40GB Photo iPod Recieved Today!!!
01-03-2005 11:42:21
Here are some pics of me and my new photo iPod!!!

http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Stroid/DHL.jpg[/img8994bca754]
[img="8994bca754]http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Stroid/Unopened40GB.jpg[/img8994bca754]
[img="8994bca754]http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Stroid/JustOpened40GB.jpg[/img8994bca754]
[img="8994bca754]http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Stroid/Opened40gb.jpg[/img8994bca754]
[img="8994bca754]http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Stroid/40GBAccessories.jpg[/img8994bca754]
[img="8994bca754]http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Stroid/ThanksGratis.jpg[/img8994bca754]
01-03-2005 11:59:32
Damn son congrats D im jealous
How long after you completed did it take to get it?
01-03-2005 12:20:08
congrats stroid
01-03-2005 12:23:12
Sadly, I was delayed 1 day but I should have my ipod tomorrow as well )
01-03-2005 12:32:05
ever heard of a razor, z?
looks pretty sweet. I'm still waiting for the knock on the door. I'll put some pics in this thread when he gets here.
01-03-2005 12:39:49
Ahh, nice. Congrats.
01-03-2005 13:35:34
DAMN! I'm waiting for a 30GB iPod photo from TheFreeProject.
01-03-2005 13:56:20
01-03-2005 15:11:16
I got mine today also! DHL pulled up a little after 5.

http/" alt=""/img16.exs.cx/img="16/8951/photo0022od.jpg[" alt=""/img019ab5aaa7]
[img="019ab5aaa7]http/" alt=""/img217.exs.cx/img="217/121/photo0030fm.jpg[" alt=""/img019ab5aaa7]
P.S. These pictures are courtesy of The World's Smallest Digital Camera which I got from Iwantfreegifts.com. The thing generally sucks but makes a decent webcam. Not bad for only doing the CCless ebay offer with no referals.
01-03-2005 15:28:52
Sweet nice to hear it Engrdawg!
01-03-2005 16:23:53
but is that worth 10 refs though...you could've gotten a computer! -_-
01-03-2005 16:25:42
it is when you can get 10 more and get a computer
01-03-2005 16:28:08
Stroid, that's funny ).
01-03-2005 16:29:01
D what my pics or the 10 ref thing
01-03-2005 16:31:53
The 10 refs thing.
01-03-2005 16:34:24
Referrals are so easy after you get several items its like they just start coming to you. Althought my PSP isnt getting credited
01-03-2005 16:48:23
Damn Stroid, another one!
01-03-2005 16:50:47
This is my last ipod for now D
01-03-2005 18:24:49
Stroid likes men. I mean, congratulations!
01-03-2005 19:35:42
No i dont ask you sister P
01-03-2005 20:12:54
Sw33t. I like it. I'm gonna just sell my free ipod and get the 30GB Photo iPod. I haven't had much time to post on ebay though.
01-03-2005 20:17:57
HAH! Look at your ghetto DHL truck with the big dent in the side...this further supports my theory that southerners can't drive worth shit. ;)
01-03-2005 20:48:57
LOL!!! Actually Floridians cant drive worth shit but Georgians can drive! We run shit D!!!
01-03-2005 21:14:15
Did Sherman's March come through your street? The garbage can is down and the dhl guy is parked unproperly aligned
wow that was a bad joke, but anyways congrats!
PS to much History does this to you shock
01-03-2005 21:17:05
actually the DHL truck was reversing when i snapped the shot!! And no sherman was further south not my part of atlanta
01-03-2005 21:19:57
that DHL truck is beat to hell. DHL is really bad compared to fedex and ups.
01-03-2005 21:20:52
[quote581cf08444="ENGRDawg"]that DHL truck is beat to hell. DHL is really bad compared to fedex and ups.[/quote581cf08444]
i think they are a small company trying to start out
or maybe they have a different style
01-03-2005 21:21:25
Courtesy of Lewis Grizzard
General Sherman was passing Stone Mountain on his march to the sea when he looked up and saw a lone Confederate soldier standing on top of the mountain waving a flag. General Sherman chooses the best fighting man he has and sends him up the hill. A few minutes later the blue clad body comes flying down the mountain and lands right in front of General Sherman. He chooses ten soldiers and sends them to take care of the lone Confederate. None return. Finally, he sends 100 troops up the hill. One survives and comes back down bleeding from every natural orifice and several new ones. Sherman rushes to the injured man who warns him, "It's a trick, General. There's TWO of them up there!"
