15-11-2006 13:47:54
Yep, got it today, was getting worried because my account never changed from processing to shipped. I submitted my offer on october 30.
http/" alt=""/img149.imageshack.us/img="149/3973/getattachmentaspxll8.jpg[" alt=""/img4488ee899e]
unknown uchiha
15-11-2006 17:32:22
4.5 points, so he either did an offer and got refs to do the rest or got all refs.
My university's store has an assload of new iPods. The new Shuffles look hot =D
15-11-2006 17:41:42
where did they buy it from?
15-11-2006 20:42:57
PC Mall.
I actually did both offers myself, I signed up the first day they were up and didn't really understand it. Then when my second offer didn't credit myself, and I had no refs, the OE rep said since I signed up before they clarified how the site worked in their TOS that I could get both credits )
unknown uchiha
15-11-2006 20:47:04
My DS Lite from them also came from PC Mall =D Congrats.
15-11-2006 21:11:40
How long from when you placed your order?
I just ordered $225 paypal today. )
16-11-2006 14:59:53
congratulations on your iPod Shuffle from Giftmonkey
16-11-2006 17:53:47
Got my 2GB Nano today - had to go pick it up at UPS. Was sent from PCmall. Status still shows processing on Gift Monkey
16-11-2006 19:04:55
my order history dissapeared..is this a bad thing!??!
16-11-2006 21:35:14
Yea, mine is still 'processing' as well ?
Even after I've resold it lol