Thanks freepay for the TWO! Monitors.
08-03-2006 11:36:13
I guess I fell through the cracks on the system. My parents are on an old 17" CRT that is turning yellowish. So I did freepay for them (aren't I a good son)
Monitor arrived yesterday. I just got this e-mail from my mom
[quote29e204c3d9]The monitor is great but a second one just came to the house.???[/quote29e204c3d9]
lol lol
Lets hope it works the same for my iPod, Premium iPod, Digital Camera, and Mac Mini )
u should contact freepay and let them honest
08-03-2006 11:50:49
[quote59abb378cd="aguy"]u should contact freepay and let them honest[/quote59abb378cd]
Dear Freepay
Change the TOS back and I'll send back my monitor.
Seriously. Given the generic replies I've gotten from CS. I wonder if they even read or if they just skimm. I can see the conversation going like this
[quote59abb378cd="me"]Hey, I just recieved my flatscreen yesterday. And today another monitor came. I now have two monitors. What should I do?
[quote59abb378cd="FreePay"]Thank you for contacting us. We are sorry but we only allow one gift per household. All of our rules are outlined in our TOS as shown below.
[quote59abb378cd]2. Accounts.
(a) Users are not allowed to have multiple accounts within a single referral-based site. All multiple accounts found to be fraudulent or which violate these Terms and Conditions will be placed on hold.
(b) Only one account is allowed per shipping address. We do this to ensure quality leads for our advertisers. Since we are 100% advertiser supported, we cannot afford to support multiple accounts at the same shipping address. If there is more than one user at a shipping address, we suggest that they share an account. All accounts which are found to contain shared shipping addresses will be placed on hold.
(c) A single user may not have multiple accounts at more than one shipping address. For example, a user may not have an account at a street address and a P.O. Box.
(d) A user may not use another person's name or information to receive products from this website. For example, one person may not join the site for another person, or complete offers for another person's account.
(e) A user may not "walk" a referral through the creation of an account or any subsequent campaign activity on our referral based sites. All users must sign up for their individual account themselves and are responsible for completing the offer process themselves. If a user is found to have "walked" a referral through the signup and/or offer process, all involved parties will have their accounts placed on hold. An exception to this condition would apply when one party is disabled, visually or physically impaired and/or needs legitimate assistance in joining the site. In this case a user has the option to assist their referral as their condition would require. We do request, however, that any and all advertising offer completions be completed with the full knowledge and consent of the user who is having it completed. Also any occurrence of said assistance is requested by Gratis Internet to be communicated to us through the Help section of the website so we may better understand our users, and their needs as well as make sure they are not inappropriately placed on hold.
(f) Referral credits cannot be transferred between accounts.
(g) Each user is personally responsible for maintaining the security of his or her account. A user should not share his or her account information and is responsible for keeping his or her password confidential. Gratis Internet is not liable for any losses incurred through the access of your account by a third party or the disclosure of your password or account.
(h) Any user who has his or her account placed on hold may not create another account on any of the Gratis Internet websites. All parties residing at the same physical address as a user on hold will be affected by this mandate and thus, may be placed on hold indefinitely. [/quote59abb378cd]
I hope this clears up any confusion. This ticket is now closed.[/quote59abb378cd]
08-03-2006 11:53:55
loll thats weriddd haha sell it
08-03-2006 12:18:45
You should have just kept your damn mouth shut.
08-03-2006 12:22:27
[quote0a339d94aa="tylerc"]You should have just kept your damn mouth shut.[/quote0a339d94aa]
lol your so dumb, you posted it. Jake can read this, they know your address.
08-03-2006 12:33:13
[quote0fa51830c0="darkscout"]I guess I fell through the cracks on the system. My parents are on an old 17" CRT that is turning yellowish. So I did freepay for them (aren't I a good son)
Monitor arrived yesterday. I just got this e-mail from my mom
[quote0fa51830c0]The monitor is great but a second one just came to the house.???[/quote0fa51830c0]
lol lol
Lets hope it works the same for my iPod, Premium iPod, Digital Camera, and Mac Mini )[/quote0fa51830c0] Thanks for being dishonest im sure freepay will love this
08-03-2006 12:40:09
[quotec1bdc8ba96="JuG"]lol your so dumb, you posted it. Jake can read this, they know your address.[/quotec1bdc8ba96]
And do what? Send Jake to my house to get it? What if I didn't sign up with the same IP address as I posted from? What if I didn't ship it to the same address I had it ordered from. I did say it went to my parents.
