-02-2008 01:43:01
THE LIVE DATA Referral Contest Board is up!
Check it out folks http//
19-02-2008 11:01:41
There's still time folks! )
26-02-2008 08:54:02
Just few days left folks!
28-02-2008 05:29:58
It's a TIGHT! Race and less than 48 hours to go!
Only a 20 point gap between 1st and 4th! Thats only 4 referrals on the 5.0 site.. it's definitely going to be a close call and go down to the wire!
29-02-2008 21:28:34
Results are in!
Congratulations to the Top 5 Winners!

http//[" alt=""/imgccdfeba1ed]