26-07-2007 00:50:22
Following the freebie crash, we decided to partner with some new affiliates. Fortunately, we can now allow users to submit manual credit reqeusts for several offers.
The majority of manual credit requests are to be sent in around the 20th of each month, and should be approved within a week after that.
Currently, we have over 75 active offers that accept manual credit requests out of more than 140 total active offers available. Expect to see more offers added in the near future.
The offers that allow for manual crediting will have a (MCR Accepted)[/color15c211c95b] note displayed next to the offer title.
As for the offers that do not accept manual credit requests, we ask for each user to try at least one more offer after the initial miscredited offer. If the new offer does not credit, we will give you a free credit to compensate you for the crediting issues.
However, be sure to contact support before you try any extra offers. In some cases, we might be able to credit you without requiring you to complete another offer.
Please be sure to follow the crediting guide which can be found here http//
Hopefully, the crediting guide will alleviate many of our users' crediting problems.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support.