And I don't see how this is 'dishonest'. This is actually more honest than if I had said nothing. I said my parents got a second monitor.
If you think this is so horrible. Tell me what would be the "honest" thing to do. Ship it back on my dime? I bet it didn't come from the FP warehouse like the iPods. So PCMall is going to get a returned monitor from someone that had it paid for by FreePay.
Hell, what if this isn't freepay's fault? What if It's PCmall, or what ever the flatscreen monitor's vendor is. As seen in the FreePay forums Jake is infallable, so what if it's not even his fault?
Then what. Do I ship it back to PC mall and have them go "thanks."
08-03-2006 12:42:39
Yes you send it back.
Last year there were a bunch of people receiving two iPod Shuffles and Freepay (Gratis at the time) sent those people boxes so that they could return the Shuffles back to Freepay.
It was honest of you to come out and say it, so continue to be honest and either contact Freepay about sending it back, or contact PCMall about sending it back.
Either way, someone is down one monitor and you have it.
08-03-2006 12:43:52
Freepay asked for it. Their mistake, your gain.
08-03-2006 12:48:36
Basically someone is gonna get fucked and most likely its gonna be freepay. Things like this fuck companies up and you came on here bragging about receiving two monitors you didnt come on here to ask how to return it. This type of thing has happened before and freepay will send you a box with paid shipping for you to return it to them its a very simple problem to fix.
08-03-2006 13:00:17
I would also send it back because you are processing or you hope to be processing for iPod, Premium iPod, Digital Camera, and Mac Mini. Im sure they can put you on hold or something.
08-03-2006 13:08:15
[quoteb061f5b10d="shortys408"]I would also send it back because you are processing or you hope to be processing for iPod, Premium iPod, Digital Camera, and Mac Mini. Im sure they can put you on hold or something.[/quoteb061f5b10d]
Yeah. That is the only way I would send it back is if I had other accounts that I was waiting for. They can screw you there.
08-03-2006 13:09:30
what kind of piece of shit loser would actually do something like keep something that isn't theirs?
fuck reading this shit is a big bummer, if i ran this site, i would turn you over to freepay and ban you.
i sure as hell know not to trade with you now
08-03-2006 13:18:19
[quote7bde3a3097="damac"]what kind of piece of shit loser would actually do something like keep something that isn't theirs?
fuck reading this shit is a big bummer, if i ran this site, i would turn you over to freepay and ban you.
i sure as hell know not to trade with you now[/quote7bde3a3097]
Lol. Again. As stated above. How do you even know it's FreePay's Fault? Shit. People should stop posting that they got 2 gifts from YDF too. I can't believe how a "I got two monitors by accident" has turned into an "OMG SCAMMAR."
I'll look into sending it back. Will you trade with me then. Pretty Pretty Pretty please.
I think some people on FiPG need to smoke up a little more. Calm the fark down.
08-03-2006 13:18:41
Obviously, it's because of people like him that the TOS has changed.
[quote7a98b858df="damac"]what kind of piece of shit loser would actually do something like keep something that isn't theirs?
fuck reading this shit is a big bummer, if i ran this site, i would turn you over to freepay and ban you.
i sure as hell know not to trade with you now[/quote7a98b858df]
You are 100% rite, its a free site, and you know they have been having problems with money.
08-03-2006 13:21:08
I got 2 monitors also today. Jake already contacted me about sending it back. They are giving me a prepaid mailing label to ship it in.
08-03-2006 13:27:03
[quote8ce2e6defb="shortys408"]I got 2 monitors also today. Jake already contacted me about sending it back. They are giving me a prepaid mailing label to ship it in.[/quote8ce2e6defb]
WTG Shorty, + Karma!
