01-09-2006 16:04:45
ok first of all, ive had the worst experience with this site, but i still got the ipod in the end

http//[" alt=""/img77dd7ac193]
[img="77dd7ac193]http//[" alt=""/img77dd7ac193]
[img="77dd7ac193]http//[" alt=""/img77dd7ac193]
01-09-2006 16:41:23
Damn! I want MINE! I am still waiting to be approved. Anything you can tell me to speed up this process?
01-09-2006 16:44:14
depends on how long you were waiting for, because like i said, i have had the WORST experience with these guys.. and they were basically out of respect with me.
01-09-2006 16:48:19
Well I have been over 2 weeks for approval.... I am getting sick of all the excuses the support has given me.
01-09-2006 16:57:25
this is exactly what happened with me
i requested the thing on july 14/15th, went on a trip, came back, nothing, and waited a whole month, and it said 7-21 days so i went to talk to the guy, and he said he didnt know why i wasnt approved yet, and he was gonna talk to the "department" who tkaes care of that, and i should be approved within 3 days, so 5 days or so pass and nothing, i go talk to him on aim again.. and he says "it appears you have cheated", so i ask him why and he says all my referrals have the same IP, im like, uh no they dont, and then in the end HE WAS LOOKING AT THE WRONG REF LINK.. so i give him my correct ref link, and he says "it appears you have cheated", this is the part where i find him out of respect, because i know how freebie stuff works and stuff.. so i said why? so he says that because all my referrals have the same ISP.. this is the part where im really getting pissed off.. im not gonna go through details here but in the end, he said "ok, youll be fine then, we will also send you a bonus with the ipod for having to wait so long"..
i said ok, and i got it only today (september 1st), with NO BONUS.
im not doing any of their sites again.
01-09-2006 17:06:51
Wow. Support is an ass. I agree. As soon as he gets on AIM, I am going to ask to be approved within the weekend....
01-09-2006 18:16:09
[quote509f18abce="TryinToGetPaid"]Wow. Support is an ass. I agree. As soon as he gets on AIM, I am going to ask to be approved within the weekend....[/quote509f18abce]
He's always idle.
I want to cash out on my sites so I don't need to deal with this /
Some of my refs have AOL and that means NO credit.
01-09-2006 20:02:44
Refs with AOL do not go through?
01-09-2006 20:51:55
[quote228e4eadd7="TryinToGetPaid"]Refs with AOL do not go through?[/quote228e4eadd7]
I had 2 of them and they got DQed for having multiple IPs.
01-09-2006 21:00:20
[quoteae9052946a="UberVash"][quoteae9052946a="TryinToGetPaid"]Refs with AOL do not go through?[/quoteae9052946a]
I had 2 of them and they got DQed for having multiple IPs.[/quoteae9052946a]
wow. people with dynamic IP's change whether they have AOL or not o_o