$150 Paypal recieved freegamingstuff

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=9991


28-03-2005 18:52:42

[600250]http//webpages.charter.net/dcjoedog/paypal1.jpg[" alt=""/imgb37153fa05]

YAY, this site finally paid out
and it seems tons are getting there things ordered today


28-03-2005 19:21:10

Congrats... D

red summer sun

04-04-2005 12:42:50

what website is this?

red summer sun

04-04-2005 12:43:33

what website is this?

red summer sun

04-04-2005 12:44:45

what website is this?


04-04-2005 13:16:03

Congrats man.

Nice triple post red summer sun ;)

red summer sun

05-04-2005 13:27:29

ummmm oops.

when i go to freegamingstuff.com it doesn't show up.. is this site closed?