It Came...All 42" of glory
Well it came today, totally sweet. Needs a lot of picture adjustment though

http//" alt=""/img_0896.JPG[/img8dc221cf94]
[img="8dc221cf94]http//" alt=""/img_0898.JPG[/img8dc221cf94]
[img="8dc221cf94]http//" alt=""/img_0900.JPG[/img8dc221cf94]
Anyway, pretty cool. Thank you Nuitech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was asked about how Xbox 360 looks....Picture doesnt do it justice, but I just plugged her up today and it looks awesome. I recently played on a friends 60inch HD tv, and to be honest, I think mine looks nicer. Just an opinion, very happy with it.
I bought the Xbox bc I was tired of waiting for my freepay one to come in; it's going on eBay once I finally get it...[i8dc221cf94]if i get it....[/i8dc221cf94]
[img="8dc221cf94]http//" alt=""/img_0905.JPG[/img8dc221cf94]
27-02-2006 17:30:47
was that 18 offers?
27-02-2006 17:35:44
Nice )
The Kufi Smacker
27-02-2006 17:37:00
how long did it take from the time of sign up to the time it was recieved
and wat model tv is that
27-02-2006 17:53:27
Congrats. I want a big tv....mine is only a $50 walmart style 19" that has horrid sound n not the best picture(Sound was fixed by lowering it all the way and using my radio for a surround sound system,lol)
18 offers from OnlineRewardCenter. Its a Panasonic th-42pwd8uk. It took me 6 weeks from start to finish. Not bad, also cost me $50 in offers.
27-02-2006 18:23:09
how only 50?
I am good at getting refunds back -)
27-02-2006 18:25:51
Is that EDTV or HDTV?
27-02-2006 18:47:23
Did you do any credit card offers?
[quotef3af80c6bc="double_d"]Did you do any credit card offers?[/quotef3af80c6bc]
yeah, 1
here is the link if anyone wants it, this is DIY (THIS IS NOT A REFERRAL LINK)
27-02-2006 21:28:47
That link didn't work for me.
27-02-2006 21:56:14
congrats! your dog is kinda eyeing it too! watch out for him
27-02-2006 21:58:19
[quotebc1901c554="tylerc"]That link didn't work for me.[/quotebc1901c554]
Link works fine here.
28-02-2006 04:55:25
Congrats! Those 18 offers must've been a hassle though.
28-02-2006 04:57:12
which site is this from?
28-02-2006 05:05:48
i'm sooooooooo envy you
which site is this from?[/quote24fd7d2264]
its onlinerewardcenter, which is a Nuitech site; I didnt find the offers that much of a hassle at all. I needed two manual credits at the end, and I just faxed my confirmation emails to Nuitech and they put it right through.
28-02-2006 05:44:17
Adma, pm's )
28-02-2006 06:39:02
holy monkeys, nice. congrats
28-02-2006 07:41:40
That dog looks like it is about to drop a deuce... good thing you have that box of huggies... )
28-02-2006 08:04:29
28-02-2006 09:08:49
this is what we need instead of the flatscreens at Freepay, sorry to say (
ok this is for all the PM's I am getting asking what offers I did....
[i9029d528ce]EXPLICITLY FORBIDDEN BY THEIR TERMS - don't post the offers you did - doylnea was here; I PM'd you the text of your post.[/i9029d528ce]
28-02-2006 14:34:24
That is pretty cool, adma.
+ karma for sharing the $$ details.
28-02-2006 14:45:37
+ karma for bringing it to my attention that you can do each aol for the same site.
28-02-2006 15:59:00
+ Karma for having the balls to do 18 offers !!!
28-02-2006 19:43:46
I am wondering something. THose AOL offers are offered on the first two pages. Is there anywehere saying that you can not complete them twice? (Once on each page of offers).
So you had to have $500 to dish out upfront at first? If so, how did it all come down to $98 in the end?
Lastly, I wonder if there is a way to avoid signing up for a credit card...
[quote3a791e715e="DrkWarlock"]I am wondering something. THose AOL offers are offered on the first two pages. Is there anywehere saying that you can not complete them twice? (Once on each page of offers).
So you had to have $500 to dish out upfront at first? If so, how did it all come down to $98 in the end?
Lastly, I wonder if there is a way to avoid signing up for a credit card...
I highly reccomend you check out the DIY section, they have all those answers there....
28-02-2006 20:02:55
You have to do at least 1 CC I think...
28-02-2006 20:15:01
Alright. I guess I will have to do some research on this. Im just lookin for the easiest way to get a nice HD or ED TV, heh.