01-03-2005 21:23:48
[quote277af90792="ENGRDawg"]Courtesy of Lewis Grizzard
General Sherman was passing Stone Mountain on his march to the sea when he looked up and saw a lone Confederate soldier standing on top of the mountain waving a flag. General Sherman chooses the best fighting man he has and sends him up the hill. A few minutes later the blue clad body comes flying down the mountain and lands right in front of General Sherman. He chooses ten soldiers and sends them to take care of the lone Confederate. None return. Finally, he sends 100 troops up the hill. One survives and comes back down bleeding from every natural orifice and several new ones. Sherman rushes to the injured man who warns him, "It's a trick, General. There's TWO of them up there!"[/quote277af90792]
Well Shermans tatic during his march was ingenious, strike fear within the people inner selfs and you have them in a good posistion. So being taken into todays perspectives if we drop cluster bombs all over a country to kill civillians (only with good cuase) it will strike fear within the soliders and make they be defensive instead of offensive
01-03-2005 21:26:19
Yeah will if sherman was in Stone Mountain then thats not far from me at all ;) but hell i dont know
01-03-2005 21:27:52
[quote086c5a3a00="Stroid"]Yeah will if sherman was in Stone Mountain then thats not far from me at all ;) but hell i dont know[/quote086c5a3a00]
haha dont tell me you were one of the two waving the flag stroids wink You and ENGRDawg shock
01-03-2005 21:30:09
my family is a bunch of transplanted yankees from illinois and i doubt stroid's \ass cares enough about it to wave a rebel flag. He WAS a big Tony Stewart fan for a while. That's pretty redneck, isn't it? -)
11-03-2005 12:26:11
I got my free 20Gb regular iPod today by DHL. I opened it and headed straight for the Apple store down the road at the mall. Walked in, exchanged it for a 30Gb iPod photo and paid $21.20(student discount).
Only 5 referrals, $21 and I have a shiny new color iPod photo!
It's the 2nd generation photo, so Apple kept the dock and the case and the firewire(USB 2.0 instead). But hey, for $21, I can't really complain, can I?
11-03-2005 18:48:26
yeah thats not a bad deal at all i would pay $21.20 difference for the photo over the 20gb
11-03-2005 18:59:28
Thats what im gonna do. I just dont know if I get a student discount if im not in college. lol.
red summer sun
21-03-2005 11:40:14
how many ipods do you have
red summer sun
21-03-2005 11:41:17
how many ipods do you have
21-03-2005 12:13:35
He has un, deax, trois
21-03-2005 12:45:29
i have 1 20gb that i kept, 1 20gb that i gave to my girlfriend, and 1 photo ipod that i kept
21-03-2005 12:59:15
[quote84a3403481="Stroid"]i have 1 20gb that i kept, 1 20gb that i gave to my girlfriend, and 1 photo ipod that i kept[/quote84a3403481]
What do you need 2 iPods for shock
21-03-2005 13:07:22
To be the Admin mod w-e that he is. You gotta have double the fire power, if your gonna enforce the law.
21-03-2005 13:15:39
[quote721f5ffd47="Collateral"][quote721f5ffd47="Stroid"]i have 1 20gb that i kept, 1 20gb that i gave to my girlfriend, and 1 photo ipod that i kept[/quote721f5ffd47]
What do you need 2 iPods for shock[/quote721f5ffd47]
I dont need two i just got my photo like 2 weeks ago or something like that. I plan on giving my sister my 20gb but she hasnt taken it yet. It just kinda sits in my room on my desk unused ?
ebay it. hehe thats what i did with my extras.
09-04-2005 17:14:07
damn stoid is ugly LOL
09-04-2005 18:56:52
[quote6de1dd775d="gstan"]damn stoid is ugly LOL[/quote6de1dd775d]
09-04-2005 18:57:36
[quote031b6d7da5="nate08"][quote031b6d7da5="gstan"]damn [b031b6d7da5]stoid[/b031b6d7da5] is ugly LOL[/quote031b6d7da5]
And I think you mean stRoid