08-03-2006 13:28:17
[quote0ea2a736d6="VrExe"]Obviously, it's because of people like him that the TOS has changed.[/quote0ea2a736d6]
Lol. Wow. Just... wow.
I didn't say
[quote0ea2a736d6="darkscout"]Hey guys. I just got my 3th monitor from freepay! I signed up from all different locations and had it shipped to my dorm, and my apartment and my parent's house. Wow. I can't believe freepay didn't catch me. I only wish I could get this much freestuff with such little ease.
You can see the fanboys filter in.
Read Fark or anywhere else. There's reports of companies of all sizes doing this. People going into BestBuy and getting a TV, going in the next day and BB telling them that their TV is in. Circuit City.
It happened to me with StormPay and 12Daily Pro. I sent 12Daily $300 RIGHT before they were locked out. I was kindof pissed since I had been researching and waiting since like November to see if it was legit. Turns out the timing was such that StormPay refunded the money, but 12Daily still has it credited. Should I contact the SEC or Visa, tell them that my money is really in 12Daily pro and take it back out of my credit card?
What if you send in your tax refunds, and the government double refunds you. Via real check and direct deposit. Are you going to call up Bush and throw him some cash? What about rebates?
Seriously. I just posted that I got two monitors. I haven't said WTF I'm doing. It just FUCKING HAPPENED TODAY.
08-03-2006 13:54:51
[quote62c3015281="tylerc"]You should have just kept your damn mouth shut.[/quote62c3015281]
08-03-2006 13:54:57
LOL, you did the same thing when you tried to "scam" fusioncash. You came out and told everyone you did. If it was me, I would definitely send it back because that is the kind of person I am, but you post having gotten 2 monitors, and you want to keep them both? If you wanted to keep them, don't post at all.
OMG u are teh scammar, liek, did u h4x0r teh internets to do this!/1?!?!! now teh freepai will b out of teh monies, n no 1 will get teh giftz thay urned (.
Anyways, on a more serious note, I love seeing people act like if they found $100 they would take it to the police station and wait for someone to claim it.
Edit I mean, you should return it, but at freepay's expense, and when they contact you about it. I'm willing to bet PCMall (or whoever shipped it) made the mistake, and not freepay.
08-03-2006 13:56:30
[quoteca3c73b880="MSX"]Anyways, on a more serious note, I love seeing people act like if they found $100 they would take it to the police station and wait for someone to claim it.[/quoteca3c73b880]
That doesn't make any sense because he knows where the monitor came from. Obviously if I found $100 on the ground I would keep it.
It's still being dishonest, and I'm 100% sure everyone has been dishonest at one point or another when it comes to things like this.
08-03-2006 14:01:14
[quotee3b1438071="ajrock2000"]LOL, you did the same thing when you tried to "scam" fusioncash. You came out and told everyone you did. If it was me, I would definitely send it back because that is the kind of person I am, but you post having gotten 2 monitors, and you want to keep them both? If you wanted to keep them, don't post at all.[/quotee3b1438071]
No. You obviously have no clue what the hell happened.
I got greedy. I signed up for more than one account. I got caught. Admin gave me 2 options.
1) Tell everyone I did it. Tell them that they have methods to catch 'us'.
2) Get PermaBanned
I came out and told everyone. If I had kept my mouth shut, it's not like FP would have sent me the cash anyway.
08-03-2006 14:02:53
[quote9b4e31cf14="MSX"]Edit I mean, you should return it, but at freepay's expense, and when they contact you about it. I'm willing to bet PCMall (or whoever shipped it) made the mistake, and not freepay.[/quote9b4e31cf14]
Wouldn't that make FreePay as big of a 'scammer' as me? They didn't pay for it. They just happened to get it. It'd almost be even more dishonest if they KNEW it was PCMall's problem and offered to get it back for just the cost of shipping.
08-03-2006 14:03:09
[quote973ba26226="darkscout"][quote973ba26226="ajrock2000"]LOL, you did the same thing when you tried to "scam" fusioncash. You came out and told everyone you did. If it was me, I would definitely send it back because that is the kind of person I am, but you post having gotten 2 monitors, and you want to keep them both? If you wanted to keep them, don't post at all.[/quote973ba26226]
No. You obviously have no clue what the hell happened.
