$250 money.123stuffforfree

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=56187


08-03-2007 16:58:14

Of all the freebie sites I participated in, I by far had the best experiences with 123stuffforfree. Got paid the next day after approval with no fees

Thanks Dave for your quick support on AIM!

http/" alt=""/img410.imageshack.us/img="410/6983/123stuffforfreexa5.jpg[" alt=""/imgc8574c8cb1]


08-03-2007 17:00:06

Hey congrats on that cash, 123network always pays quick 8)


08-03-2007 17:03:57

Congrats !

ALOT of good sites around but the 123StuffForFree Network seems to do things really good. Have to try them next.

Have fun with the "cash"! lol

Rick aka CorpRebel 8)


08-03-2007 17:05:22

Congrats to you!

Like CorpRebel, I'll have to try them sometime ... as soon as I finish up what I'm working on ? So many sites ...


08-03-2007 18:17:23

Nicely done! Congrats!


09-03-2007 14:37:30

Very nicely done. I'm currently working on my own 123stuffforfree site as well ) Can't wait until I finish it and see the results ^^