thomas moore
26-02-2005 10:04:11
good to know they are coming through, what are you going to use the gift cert for? 8)
26-02-2005 10:05:17
[quotec2077320b7="thomas moore"]good to know they are coming through, what are you going to use the gift cert for? 8)[/quotec2077320b7]
Already bought an all-in-one printer and a pizza maker. Pretty good for only $6 out of pocket. All those came with free shipping P
thomas moore
26-02-2005 10:06:21
thats damn good,!, you took the cash out option in lou of the gaming systems right?
26-02-2005 10:18:39
[quoteb8ae885919="thomas moore"]thats damn good,!, you took the cash out option in lou of the gaming systems right?[/quoteb8ae885919]
Whatcha mean? You have the option of paypal, amazon, or the actualy system. I chose amazon just b/c I knew that paypal would take way longer to get.
thomas moore
26-02-2005 10:25:36
ahhh i didnt know there was three options, thanks for the clarity! btw the eagles - hotel california...GREAT SONG! wink
26-02-2005 12:35:33
if im in the pending area is there any way i can change to paypal without losing my spot? (ive been pending for approx. 1 motnh)
26-02-2005 12:41:07
[quotef676cd7b31="pcmsurf"]if im in the pending area is there any way i can change to paypal without losing my spot? (ive been pending for approx. 1 motnh)[/quotef676cd7b31]
You haven't actually chosen your gift, so you can't change it yet. You will be emailed with your options when you go STV.
The choices are
$160 PayPal
$160 Amazon
Game Console
$160 Amazon
$190 PayPal
$190 Amazon
$450 PayPal
$450 Amazon
liGames has no STV status, you go straight from Pending to Shipped.
liliI'm not absolutely certain of the amount [$450]
26-02-2005 12:41:19
umm, whats a pizza maker?
26-02-2005 12:41:52
[quote10567f7a94="kaymin"]umm, whats a pizza maker?[/quote10567f7a94]
Good question. I guess it's some kind of oven or microwave.
26-02-2005 12:43:50
26-02-2005 12:52:28
26-02-2005 14:30:20
oh yea the pizzazz!! I remember using that in the dorms, when theres no oven this is the thing to have D