28-07-2006 20:34:50

http//[" alt=""/img0e81dd4117]
w00tness Mcw00terson. Not bad for a night's work.
28-07-2006 21:20:22
wtg i am still waiting for my payment (
29-07-2006 07:54:40
Nice I got $100 too coming to me this friday
29-07-2006 16:34:37
How long do they usually take to credit a cash out? D
29-07-2006 17:09:01
I think its a week. They payout every Friday, so I'm guessing if you cashout today, then you'd get the cash, not this friday, but next friday, but don't quote me.
29-07-2006 18:42:15
Sounds about right to me as far as time goes. However, I cashed out on the Sunday before last and actually received the payment this past Wednesday.
29-07-2006 20:14:10
Well I canceled my cashout, although I need the money I really want to get something on the site. I asked them about adding a graphire tablet and they said contact them again in August and hopefully they will have a deal setup with wacom.
29-07-2006 22:02:36
[quote522fe787f6="egyptianruin"]Well I canceled my cashout, although I need the money I really want to get something on the site. I asked them about adding a graphire tablet and they said contact them again in August and hopefully they will have a deal setup with wacom.[/quote522fe787f6]
I did the same. I'm hoping they'll put up a 12 Month Xbox Live Card so I can get that instead.
01-08-2006 00:17:36
I'm confused about this PrizePoints thing, though. Are they not offering prizes as an alternative to cashing out anymore?
01-08-2006 00:35:37
Instead of cash prizes they have point prizes. Everytime a referral cashes out you get a point that counts toward a prize. However the items and the alotted points you need to earn for each are wrong. They are going to update them within the next few days. You can always cash out I suppose for $$ to buy an item you want. Im sure things will get more specific as things progress, just keep an eye on their forums they always have up to date info.
01-08-2006 10:11:55
Dude I love your avatar egyptianruin D
02-08-2006 09:37:34
I think it's much simpler if they only offer cash as an option. I like it.