Dell 2407FPW 24" LCD Monitor from I-Deal
26-07-2006 21:20:59
Thought I'd missed this one since shipping status was MIA, but it turned up today and caught me totally by surprise!

http//" alt=""/img_2643R.JPG[/img30d20c1772]
Here she is running dualie with my 2001FP. Love my 3520x1200 chunk o' real estate! (pardon the messy desk -- they say it's a sign of genius)
[img="30d20c1772]http//" alt=""/img_2657R.JPG[/img30d20c1772]
26-07-2006 21:23:38
2407 nice nice i got the 3007 though but congrats )
26-07-2006 21:32:13
That's pretty sexy. Congrats.
26-07-2006 21:37:58
Sexy, now if only my offers would credit.
27-07-2006 00:26:05
im jealous ; _ ;
i hate you.
no i dont, congratz
27-07-2006 00:53:51
That Flat Screen is the secks, congrats
27-07-2006 01:00:05
Fusioncash needs to buy you a similar screen now lol
27-07-2006 04:45:11
how long was the whole process
27-07-2006 04:57:01
You have entirely too many icons.
27-07-2006 05:06:52
Gosh, I really need to start doing DIY sites. I could use that monitor for my 360.
27-07-2006 05:35:18
[quotef2f7a92971="junkie06"]how long was the whole process[/quotef2f7a92971]
Started it in May I think (I started the thread about it). Certs were approved on 7/6, so only about 2.5 weeks until delivery.
Went through 3 or 4 refs before I got one that stuck it out and finished. It was only 6 easy offers + 1 ref, and I believe it still is.
[quotef2f7a92971="bballp6699"]You have entirely too many icons.[/quotef2f7a92971]
I agree!
I'm gonna need a bigger desk. Desks with built-in hutches and monitor "cubbies" don't handle this much monitor very well. Oh well, this one is like 10 years old anyway, so it's time to retire it...
27-07-2006 05:43:53
I'm man enough to admit I'm jealous.
27-07-2006 07:36:42
That would kill my eyes having 2 monitors.
Congrats though.
28-07-2006 14:46:15
whats value on it dmorris? congrats
28-07-2006 15:23:58
[quote3e2c1600b4="kdollar"]whats value on it dmorris? congrats[/quote3e2c1600b4]
I believe I-Deal paid over 900 for it, but with a little looking around you can get it for well under 800 from dell....
28-07-2006 23:28:53
thats a lot of icons.
28-07-2006 23:30:45
$703. print it out for tax purposes.
29-07-2006 07:50:39
[quote589957b1b6="ILoveToys"][quote589957b1b6="kdollar"]whats value on it dmorris? congrats[/quote589957b1b6]
I believe I-Deal paid over 900 for it, but with a little looking around you can get it for well under 800 from dell....[/quote589957b1b6]
Yep, $931 shipped is what I-Deal paid.
A buddy saw mine yesterday and immediately went and bought one. ) He paid like $742 shipped including tax. They were running a free shipping thing, so he just paid the $703 + tax.
Captain All That
29-07-2006 16:34:28
That Monitor is sooooooo hotttttt!
Congrats dude...
29-07-2006 16:34:51
[quoteb4c182cfee="CougarKid"]That's pretty sexy. Congrats.[/quoteb4c182cfee]
29-07-2006 16:40:59
Running dual 24" would be nice XD.
31-07-2006 08:24:25
Nice job on the Monitor, I think you needed it considering you have about 6,000 icons on your desktop lol
13-08-2006 10:01:27
$703. print it out for tax purposes.[/quoteb0e81776be]
so im just submitting my stuff to redeem this baby, do i print out that screen for when my tax return comes? or do i send it with my w9 to them? it would make sense for the first one right? but on my tax return, they will put how much they paid right? thanks
13-08-2006 12:27:16
$703. print it out for tax purposes.[/quote1db40a32f6]
so im just submitting my stuff to redeem this baby, do i print out that screen for when my tax return comes? or do i send it with my w9 to them? it would make sense for the first one right? but on my tax return, they will put how much they paid right? thanks
They will report what they paid for it on the 1099-MISC they send you. You can then decide to reduce it to fair market value. Don't send that with your taxes though, it will be ignored. Just save it as proof of FMV in case you are audited.
