V-Bux Jon
15-04-2007 14:30:32
[quote68495b0949="vbux jon"]
http//v-bux.com/logos/logo1.gif[" alt=""/img68495b0949]
[size=1868495b0949][color=blue68495b0949][b68495b0949]V-Bux.Com Ships $100,000.00 [/color68495b0949][color=#ff000068495b0949]and LAUNCHES a [/color68495b0949][color=#00000068495b0949]3-Day Promotion for the Summer![/color68495b0949][/b68495b0949][/size68495b0949]
With this weekend's payouts, V-Bux.Com has reached a huge milestone [b68495b0949]$100,000.00 shipped![/b68495b0949] To coincide with the accomplishment, we have launched a [b68495b0949]"Pre-Summer Promotion"[/b68495b0949] on [b68495b0949]Bose.V-Bux.Com[/b68495b0949]. In the next three days, sign up for [b68495b0949]Bose.V-Bux.Com[/b68495b0949] using this link ([url==http//bose.v-bux.com/index.php?promoid=100][color=#0000ff68495b0949]http//bose.v-bux.com/index.php?promoid=100[/color68495b0949][=http//bose.v-bux.com/index.php?promoid=100][color=#0000ff68495b0949]http//bose.v-bux.com/index.php?promoid=100[/color68495b0949][/url]) and your offer requirements will be automatically waived! [i68495b0949][b68495b0949][color=#00008068495b0949]This is your chance to get a hot new sound system for the summer![/color68495b0949][/b68495b0949][/i68495b0949]
Congrats to all those who've made this possible!
[color=red68495b0949][b68495b0949]Update This has been extended to Friday, April 20th![/b68495b0949][/color68495b0949] [/quote68495b0949]
15-04-2007 14:59:04
Signed UP!
thanks a ton. Thats an awesome promotion
15-04-2007 15:04:31
yay!!! youhou i signed up too D
edit remind me, when do you ship and approve?
15-04-2007 15:12:55
[quote6c0a0c15a4="condra"]yay!!! youhou i signed up too D
edit remind me, when do you ship and approve?[/quote6c0a0c15a4]
Every Friday! D
15-04-2007 15:24:21
Sweet promo! I just signed up and immediately received my free full offer completion.
15-04-2007 19:11:18
This is great. I signed up and immediately had my free offer completion. I didn't even have to open up a support ticket. Thanks!
17-04-2007 03:06:29
Whoa! Almost missed this one! Signed up too ;)
17-04-2007 07:42:59
WOW no kidding.....Instant Credit!
thanks a lot D
17-04-2007 09:33:48
Great promotion! Got instant 100% credit. Good job vbux.
17-04-2007 10:30:09
Signed up got my credit immediately. Great Promo.
18-04-2007 15:24:50
Signed up and got credit right away. Thanks vbux!!