06-01-2007 16:52:52
http//i14.tinypic.com/33zeoo7.jpg[" alt=""/img0f840a09b9] -PSP Value Pack
[img="0f840a09b9]http//ec2.images-amazon.com/images/P/B000AAM1YI.01._AA280_SCLZZZZZZZ_V40426875_.jpg[" alt=""/img0f840a09b9] -2gb Memory Stick (to lazy to put actually pic)
[img="0f840a09b9]http//content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/c/ca/250px-BF1942box.jpg[" alt=""/img0f840a09b9] -Battlefield 1942
Tons Of Cash...Around $300 or so...
Thats all I can think of...
And all those items brings the customs fee's (I hate those bastards) to around... $50!! God their so stupid, tax $10 handling fee is $8.00!!
Anyways I love RN!! (RewardzNetwork)[/list]
PS [img="0f840a09b9]http//files.myopera.com/drlaunch/albums/37656/thumbs/i-lold001.jpg_thumb.jpg[" alt=""/img0f840a09b9] When I saw the fee's for customs (Had to put the owl in)