And the winner is...
23-09-2004 12:50:37

http/" alt=""/"67/997/computer_top.jpg[" alt=""/imgb852321c95]
[img="b852321c95]http/" alt=""/"89/3714/monitor_top.jpg[" alt=""/imgb852321c95]
[img="b852321c95]http/" alt=""/"89/7075/packing_slip.jpg[" alt=""/imgb852321c95]
23-09-2004 13:43:54
Did you really get your free pc already???? Did your status go to shipped?
23-09-2004 13:46:37
No, I didnt get my free PC, I just ordered a Dell for the hell of it.....
It's on sent to vendor, placed my order 9/2, p3'd 9/21.
23-09-2004 13:53:16
[quotebead2c5476="Anonymous"]Did you really get your free pc already???? Did your status go to shipped?[/quotebead2c5476]
Do you not see where it say "Gratis Internet" on the invoice?
Hopefully I'll get mine soon. I went processing on 9/14.
23-09-2004 14:02:32
Holy Shit. I ordered mine on 9/2, I should run home and check to see if it's there. I'm impressed that they upgraded the early people to 80GB, CDRW and the 3000.
What was the total cost on the invoice - the $100 rebate.
When did you go STV? Tuesday with the rest of the early people?
23-09-2004 14:07:42
Niceeeeeee! I wish i would get mine, I went into processing on 9/14 and am still stv wink
23-09-2004 14:11:02
Post in the gallery, jackass!
23-09-2004 14:12:06
[quoteb15d5e65ca="doylnea"]Holy Shit. I ordered mine on 9/2, I should run home and check to see if it's there. I'm impressed that they upgraded the early people to 80GB, CDRW and the 3000.
What was the total cost on the invoice - the $100 rebate.
When did you go STV? Tuesday with the rest of the early people?[/quoteb15d5e65ca]
Ok, yeah, time for that heart attack I mentioned earlier, Admin. I can't wait to retire my current POS.
23-09-2004 14:13:49
[quote5f095c59e6="Anonymous"][quote5f095c59e6="doylnea"]Holy Shit. I ordered mine on 9/2, I should run home and check to see if it's there. I'm impressed that they upgraded the early people to 80GB, CDRW and the 3000.
What was the total cost on the invoice - the $100 rebate.
When did you go STV? Tuesday with the rest of the early people?[/quote5f095c59e6]
Ok, yeah, time for that heart attack I mentioned earlier, Admin. I can't wait to retire my current POS.[/quote5f095c59e6]
Ah, that was me who just posted that. Huzzah!
23-09-2004 14:13:50
[quote08b9372847="Admin"]Post in the gallery, jackass![/quote08b9372847]
P.S. Just posted, sexy ;)
23-09-2004 14:49:42
Comppimp - could you give us the customer # (it's Gratis's anyway)? That way we can look up our orders online D (this was posted at the gearlive forums by JamesM4321)
23-09-2004 15:06:43
are u going to post pictures of the actualy pc too? or just the box?
wat kinda monitor did it come w.?
23-09-2004 15:13:21
23-09-2004 15:15:02
Each customer # only has 3 orders, so it wouldn't make any sense to give that out (not that I would give it out anyways if it had all the orders).
23-09-2004 15:24:13
Too bad you can't use the $100 rebate wink
23-09-2004 15:33:42
23-09-2004 18:03:33
[quotee9b375368b="knightsofshadows"]Too bad you can't use the $100 rebate wink[/quotee9b375368b]
23-09-2004 19:17:37
heres hoping mine comes soon... plus all my other pcs i bought lol, they'll be here next monday at the latest!
p4... i hate you lol
24-09-2004 11:05:34
You got a Dimension 3000? Their site initially said the 2400, although I was PRAYING it would be the 3000...
24-09-2004 11:07:38
If you were kind, you could go and download the rebate form for Gratis. I'd imagine Dell would at least process the first 5 (since that's what it says on the rebate terms). Gratis would get a nice $500 back as a thank you. If mine comes with a rebate as the line item, I'm filling one out for them... $0.37 for possibly some good karma...
24-09-2004 16:30:23
so how do they decide what you get on their site it says minimum is 2.4 and you got 2.8 and then it says 40gb and you got 80 how do they choose?