$720 PayPal from Laptops.YGF!
11-10-2006 19:31:27
Threw in the towel at 18 greens, 2 yellows, 1 red. Took forever to accumulate those refs, only to decide I didn't want another laptop after all, so YGF accomodated me with a PayPal cashout. I have another $125 in CircuitCity GC's on the way, so it's looking like I'll put 'em in with this and snag a 360 Premium (to hold me over until I can find a PS3), an 80GB iPod, and a game or two.
Ordered and approved on Monday 10/09
Paid on Wednesday 10/11
Thanks, YGF! D

http//www.morrisonline.us/pics/freebies/lapygfpaypal.png[" alt=""/imgd80da9c7a3]
11-10-2006 19:34:28
congrats. That's big money.
ps (I have a brand new xbox 360 premium that I'm looking to sell)...
11-10-2006 19:36:07
Congrats, Dmorris!
11-10-2006 19:36:22
Those damn scammers are getting all the admins here. Damn.
11-10-2006 19:43:33
[quote46fee42f6e="doylnea"]congrats. That's big money.
[b46fee42f6e]ps (I have a brand new xbox 360 premium that I'm looking to sell)...[/b46fee42f6e][/quote46fee42f6e]
NIB, as in, never opened? I'm listening... Make it worth my while. Only thing is I was planning to buy a CC service plan since 360's have been dying on folks left and right. But if the price were right I'd forego the extra warranty. ;)
UniPrize Media
11-10-2006 19:46:22
So why are all the mods here bragging for a known user that scammed users left and right??? Am I missing something?
11-10-2006 19:48:00
Oy vey...
Actually, all of us mods/admins are just waiting to cashout on YGF's sites. As soon as we have the money, we're banning his azz to Siberia. Wurd.
11-10-2006 19:52:33
uhhhhhh I was kidding. If you read TSJ's brag bag, you'd know what I'm talking about.
YGF probably isn't going to like this P
11-10-2006 20:10:13
Congratulations Morrisboy. D
11-10-2006 20:22:13
Congrats. Heh, I was one of those greens D
Too bad those fees are breaking your balls.
11-10-2006 20:38:18
[quote1ef684cfcb="dmorris68"]NIB, as in, never opened? I'm listening... Make it worth my while. Only thing is I was planning to buy a CC service plan since 360's have been dying on folks left and right. But if the price were right I'd forego the extra warranty. ;)[/quote1ef684cfcb]
How much would the warranty cost you? I think microsoft has fixed most of the problems with the xbox 360 breaking down. I would just sugguest buying a fan. I bought my xbox in like november of 05 but it started to stop reading games a few weeks ago. I called up microsoft and they replaced it with no problems. They sent me a box with prepaid shipping and then I made a call to UPS and they picked it up. It took about a week. I don't know..it's up to you. I hate extended warranties though because you know it will never break if you spend the extra $ on the warranty. x .
11-10-2006 21:18:36
Yea all the 05' 360s have unlimited warranties with Microsoft now. Anyway, Grats on that money, I wish I had it wink
12-10-2006 03:58:52
[quotee57bdecf58="johnjimjones"]uhhhhhh I was kidding. If you read TSJ's brag bag, you'd know what I'm talking about.
YGF probably isn't going to like this P[/quotee57bdecf58]
lol Guess he didnt get the joke. Well ulenie, it a joke if you read TSJ's thread. I actually sent him 720 dollars ;)
12-10-2006 11:51:30
[quoted29a41b5d9="YourGiftsFree"][quoted29a41b5d9="johnjimjones"]uhhhhhh I was kidding. If you read TSJ's brag bag, you'd know what I'm talking about.
YGF probably isn't going to like this P[/quoted29a41b5d9]
lol Guess he didnt get the joke. Well ulenie, it a joke if you read TSJ's thread. I actually sent him 720 dollars ;)[/quoted29a41b5d9]
he still is a scammer, one time I had 240 dollars worth of greens, and the LCD I needed/wanted was 265+shipping, but he still bought it for me! What at an ass right?
12-10-2006 15:55:36
[quotebcd380ca51="Tsmith10803"][quotebcd380ca51="YourGiftsFree"][quotebcd380ca51="johnjimjones"]uhhhhhh I was kidding. If you read TSJ's brag bag, you'd know what I'm talking about.
YGF probably isn't going to like this P[/quotebcd380ca51]
lol Guess he didnt get the joke. Well ulenie, it a joke if you read TSJ's thread. I actually sent him 720 dollars ;)[/quotebcd380ca51]
he still is a scammer, one time I had 240 dollars worth of greens, and the LCD I needed/wanted was 265+shipping, but he still bought it for me! What at an ass right?[/quotebcd380ca51]
The nerve of some people..
12-10-2006 17:10:01
That's why I stay away from sites with known scammers.
