My First Payday!

Live forum:


23-03-2007 18:54:38

Went to Mexico for a week to build a church, just got back, and saw that I have been paid by trainn.

250 for the wii site.

I don't know how to do a screen shot and am too lazy to search it out but it's there in the paypal and I'm thrilled!

Can't wait to finish another few, it seems to good to be true.

Anyway, God Bless and good luck,



23-03-2007 19:03:30

Congrats. I remember the rush of my first payout.

And I think building a church in Mexico would be awesome.


PS If you want to trade any, I have a bunch of sites I need.


23-03-2007 19:38:39

Congrats, I just finished my second one and am now working on my third!

Big War Bird

23-03-2007 20:19:00

It feels great doesn't it?


23-03-2007 21:05:50

congrats on the payout.

To get a screen shot. hit "Print Screen"

it's located near scroll lock and the pause/break key.

then open up m.s. paint, and press Ctrl+V to past the screen shot.


23-03-2007 21:30:48

The first payout is always the best. Good Luck trying to escape the addiction =]


24-03-2007 09:28:12

First hhhhmmmm seems like so long ago. Well congrats


24-03-2007 15:38:48

Thanks for all the kind words! and +karma to thikid for the screenshot help.
