12-12-2006 15:29:43
I just got $550 from PS34Free.com
I started the site back in May(I think)
I got my last green yesterday and was approved within an hour or so. And I just got my $550 PayPal Payment! Thanks OC!!
FreeEnterprize Joe
12-12-2006 22:19:08
OC -- Congrats! How many OODs did you have? I had 1 when I did the site back when they launched.
13-12-2006 10:18:10
You sure u got approved in a hour from TRAIIN?
13-12-2006 13:22:25
Its an OfferCentric site...I'm not sure how many OODs I had because I only paid for my last ref....that ref was an OOD.