I got greedy. I signed up for more than one account. I got caught. Admin gave me 2 options.
1) Tell everyone I did it. Tell them that they have methods to catch 'us'.
2) Get PermaBanned
I came out and told everyone. If I had kept my mouth shut, it's not like FP would have sent me the cash anyway.[/quote973ba26226]
Oh, all right. I didn't know he told you to do that.
08-03-2006 14:10:51
freepay did pay for it. I got a message from jake yesterday before I received them.
08-03-2006 14:18:01
what do u want the poor guy to do, he sent opened up a support ticket, and they gave him some BS generic response. Its their fault for closign his support ticket, and not taking care of it. They should read the questions that they are sent.
08-03-2006 14:18:41
he said thats what it would look like. That didn't actually happen.
08-03-2006 14:19:15
ya'll can fight about dishonesty all day long
but im going to point out his stupidity! if it was me and i got 2 monitors, id be startin up the beginning of my 'swordfish' setup in my room.
ur an idiot! shock
08-03-2006 14:20:53
[quote548b1d9f4e="kdollar"]ya'll can fight about dishonesty all day long
but im going to point out his stupidity! if it was me and i got 2 monitors, id be settin up the beginning of my 'swordfish' setup in my room.
ur an idiot! shock[/quote548b1d9f4e]
haha. heard that.
08-03-2006 15:23:09
Send it back maybe they will send you a free tshirt.
08-03-2006 15:31:32
Honestly, you are an idiot.
You should have just kept your mouth SHUT, but no, you had to brag about getting 2 monitors instead of just saying you got 1.
08-03-2006 16:09:52
well anyways how can freepay send 2 monitors by mistake ?
08-03-2006 16:58:27
darkscout, listen, what you do is hit the "EDIT" button on ur first post and do as you think with the text... and then... DENY DENY DENY ;) good luck kiddo ;)
08-03-2006 16:59:24
Well, that is up to you.
08-03-2006 17:05:54
not worth it to keep it. Especially when they can hold your other processing orders. pics ) ugh mine was scheduled to come today but it didn't.
08-03-2006 17:23:25
08-03-2006 17:43:17
spoke too soon. kind of late huh?
08-03-2006 17:49:04
heh yea. I want to find out if I can send this back to pcmall and buy an upgraded one.
08-03-2006 17:50:38
[quote85563b6d13="shortys408"]THEY JUST CAME![/quote85563b6d13]
They?? you got 2 as well?
08-03-2006 18:29:37

http/" alt=""/"340/1416/freeflats9hn.jpg[" alt=""/imgc30e35476e]
08-03-2006 19:44:31
You all do know that when a company sends 2 by mistake your cutting into the purchase money.
So if you all decide to keep them, make sure you never post about long processing times.
08-03-2006 19:49:35
not keeping
08-03-2006 19:58:56
good on ya, shorty. Hopefully dark scout will do the same.
08-03-2006 20:21:41
08-03-2006 20:24:01
[quote60c1f35b3a="darkscout"] What if you send in your tax refunds, and the government double refunds you. Via real check and direct deposit. Are you going to call up Bush and throw him some cash? What about rebates?[/quote60c1f35b3a]
If the Gov't send you double refund, they will charge you, and if you spent it....jail time bitch!.
[quote60c1f35b3a="MSX"]Anyways, on a more serious note, I love seeing people act like if they found $100 they would take it to the police station and wait for someone to claim it.[/quote60c1f35b3a]
[b60c1f35b3a]Finding[/b60c1f35b3a] money/stuff is completley different then getting sent stuff. Anyone who isn't a moron(unless it something like a wedding ring) would keep shit they found....but if the company made a [u60c1f35b3a]mistake[/u60c1f35b3a] then you should do the right thing and have them pay for shipping and send them their item back so the company can continue to provide a great service to all of us.
So all in all...send the 2nd one back if Freepay pays for shipping...don't be a dickhead and fuck over everyone else because your selfish. In the long run, anyone who rips off freebie sites, even for $1, will shorten the "life" of the site/company/network.