[quote60ca3d9bf0="MiamiTJ"]+ Karma for having the balls to do 18 offers !!![/quote60ca3d9bf0]
It was my first DIY, I didn't know any better -P
01-03-2006 02:02:39
lol, did you turn the tv on? got a hd tuner or xbox 360 maybe?
anyways if u dont mind can u list what offers u did.
[quote6b856a9359="zainali"]lol, did you turn the tv on? got a hd tuner or xbox 360 maybe?
anyways if u dont mind can u list what offers u did.[/quote6b856a9359]
I did list but got in trouble for it. I have an xbox 360 for it; havent had time to test it yet. Tonite I will be hooking it up (lots of midterms)
I'm gonna try for this. Wish me luck.
BTW, what model is that tv you got?
[quote66a6d23168="Adma"]18 offers from OnlineRewardCenter. Its a Panasonic th-42pwd8uk. It took me 6 weeks from start to finish. Not bad, also cost me $50 in offers.[/quote66a6d23168]
01-03-2006 10:12:43
Nice...waiting for mines from Nuitech also.
ok, this is just a little note to the people PMing me asking about the offers. My list was removed to due the fact that it violates some company's policies to have this information up. No one helped me figure out which offers to do, and I am not exactly the brightest bulb in the pack; I am very confident anyone who can read the rules is capable of receiving this TV. I don't want to sound rude, but; YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
Please don't PM me anymore asking which offers I did, thank you!
03-03-2006 22:58:59
can i have the tv? i'll send you the 50 bucks you spent on the offers so you won't lose any money... i'll even cover HALF the shipping cost!!! DEAL?
04-03-2006 00:44:55
wow congrats, thats one hell of a freebie lol
04-03-2006 07:29:51
[quote2931eda93f="xXHasek99"]can i have the tv? i'll send you the 50 bucks you spent on the offers so you won't lose any money... i'll even cover HALF the shipping cost!!! DEAL?[/quote2931eda93f]
I'll beat that offer...I have a client in pakistan who's origin is the United States. They've desired a 42" Plasma and as i see you haev one i will pay you $134,000,000 for it. You don't even have to worry about the shipping as i have my own shipping account which will handle the transportation. Just hit me back PM and the One hundred and thirty four million is yours!!
[quoteca19d6f67c="afro_wolff"][quoteca19d6f67c="xXHasek99"]can i have the tv? i'll send you the 50 bucks you spent on the offers so you won't lose any money... i'll even cover HALF the shipping cost!!! DEAL?[/quoteca19d6f67c]
I'll beat that offer...I have a client in pakistan who's origin is the United States. They've desired a 42" Plasma and as i see you haev one i will pay you $134,000,000 for it. You don't even have to worry about the shipping as i have my own shipping account which will handle the transportation. Just hit me back PM and the One hundred and thirty four million is yours!![/quoteca19d6f67c]
what you guys smokin?? -)
04-03-2006 15:49:14
i envy you....
so this is pretty bad, I played maybe 5 hours of NeedFOrSpeed and I already saw the image burned into the screen. I did a little research and luckily its just temporary ghosting; I do need to set the TV up right tho so I dont cause permanent burnout. This tv has the lastest and greatest burnout prevention and I'm still nervous about this.
05-03-2006 00:39:29
[quote4eb1d52f28="Adma"][quote4eb1d52f28="afro_wolff"][quote4eb1d52f28="xXHasek99"]can i have the tv? i'll send you the 50 bucks you spent on the offers so you won't lose any money... i'll even cover HALF the shipping cost!!! DEAL?[/quote4eb1d52f28]
I'll beat that offer...I have a client in pakistan who's origin is the United States. They've desired a 42" Plasma and as i see you haev one i will pay you $134,000,000 for it. You don't even have to worry about the shipping as i have my own shipping account which will handle the transportation. Just hit me back PM and the One hundred and thirty four million is yours!![/quote4eb1d52f28]
what you guys smokin?? -)[/quote4eb1d52f28]
Haha...Ehhhhh...way to much!! its a good deal tho...seriously!!
ok, so the anti-burn in features are not activated on default! Once I enabled Panasonic's burn-in features, the guage from Need for Speed diappeared; shwoo. Anyway, it's a really great TV, i highly reccomend you try to get this TV, it does a really great job of stretching a 4x3 image to 16x9 without much distortion. Peace
03-04-2006 18:03:47
I'm just about finished w/ the inspired me to try a DIY site. )