13-08-2006 13:01:36
ok cool, thanks dmorris, so if the FMV goes down below $600, what are the tax implications?
i took an individual tax accounting class in college, but i dont remember some of this stuff.
13-08-2006 13:09:18
[quotecb2f11fb72="djmoksha"]ok cool, thanks dmorris, so if the FMV goes down below $600, what are the tax implications?
i took an individual tax accounting class in college, but i dont remember some of this stuff.[/quotecb2f11fb72]
The tax implications don't change with value. ALL GIFTS ARE TAXABLE and are required by law to be reported, it doesn't matter if it's above or below $600. The $600 threshold is the amount at which the giver has to 1099 you (for which they need the W9), and not the amount at which you start reporting it.
And if they 1099 you, you had better report it, otherwise there will be a discrepancy with the IRS since the 1099 also goes to them. Which will throw up a flag and almost certainly cause an audit or at least a letter of inquiry asking you to explain the discrepancy (along with any penalties due).
And on that note, I have to say once again that you shouldn't be taking tax advice on a public internet forum, particular one that does not specialize in taxes. ;)
13-08-2006 13:11:12
agreed, i have my textbook somewhere, i'll dig it up tonight, so basically, just report it on the 1099 whenever it comes
13-08-2006 16:34:31
If anyone else wants to get one of these bad boys I need a ref lol
Congrats dmorris, I didn't know anyone even got one yet, now im doing the site for sure.
13-08-2006 18:52:20
[quote4133d732c3="Labtec-Jay"]Congrats dmorris, I didn't know anyone even got one yet, now im doing the site for sure.[/quote4133d732c3]
Wasn't just me, if you look at the thread in the DIY section you'll see that several of us got them during the same week. Interest really didn't take off until then, though. )
13-08-2006 19:24:39
what if you dont pay taxes? lol
13-08-2006 19:32:49
[quote78ee5b1fbd="tml09"]what if you dont pay taxes? lol[/quote78ee5b1fbd]
If you earn enough income -- including freebies -- then you must pay taxes. Age doesn't matter, either.
If you don't earn enough, then you aren't required to file, but mind you the threshold is very low so you'd probably better check on that.
13-08-2006 19:36:36
Congrats on that sexy monitor.
But even more congrats on your sexy toy race car. ;)
13-08-2006 20:39:22
for those who earn less than 7500 of income a year, you are exempt from fed and state tax as to my understanding...
13-08-2006 20:49:07
My job i freebies lol
What do I tell I deal. Im going to apply for a TIN, so ill just put applied for
13-08-2006 20:54:14
[quotea6b0b2fa6f="tml09"]My job i freebies lol
What do I tell I deal. Im going to apply for a TIN, so ill just put applied for[/quotea6b0b2fa6f]
You don't have an SSN? Are you an immigrant? Because I didn't think there were very many young Americans today without an SSN -- it's extremely difficult to get through life in today's society without one.
21-08-2006 12:44:34
[quotede197b0a73="tml09"]My job i freebies lol
What do I tell I deal. Im going to apply for a TIN, so ill just put applied for[/quotede197b0a73]
+karma for having no identity.
21-08-2006 12:51:36
+ karma for getting FIPG back up online, you are the man dmorris
quick q, will there be a status change on freemerchandisevoucher when they ship the monitor? i know they already recieved my cert/w9 because i had signature confirmation.
21-08-2006 13:17:13
ah okay. now i see. i was a bit confused lol
btw thanks for the karma killer
22-08-2006 10:26:51
[quote753a74e039="djmoksha"]for those who earn less than 7500 of income a year, you are exempt from fed and state tax as to my understanding...[/quote753a74e039]
23-08-2006 05:06:29
ideal sure does like someone wink
19-09-2006 11:11:59
I don't know HOW you got that monitor, I'm really having a hard time with Free Merchandise Voucher and my Dell screen. Now all my emails are being returned as undeliverable. Molly told me to send in my W-9, which I did and she would process my voucher manually since I had trouble printing it. Now I can't reach anyone there by email, by their online contact form or by phone.
any suggestions?