08-03-2006 20:30:34
[quote6ccfe860b5="damac"]what kind of piece of shit loser would actually do something like keep something that isn't theirs?
fuck reading this shit is a big bummer, if i ran this site, i would turn you over to freepay and ban you.
i sure as hell know not to trade with you now[/quote6ccfe860b5]
Lots of people, in fact, pretty much everyone would keep something that isn't theirs if they get the chance to, and you would too. So stfu.
And I'm not saying that he should keep the screen that wasn't his, but just stating a fact. And I'm not siding with him either, so yeah. But you aren't completely wrong, though.
08-03-2006 21:14:32
i didn't feel like reading this thread. But under postal law if any item arrives at your home w/o you ordering it or anything and you sign for it or whatever and take possession for it you get to keep it cause it is an solicited i mean freepay can ban you from doing their site again but technically you can keep the monitor.
08-03-2006 21:22:44
one word dual-monitors
this was their new incentive, finish it in 90 days, and get double of what you requested..
08-03-2006 21:34:55
[quotee31d26e438="akalic"]one word dual-monitors
this was their new incentive, finish it in 90 days, and get double of what you requested..[/quotee31d26e438]
08-03-2006 21:39:20
[quote3594e381f7="bsi4063"]i didn't feel like reading this thread. But under postal law if any item arrives at your home w/o you ordering it or anything and you sign for it or whatever and take possession for it you get to keep it cause it is an solicited i mean freepay can ban you from doing their site again but technically you can keep the monitor.[/quote3594e381f7]
How does that apply to UPS and FedEx?
08-03-2006 21:52:32
[quote636e9e1517="akalic"]one word dual-monitors
this was their new incentive, finish it in 90 days, and get double of what you requested..[/quote636e9e1517]
so does that mean i can keep my two digital cameras once i get em from freepay? at least 350 bucks each?!?
For all those people worried about their other accounts, here's what you do you sell the second monitor off, and buy an ipod/mac mini/etc. with the money. This way, if they do put your accounts on hold for you keeping the extra shit, then you've still got the free stuff you deserve. It works out in the end, you still get the free shit, they don't have to send you the free shit. All that happens is you get your ipod/mac mini/etc. earlier.
I'm just kidding. It's good that you sent it back. Although seeing as it happened twice, maybe I'll start that site...j/k. But someone in orders is getting fired.
09-03-2006 04:44:39
funny story
the reason I got into this freebie scene was from a post on another forum I frequent.
The person had said he tried freeipods a long time ago, forgot about it, found his account for the first time in over a year or 2, signed on and saw he had all his greens. So he ordered and accidently recieved 2 ipods.
LOL. That forum post was what inspired me to make my first freebie account on freepay ipods.
09-03-2006 04:47:48
How does that apply to UPS and FedEx?[/quotea5674103e7]
I believe that FedEx and UPS and DHL must abide by all postal laws.
Not sure but I'd assume that's the case.
You definitely are not in legal trouble, I think this is more of a karma/moral issue.
09-03-2006 06:48:03
My vote Send it back. I remember I waited forever for my slim PS2 when I got it from Gratis - someone emailed me and asked if i had gotten it because their records didn't show I had - now did I lie? No. I told the truth - same for a friend who got a PSP instead of his slim PS2, he sent it back and got his PS2 instead. BTW They do answer support tickets when they send you the wrong item/more than one. You can be sure of that. They sent my friend prepaid box all he did was put it in there and ship it back, then he got the right thing he ordered.
Telling the truth makes you feel good inside - at least some people are honest!
09-03-2006 10:14:34
I ordered a laptop from an online store overnight.. it didn't show up. a week later they sent me a replacement laptop and charged me 0.00 for it.
then a week after that, they sent the first laptop.
09-03-2006 15:05:52
Keep them both! freepay has fulilied over their customers and dont care, and with the way they are acting they might put all your other accounts on hold rather you send it back or not(they are putting everyone on hold)
09-03-2006 15:50:00
First off you got a generic response. This goes to show you they just write bs responses in all thier tickets. Take what they say with a grain of salt.
