my ipod came!

Live forum:


20-11-2004 13:01:28

- Estimated delivery was today so i was all excited
- I noticed it didn't say "out for delivery" when I tracked online, so i called FedEx
- They told me it'll be here tuesday the 23rd - I got all bummed
- Then the doorbell rang D

http/" alt=""/[/img341b6cba6c]

the rest is history...


20-11-2004 13:04:04

Awesome! I can't wait for my stuff!


20-11-2004 13:17:30

i need a case now ( i havent opened the box yet for fear that i'll do something stupid and scratch it all up. i looked online and it says that they sell iskins at urban outfitters and compUSA... ugh but i dont feel like spending $30+ tax at the moment


20-11-2004 13:18:45

They have some at you need like 2000 points. they have 3 no cc offers. but add those up and its only 1000. so you have to do another offer that requires cc that is 1000 points...


20-11-2004 13:29:34

yeah, but i want one now. i dont have the patience to wait for a case now that i have the ipod (

now if only the people that signed up under me would complete their offers at, i could have my camera (or money) too... ?


20-11-2004 13:35:01

If you hurry and complete the things I think they are shipping this weekend...


20-11-2004 13:46:21

yeah, i've tried. i kinda got screwed over at the conga that i'm on. The people that signed up under me never did the offers. it's a bit annoying.


20-11-2004 14:01:30

You don't need referrals for


20-11-2004 14:08:17

hehe i know... i was talking about the camera site though


20-11-2004 15:14:35

the fuckin headphones are too big for my ears. i knew that before i opened them, but i figured i'd try anyways... grrrr


20-11-2004 15:20:45

Well at least you got the BIG headphones for free P


20-11-2004 15:23:23



20-11-2004 16:34:28

Ah, you're so lucky. I'm NYC too and ETA was 11/20, but reading the other post, I guess it's coming 11/23. Kind of sucky since we're in the same city, we should logically have the packages arrive on the same day.

Which part of NYC are you in?


20-11-2004 16:59:23

washington heights

so i got the earbuds to kinda fit... ?