12-10-2006 17:46:26
[quoteebfd61df67]Laptops.YGF-5/8, paying $24 for instant green[/quoteebfd61df67]
Anyway I have some people IMing me asking why they think I scam you guys, so lets get some real proof thread responces ;)
12-10-2006 19:10:16
Once I get some more refs and cash out I will make a proof thread P
12-10-2006 19:16:02
[quote8183c3b809="tylerc"]Once I get some more refs and cash out I will make a proof thread P[/quote8183c3b809]
Of course you will, because you know what happens if you dont........ lol
12-10-2006 19:26:28
[quoteaae1469bb1="Tsmith10803"]Yea all the 05' 360s have unlimited warranties with Microsoft now. Anyway, Grats on that money, I wish I had it wink[/quoteaae1469bb1]
Unlimited? That's not what I'm reading. I'm reading that MS extended the warranty from 3 months to 1 year from date of purchase. And if I get an 06 model, it looks like the warranty is still 90 days from what I'm seeing on xbox.com. Even if it's a year, I'm reading about a lot of failures at the 1.5 year mark.
I think I'm going to get the 360 from Sam's Club, where I have a membership. I can get a bundle with the Premium + extra wireless controller + play & charge kit for $449. No bundled games that I don't want. ) CircuitCity wants $499 for the same bundle + PGR3, and PGR3 is only like a $20-$30 game. Even better, Sams will sell me a 3-year service contract on the 360 for $39, whereas CC wants $100 for a 2-year contract. Microsoft wants $50 for just a 1-year warranty extension. So it looks like I'm much better off going with Sam's, especially if I decide to get a contract. I will however use the rest of my YGF earnings along with the CircuitCity gift cards to order an 80GB iPod. ;)
So far that's the best 360 deal I've been able to come up with. The Outpost deal with 3 games for $450 isn't that attractive to me, because I really don't want any of those games, plus I'd have to buy a 2nd wireless for another $40-$50, and have no contract.
12-10-2006 21:23:51
If that deal on saturday morning (that I posted in the Hot Deals section) is good and has a few popular games (like Saints Row and Dead Rising) you might be able to turn around and sell the games on ebay or something and buy a wireless controller with that.
13-10-2006 15:56:41
[quote8b13b87a62="BD2006BD"]If that deal on saturday morning (that I posted in the Hot Deals section) is good and has a few popular games (like Saints Row and Dead Rising) you might be able to turn around and sell the games on ebay or something and buy a wireless controller with that.[/quote8b13b87a62]
You didn't see my post over there? Outpost.com put the deal up early -- yesterday -- and it's gone again. Don't know if it'll be up again Saturday or not. $450 for the Premium and Saints Row, Dead Rising, and the driving game I can't remember. It's a good deal if you want those games, or don't care to resell them.
I don't want to hassle with eBaying games, if I bought it I'd just wind up keeping them and STILL buying the games I want, plus the extra controller, etc., and being out more money. I'd rather just buy a bundle that is more practical for me, or just the Premium + an extra controller + the games I want.
16-10-2006 10:55:50
I'm not sure were I read about that warranty thing
16-10-2006 13:38:18
[quotea7fc400f4e="Tsmith10803"]I'm not sure were I read about that warranty thing[/quotea7fc400f4e]
I've read several places that confirm it's just an extension to 1 year. I've decided to just buy the Microsoft 2-year extension for $52 or whatever it is, when mine arrives. I could have paid $39 for the warranty at Sam's Club, but the tax would have exceeded the price difference, plus I'd rather deal directly with Microsoft than a 3rd party warranty, so it works out.
BTW I pulled the trigger at Amazon on the 360 Premium + extra wireless controller + Fight Night Round 3. Buying from CircuitCity I would have paid nearly $50 in tax. No tax with Amazon, and with my free 3-month Amazon Prime trial still in effect, I get free 2nd day shipping. Plus the controller was $10 off at Amazon. So that seemed the best deal after I compared at least a half-dozen different online sources + my local stores.
I also snagged NFSMost Wanted from Sam's Club for $29. Was $39 to $59 everywhere else. NFSCarbon Canyon looks pretty good too, I may go for it when it's released, but MW will tide me over. I was gonna get Madden 07, but let the reviewers talk me out of it.
When my last 3 CC giftcards arrive, I'll put 'em together with what's left of this YGF payout + about $50 and get an 80GB iPod. )
17-10-2006 10:35:03
Dang, that was some fast shipping! Ordered the 360 + Controller + Fight Night from Amazon Sunday night, it arrived today (Tuesday). Just waiting on NFSMW from Sams (tracking says tomorrow).
Oh, and those CircuitCity gift cards I was waiting on arrived yesterday, so I applied them and the remainder of YGF's payout, along with a few bucks of my own, and ordered a black 80GB iPod last night, too.
It's Christmas come early in the Morris household this week! Thanks again, YGF! )
17-10-2006 12:56:23
you can get some cheap game deals from the cheapassgamers forum
17-10-2006 14:34:26
[quote27620b1b8a="dmorris68"]Dang, that was some fast shipping! Ordered the 360 + Controller + Fight Night from Amazon Sunday night, it arrived today (Tuesday). Just waiting on NFSMW from Sams (tracking says tomorrow).
Oh, and those CircuitCity gift cards I was waiting on arrived yesterday, so I applied them and the remainder of YGF's payout, along with a few bucks of my own, and ordered a black 80GB iPod last night, too.
It's Christmas come early in the Morris household this week! Thanks again, YGF! )[/quote27620b1b8a]
Fight Night was an excellent choice.