Funny thing is they prolly would make it priority to get this thing back unlike maybe makin it priority to get the xbox 360's out!
I would have kept the damn thing
09-03-2006 18:16:14
[quoteb90d99c919="ffactoryxx"]First off you got a generic response. This goes to show you they just write bs responses in all thier tickets. Take what they say with a grain of salt.
Funny thing is they prolly would make it priority to get this thing back unlike maybe makin it priority to get the xbox 360's out!
I would have kept the damn thing[/quoteb90d99c919]
Given I haven't recieved a response in this
http//[]http// thread by now. I'm guessing Jake went home for the day.
Come on. I'll do the honest thing. Tell me Jake. What should I do... 3 hours and counting...
I wonder how big the 'return box' is maybe I could mail myself back to FreePay and cockpunch the first person I see for the new TOS )
09-03-2006 20:01:27
I'm guessing, dark, that you always intended to return one. or you wouldn't have said anything. You know most people are selfrighteous liars about this kind of thing. They all tell you what you SHOULD do, but I really think most people would keep the extra gift.
Still, you know you're doing the right thing by returning it, and I say good for you. I guess I should probably return that iBook....
but I won't.
09-03-2006 20:49:55
[quote3954898630="LucaBella"]I'm guessing, dark, that you always intended to return one. or you wouldn't have said anything. You know most people are selfrighteous liars about this kind of thing. They all tell you what you SHOULD do, but I really think most people would keep the extra gift.
Still, you know you're doing the right thing by returning it, and I say good for you. I guess I should probably return that iBook....
[b3954898630]but I won't.[/b3954898630][/quote3954898630]
HAHA. I got a good laugh out of that. I know I wouldn't return it but that is only because Freepay instituted this new bullshit TOS and has been taking forever. Tit for tat.
09-03-2006 21:49:08
Sober Edit.
09-03-2006 22:22:01
[quoted4b2659455="LucaBella"]You know most people are selfrighteous liars about this kind of thing. They all tell you what you SHOULD do, but I really think most people would keep the extra gift.[/quoted4b2659455]
I agree.
I'm definitely agreeing with LucaBella and bigchan2k on this one. Imagine...two 60GB iPod Videos show up at your house at the same time, and freepay never asks you about them.
I'm sure I'll get the "I'd post a support ticket ASAP!1!11!!!" responses, but most of you would keep quite and keep the iPods.
10-03-2006 20:24:03
I'd keep the extra one too, but I wouldn't post about it like a dumbass either.
10-03-2006 21:15:56
[quotef43490451f="bballp6699"]I'd keep the extra one too, but I wouldn't post about it like a dumbass either.[/quotef43490451f]
10-03-2006 22:27:23
[quote0793c148e2="double_d"][quote0793c148e2="bballp6699"]I'd keep the extra one too, but I wouldn't post about it like a dumbass either.[/quote0793c148e2]
Why? Why are all you people OMFG FREEPAY is going to put you on hold.
10-03-2006 22:38:19
Maybe they will, maybe they won't.
How about you just do whatever you feel is the best thing for you to do?
What goes around comes around and maybe if you keep the extra monitor, sometime in the future when you make a mistake, someone else may be as unforgiving as you are now and chances are, you won't like it.
There's a word for it..........
Oh yeah, karma. roll
10-03-2006 23:05:08
Given how my senior design class has played out. I think Karma is the perfect word for it. Except this is my time for karma
11-03-2006 00:40:54
[quote59c7b4a9fe="darkscout"]Given how my senior design class has played out. I think Karma is the perfect word for it. Except this is my time for karma[/quote59c7b4a9fe]
Believe me, you don't want to waste your karma points on material things like this. Cash them in when you [b59c7b4a9fe][i59c7b4a9fe]really[/i59c7b4a9fe][/b59c7b4a9fe] need them.
Lets put it this way.
I sent emails to all of the people who received duplicate items.
I am waiting for responses.
Get 'em, Jake. Get 'em. lol
14-03-2006 20:32:13
Here's the deal in the fair tradeing act or something ( could look it up but I'm fealing lazy) any product sent to you by mistake is yours to keep. so Yes that second monitor is yours.
