Who Has The Most Yellows? I DO!!
14-01-2005 17:53:41

http/" alt=""/img118.exs.cx/img="118/9210/untitled7sn.jpg[" alt=""/imge3112dd30d]
14-01-2005 17:54:31
oh SHOOT! mods, can you move this to General Discussion?
14-01-2005 18:37:27
you definitly dont. someone said they had like 400 for tech4free.com
14-01-2005 19:53:54
wow. hahaha what have u been doing to get so many yellows? i need tips.
I'd like to remind everyone that it's greens that matter lol
15-01-2005 00:21:02
bragging about yellows tsk tsk
15-01-2005 00:29:15
Speaking of yellows...
has anybody tried paid advertising with opt-in lists?
Back in the day I had signed up with a few opt-in advertising lists (for like free lottos and stuff), and a huge number of the offers on them were MLM type schemes, or just straight pyramid scams.
If I were to advertise via this medium (it's fairly inexpensive) does anybody have experience with the return on investment?
I mean, if 5% of the people sign up and become yellow, can i even expect 1% of the people to get green? .1%? I know the response rate is really low on spam, but I don't know about opt-in stuff.
15-01-2005 07:32:05
<--------146 yellows
15-01-2005 16:40:36
365 yellows for www.freeipods.com )
15-01-2005 17:28:38
No one can beat me. I had 450+ yellows for tech4free.com. IN your FACE!!!!
beat this 743 yellows for ipods-free.com lol
15-01-2005 17:40:10
[quote57b112c357="l0th"]beat that 743 yellows for ipods-free.com lol[/quote57b112c357]
No thanks ?
15-01-2005 19:34:20
May i ask how the hell you get so many?all i have is 2 lol
15-01-2005 20:51:51
LOL, to all those talking and being proud about the yellows, it doesn't matter cuz yellow doesn't mean anything. if they stayed yellow for a month or more, they're bound to stay the same.
there's nothing to be proud of. sorry if i sound harsh.
15-01-2005 21:19:28
[quote3d82882501="l337m4n"]May i ask how the hell you get so many?all i have is 2 lol[/quote3d82882501]
well, you must not be very l33t. j/p.
Eh...I dont got many myself. But, its the greens that matter. Unfortunately, I don't got many of those either.
15-01-2005 21:59:26
I agree in that yellows are just wasted referrals....green power!
15-01-2005 22:15:15
speaking of wasted, FreeOffers ;)
15-01-2005 22:20:26
hehe, I'm working on it...I promise
15-01-2005 22:32:20
L-O-L! Which ad service did you use? I'm PMing all of you. Thanks!
[quote52a70489e1]LOL, to all those talking and being proud about the yellows, it doesn't matter cuz yellow doesn't mean anything. if they stayed yellow for a month or more, they're bound to stay the same.[/quote52a70489e1]
don't worry about me I'm confident my 743 yellows for ipods-free.com will soon turn green lol
David Letterman
16-01-2005 18:56:07
Did all 743 people complete an offer as well?
OK, it looks like it's confusing too many people I don't have 743 yellows for that deal, it was just a joke because ipods-free.com is a well known scam. I also thought it would be fun to compete with some people and their ridiculous number of yellows.
As matter of fact I rarely get more yellows than greens, and I get just the number of greens I need. Just trying to contribute to saving our planet here legit referrals seem to be an endangered species. lol
17-01-2005 00:06:46
[quote9860db7dac="l0th"]Just trying to contribute to saving our planet here legit referrals seem to be an endangered species. lol[/quote9860db7dac]
l0th, you're hilarious.
17-01-2005 00:13:42
Well, he speaks the truth.
When you're in a pyramid scheme like this, eventually the entire population of the planet signs up, and there are way more 'losers' than 'winners'.
Or one could take the infinite possibility of marketing approach where you think that marketing is the limiting factor, not the number of eligable people.
17-01-2005 00:17:41
There are some smarties that don't do their offers until they get all of their referrals, thereby not letting the pyramid scheme get all it can. If all of the referrals aren't done, then the people don't do their offers.
well, the pool is limited especially if you consider that only U.S. residents are eligible (and I'd like to remind people that even though there's something called "the world series", there actually are people beyond US borders), that you sort of need a CC, and that you definitely need to be computer-literate (ever tried to get your 96 year-old great-grandfather or your 2 year old cousin to sign-up under you?). Finally, once you've found one of those, there's a good chance that the person will be cynical about free deals and refuse to sign-up. So, even before we start going on our hunt for referrals, there are not that many left.
There should be some environmental law establishing periods when these are protected and are given some time to reproduce for next year.