3 iPods!!! 2 Gratis, 1 OfferCentric! Pics!
31-12-2004 10:10:06
31-12-2004 10:48:32
Very Nice!
31-12-2004 11:39:45
pitiful...some of us cant get one. and you have three....pitiful. for us at least.
What are you gonna do with two of them? Sell em? Thats what you should do.
31-12-2004 11:40:24
any advice on how you reffered people?
31-12-2004 13:02:37
nice blingman im catchin up
31-12-2004 14:05:16
[quote1bc2e98117="paperplate"]any advice on how you reffered people?[/quote1bc2e98117]
The first one took me about 2 months (gratis) i got my best friend, my dads client, and 3 people from online. The second iPod (from OC) took me like an hour to get. I made a conga line at the forum where im a mod, and got a ton of sign ups. The conga stands at 7 completed people so far, but its filled. The third one (photo from gratis) i got about 8 or 9 from my conga line, then 3 from gathering emails and sending them as bulk mail. I ended up with 13 greens and 1 got rejected.
31-12-2004 14:28:32
Craziness man...
01-01-2005 02:57:17
Congrats...I'm working my way to owning one
Damn this is going to take a while to get referrals.
I started up a forum that has congas, but it's not very active.
PM me for the link...if you want.
Congrats on the iPods though!
01-01-2005 23:22:24
congas suck
02-01-2005 08:27:42
[quoted87694bddf="geemic"]congas suck[/quoted87694bddf]
agreed....i joined one in july and i'm stuck.
i've had more sucess on eBait...luring people who dont know about free ipods yet in!
02-01-2005 09:40:43
I too started a conga site. I wont be shutting it down either when I get all my refs. But, I dont want to get banned, so, youll just have to find the link. I have been getting some good hits on it for it only being open 3 days. I just need people to start joining congas.
03-01-2005 23:11:01
That's why you get on the conga lines when the site first comes out + you "lure" people in who don't know about it. That way you have way more of a chance. You don't just rely on the conga line. You have to do work too.
04-01-2005 08:32:43
by "lure" do you mean coax them to meet you in the college library than bash a blunt object over their head rendering them semi-unconcsious and than quickly injecting a nearly-life devastating amount of poison and tell them that you'll trade them the vaccine for a completed offer?
Because if you do, than you are a sick, sick man.
04-01-2005 09:48:54
[quote513dd7b56e="phorty"]by "lure" do you mean coax them to meet you in the college library than bash a blunt object over their head rendering them semi-unconcsious and than quickly injecting a nearly-life devastating amount of poison and tell them that you'll trade them the vaccine for a completed offer?
Because if you do, than you are a sick, sick man.[/quote513dd7b56e]
lol, kind of off on a tangent there, eh? if that was the case though why wouldn't you trade them the vaccine for an ipod... just get it all over with right then and there.
the trick to that would by luring someone with an ipod to the library
04-01-2005 12:35:22
Yes, yes. Ive done this twice. Thats how I got my two photo ipod refs.
I'm not running a conga line site, I'm running a conga circle site, so it's easier for everyone to get referrals.
Also, I'm not going to be quitting on my site when/if I get my referrals.
PM me to see it ;).
04-01-2005 18:19:17
c'mon guys...ebait (ebay)...luring...
aka...auctions which have free ipod links.
05-01-2005 13:14:37
Whats a circle...how do they work. lol
06-01-2005 13:23:03
Looks like all the hard work we are all putting into these things is FINALLY paying off. lol )
06-01-2005 13:45:49
[quote837ccca1a6="DCJoeDog"]Looks like all the hard work we are all putting into these things is FINALLY paying off. lol )[/quote837ccca1a6]
thats true. dont think im some jackass little kid who chets to get everything. i've been doin this for 6 months and it was hard back then. i almost gave up and would've never done anything ever again.
06-01-2005 17:06:20
I've been lurking for the Loooooongest time before I ever started to post.
I remember these forums even before Kevin Rose ever mentioned the free ipods thing on TSS. (The Screensavers, TechTV)
06-01-2005 18:35:03
[quote16727c6418="BlingKing"]3 iPods!!! 2 Gratis, 1 OfferCentric! Pics![/quote16727c6418]

http//www.club3g.com/forum/images/smilies/hail.gif[" alt=""/img16727c6418]
06-01-2005 20:41:16
Very very nice. How the heck do you guys do this. I just found out about it today! Another annoying newbie coming through. [
07-01-2005 05:26:04
lishrugsli some of us are what you might call...lisighsli geniuses...stick around kiddo and maybe ill...ya know...take ya under my wing or let you stand in my shadow or something...
and if your lucky i might let you go and find 5 referrals for me .. if you play your cards right ,that is lol
07-01-2005 09:58:02
[quoteed07a4d732="phorty"]lishrugsli some of us are what you might call...lisighsli geniuses...stick around kiddo and maybe ill...ya know...take ya under my wing or let you stand in my shadow or something...
and if your lucky i might let you go and find 5 referrals for me .. if you play your cards right ,that is lol[/quoteed07a4d732]
Oh please great sir, can you take me under you wing too and let my find 5 referrals for you? lol
Seriously, this stuff takes persistence. Giving up is what these companies really want you to do. That way they get to keep all the revenue you generated for them and have to send you nothing in return.
07-01-2005 11:33:30
True that.
Im on 2 yellows for freephotoipod and I signed up yesterday.
I think I'm becoming infatuated with the whole thing...
What about that trading service? I think you have to pay.
07-01-2005 12:27:35
yeah, like 6 bucks or something. I dont know if it works that good though.
I havent gotten an ipod yet, and ive been doing this for three months.
07-01-2005 14:36:06
dang you suck bling, lol
naw but im jealous, like really jealous
07-01-2005 15:31:51
meh too, meh too. Eh...im on my way though, I have a few people lined up for completeing an offer on freeipods.com.
07-01-2005 23:51:11
[quotefacc8e9bb7="phorty"]lishrugsli some of us are what you might call...lisighsli geniuses...stick around kiddo and maybe ill...ya know...take ya under my wing or let you stand in my shadow or something...
and if your lucky i might let you go and find 5 referrals for me .. if you play your cards right ,that is lol[/quotefacc8e9bb7]
Do it. Teach meee.
And I love Battle Royale.
08-01-2005 00:07:21
[quote219f3ebc79="Meeps"]Very very nice. How the heck do you guys do this. I just found out about it today! Another annoying newbie coming through. [[/quote219f3ebc79]
And is it possible for canadians!?
apparently not says the front page \
08-01-2005 00:09:11
My advice is to tell everyone you know, bug your friends until they do it, and look for every outlet online. And once you get your ipod rub it in everyones face! )
08-01-2005 05:53:20
[quotef9890a2924="stroid"]My advice is to tell everyone you know, bug your friends until they do it, and look for every outlet online. And once you get your ipod rub it in everyones face! )[/quotef9890a2924]
Couldn't have said it better myself. P
08-01-2005 10:36:36
[quote7f909e3a29="phorty"][quote7f909e3a29="stroid"]My advice is to tell everyone you know, bug your friends until they do it, and look for every outlet online. And once you get your ipod rub it in everyones face! )[/quote7f909e3a29]
Couldn't have said it better myself. P[/quote7f909e3a29]
i want to take a pic of me and my ipod (when i get it) and me masturbating (of course fully clothed, so as not to be deemed pornographic) with my ipod...
how funny would that be? gratis would love it, haha