Now it's up to you are you going to be honest and contact freepay about it have them send you a box and return it to them or keep it either way is "legal" the question is do you think it's ethical?
14-03-2006 20:48:19
[quotea6d7c61dca="nick_e"]Here's the deal in the fair tradeing act or something ( could look it up but I'm fealing lazy) any product sent to you by mistake is yours to keep. so Yes that second monitor is yours.
Now it's up to you are you going to be honest and contact freepay about it have them send you a box and return it to them or keep it either way is "legal" the question is do you think it's ethical?[/quotea6d7c61dca]
AFAIK the only "law" regarding unsolicited shipments pertains to the USPS only
Private shippers like FedEx, UPS, and DHL are not covered or bound by US Postal laws and thus you may not have the same level of protection.
Ethically, there is no question. Legally, it's a gray area I think, but one that could potentially cost a helluva lot more than the value of the monitor should you have to fight it -- even if you win.
darkscout has not even responded to my PM.
Thanks P
16-03-2006 12:17:59
(I'm gonna apologize to Jake in advance here, but this was too funny when It came to me.)
[quote73555decfa="Jake"]darkscout has not even responded to my PM.
Thanks P[/quote73555decfa]
He will respond, but first you will have to send him several pm's, sometimes they slip through, then just simply send him a approval form by registered mail and then just wait for an acceptable amount of time for shipping. By Freepay shipping standards thats about 6 months or so.
Unless you're backordered.
16-03-2006 12:22:27
[quoteaa2feb7eed="hrdfarkr"](I'm gonna apologize to Jake in advance here, but this was too funny when It came to me.)
[quoteaa2feb7eed="Jake"]darkscout has not even responded to my PM.
Thanks P[/quoteaa2feb7eed]
He will respond, but first you will have to send him several pm's, sometimes they slip through, then just simply send him a approval form by registered mail and then just wait for an acceptable amount of time for shipping. By Freepay shipping standards thats about 6 months or so.
Unless you're backordered.[/quoteaa2feb7eed]
dont forget freepay may get disqualified at anytime
16-03-2006 13:16:43
and then convince 5 friends to remind himt o check his PM messages. These 5 friends must also be verified by a middleman or three.
16-03-2006 13:21:06
[quotefbe39a3b1e="chewy"][quotefbe39a3b1e="hrdfarkr"](I'm gonna apologize to Jake in advance here, but this was too funny when It came to me.)
[quotefbe39a3b1e="Jake"]darkscout has not even responded to my PM.
Thanks P[/quotefbe39a3b1e]
He will respond, but first you will have to send him several pm's, sometimes they slip through, then just simply send him a approval form by registered mail and then just wait for an acceptable amount of time for shipping. By Freepay shipping standards thats about 6 months or so.
Unless you're backordered.[/quotefbe39a3b1e]
dont forget freepay may get disqualified at anytime[/quotefbe39a3b1e]
Not to mention the time limit. P
16-03-2006 13:46:50
darkscout is also not responsible for lost or misdirected mail
lol jeez you guys are harsh.
16-03-2006 18:52:54
[quotecc4ceb3b81="J4320"][quotecc4ceb3b81="chewy"][quotecc4ceb3b81="hrdfarkr"](I'm gonna apologize to Jake in advance here, but this was too funny when It came to me.)
[quotecc4ceb3b81="Jake"]darkscout has not even responded to my PM.
Thanks P[/quotecc4ceb3b81]
He will respond, but first you will have to send him several pm's, sometimes they slip through, then just simply send him a approval form by registered mail and then just wait for an acceptable amount of time for shipping. By Freepay shipping standards thats about 6 months or so.
Unless you're backordered.[/quotecc4ceb3b81]
dont forget freepay may get disqualified at anytime[/quotecc4ceb3b81]
Not to mention the time limit. P[/quotecc4ceb3b81]
Sounds about right to me.
16-03-2006 20:12:25
[quote38648c34ec="Jake"]darkscout has not even responded to my PM.[/quote38648c34ec]
Darkscout has been on rugby tour and on spring break.
