30-07-2006 07:23:58
Yes thats right!
I got one!
Took about 55 days to finish the site (we waited on some offers that would never credit and did last minute offers in the end)
Sent the certs two days later, and then it took about a month for processing.
Started in about april 25th. Finished about June 15th or so. Started to process about June 25th.
Recieved July 27th!!
Heres the pic! (My friend is playing call of duty)

http/" alt=""/"139/4403/plasmago9.jpg[" alt=""/imgd661dc6242]
30-07-2006 07:25:35
Congrats man! I just hooked up the one that I got in my basement. It looks great. woohoo!
30-07-2006 08:10:27
I know its amazing!
Although the downside is it cost 15 bones to buy convert BNC to RCA adapters.
And I need a stand ....thats 150 bones. Thas about it though
30-07-2006 11:03:45
I know its amazing!
Although the downside is it cost 15 bones to buy convert BNC to RCA adapters.
And I need a stand ....thats 150 bones. Thas about it though
There is a vendor that sells a 5 pack for $4.75 including shipping on ebay. But $15 isn't too bad.
Yeah, they really rip you with the stand. It definitely shouldn't cost $150.
30-07-2006 11:14:25
How many people did you have to refer? It says you have to refer 5 on the site
30-07-2006 11:27:26
Wow /jealous. Well Someone throw me a PM when a new good I-deal site comes out. =P Already "your certs have been recieved and proccessed by our advertisers on july 18" on Toshiba m65 laptop. But don't want to miss the boat on the next one.
30-07-2006 11:34:29
I'm building a wall mount for under $20
I'll post pics, and directions when it's done
30-07-2006 12:20:38
[quotefc325883ce="ffactoryxx"]order from[/quotefc325883ce]
Exactly, that's my vendor of choice for such things. I think they have the BNC adapters for about $1 each in quantities of 2 or 3.
01-08-2006 13:04:09
Anyone got good links to get a stand cheaper than 150 for ?
I already got the adapters so im good on that....
I just need the stand.
PSL im in pakistan right now, so for anyone who can see, my IP is gonne be wierd.
I informed TSJ already ).
Thanks all!
Any help is appreciated.
01-08-2006 13:25:26
hows the shipping at monoprice. I am looking to buy a firewire cable, and can't afford to wait a while for it to come.
01-08-2006 13:52:02
I just checked EBAY.
I saw a cool concept...
Its a WALL MOUNT, but attached to a stand, so it doesnt mount to the wall...
So its basically like the $150 stand..and they go for like 100 on ebay.
01-08-2006 13:52:09
[quote3c8dbf8136="freedesktoppc"]hows the shipping at monoprice. I am looking to buy a firewire cable, and can't afford to wait a while for it to come.[/quote3c8dbf8136]
Very good. Order it USPS Priority, it will usually ship same day and you'll have it 1-2 days later to most places.
01-08-2006 20:25:28
I made two orders in the last month (Refered by the AVS Forum) and I'd say the quality of everything was excellent. The only annoyance I had is that the Premium Component Video Cables are 3 RG-6 Cables molded together, and they split at both ends with just barley enough slack to connect them to the connectors....otherwise everyting I bought works extremely well.
Congrats on the Plasma!
02-08-2006 09:25:08
Thats a very long sig there ^... I would trim it, Lots of extra scrollin (