Instant Payouts now available!

Live forum:


11-07-2007 13:22:11

Well, we just hit the $15,000 paid out mark, and we are making some changes with our payout schedule. [u453e6aea33][b453e6aea33]Please read the entire post[/b453e6aea33][/u453e6aea33].

There are now 2 options on how you would like to be paid out, below are details on each

1. [b453e6aea33]INSTANTLY[/b453e6aea33]
- We have decided to make this an option to our users. However, if you choose this options... you [i453e6aea33]will have Paypal fee's taken out[/i453e6aea33] of your order. I do not like leaving money in Paypal for long, so that is why. With many new fraud prevention systems in place, I feel I am safe enough to do this.
2. [b453e6aea33]Bi-Monthly[/b453e6aea33]
- If you would rather wait, and get paid Paypal fee free... this is the option for you. To be paid on the 15th, order by the 10th. To be paid on the 30th, order by the 25th.

There will be changes to the site to reflect these changes in the coming week, but if you have a pending order, or are going to place an order.. open a support ticket.

We are slowly climbing our way to the top, if you haven't checked us out, nows a good time!