16-03-2006 20:16:51
Haha. love the responses.
16-03-2006 22:15:29
This is too damn funny, gotta say.
16-03-2006 22:57:46
don't forget freepay can put you on hold at any time too
17-03-2006 04:11:53
[quoteecbe222c35="chazmann"][quoteecbe222c35="J4320"][quoteecbe222c35="chewy"][quoteecbe222c35="hrdfarkr"](I'm gonna apologize to Jake in advance here, but this was too funny when It came to me.)
[quoteecbe222c35="Jake"]darkscout has not even responded to my PM.
Thanks P[/quoteecbe222c35]
He will respond, but first you will have to send him several pm's, sometimes they slip through, then just simply send him a approval form by registered mail and then just wait for an acceptable amount of time for shipping. By Freepay shipping standards thats about 6 months or so.
Unless you're backordered.[/quoteecbe222c35]
dont forget freepay may get disqualified at anytime[/quoteecbe222c35]
Not to mention the time limit. P[/quoteecbe222c35]
Sounds about right to me.[/quoteecbe222c35]
before you ask for the monitor back i hope you didn't have anyone tell you how to request the monitor to be returned. That would of course be considered a walkthrough
17-03-2006 04:15:41
[quote4097422a18="chewy"][quote4097422a18="chazmann"][quote4097422a18="J4320"][quote4097422a18="chewy"][quote4097422a18="hrdfarkr"](I'm gonna apologize to Jake in advance here, but this was too funny when It came to me.)
[quote4097422a18="Jake"]darkscout has not even responded to my PM.
Thanks P[/quote4097422a18]
He will respond, but first you will have to send him several pm's, sometimes they slip through, then just simply send him a approval form by registered mail and then just wait for an acceptable amount of time for shipping. By Freepay shipping standards thats about 6 months or so.
Unless you're backordered.[/quote4097422a18]
dont forget freepay may get disqualified at anytime[/quote4097422a18]
Not to mention the time limit. P[/quote4097422a18]
Sounds about right to me.[/quote4097422a18]
before you ask for the monitor back i hope you didn't have anyone tell you how to request the monitor to be returned. That would of course be considered a walkthrough[/quote4097422a18]
That gave me a little chuckly in the AM...thx lol lol
17-03-2006 23:38:16
You guys just walked Jake through! shock
18-03-2006 12:37:57
LOL funny stuff, too bad jake is gonna get permabanned from all freepay.
[quote46e017600b="darkscout"][quote46e017600b="Jake"]darkscout has not even responded to my PM.[/quote46e017600b]
Darkscout has been on rugby tour and on spring break.[/quote46e017600b]
Excellent. I hope your tournament and spring break went well.
Can you please respond?
20-03-2006 11:54:36
It will be funny if Jake keep the monitor after Darkscout send him the monitor.
20-03-2006 14:06:13
[quotec87ee5dd64="redman12"]It will be funny if Jake keep the monitor after Darkscout send him the monitor.[/quotec87ee5dd64]
You don't send hte monitor to jake. You send it to their vendor.
20-03-2006 14:22:11
darkscout might be having trouble finding a vendor to send the monitor to freepay. please be patient..darkscout is working hard to find a vendor that can send out that quantity
20-03-2006 14:46:43
[quote44d400708b="chewy"]darkscout might be having trouble finding a vendor to send the monitor to freepay. please be patient..darkscout is working hard to find a vendor that can send out that quantity[/quote44d400708b]
darkscout also needs at least 30 days to verify the monitor came from freepay. If he is unable to verify this during the first 30 days then freepay will be asked to wait an additional 30 days. If darkscout is not able to verify the monitor came in 90 days freepay's account will be closed and darkscout shall keep the monitor.
Darkscout hopes that this change helps to serve you better!
20-03-2006 14:55:14
[quote44e982eb34="xXHasek99"]darkscout, listen, what you do is hit the "EDIT" button on ur first post and do as you think with the text... and then... DENY DENY DENY ;) good luck kiddo ;)[/quote44e982eb34]
+KMA for reading my mind ;)