15-02-2006 17:13:49
got it today!!! OC let's you chose what you want engraved on the back AND IT STILL ONLY TOOK A WEEK FOR ME TO RECIEVE IT!! helllsls yes!!!!! this is my 6th free ipod(including nanos, photo, etc etc) and alll!!! hahahahaha
OC, i'm impressed! wink
cheer dance2 dance woot
and in other news, it's been 1 month since i've been waiting for credit from freepay's desktoppcs site, and i have 12 greens now...... ?
16-02-2006 10:08:51
just wait till you become shipped to vendor status...ive been on it for the past 3 weeks...another reason to hate freepay.
16-02-2006 10:58:59
Damn I should have done OC instead of Freepay roll . Do they order them directly from Apple? It that how you get it engraved?
16-02-2006 16:29:54
[quote6ef7167d50="fashionjunkee"][b6ef7167d50]Damn I should have done OC instead of Freepay [/b6ef7167d50] roll . Do they order them directly from Apple? It that how you get it engraved?[/quote6ef7167d50]
I hope that's sarcasm. shock
16-02-2006 18:59:16
Does OC's iPod site have ood's?
16-02-2006 19:05:01
[quote8a44ff5e7a="fashionjunkee"]Damn I should have done OC instead of Freepay roll . Do they order them directly from Apple? It that how you get it engraved?[/quote8a44ff5e7a]
ummm i don't think so, i think the company they work with orders directly from apple though. it also came with a reciept of that company, pretty cool.
and i don't know if they have OOD, but because they let you complete a site more than once, and the way i get refs but keeps yellows flowing in, I already have two greens. lol
maybe i'll be the first to complete mp3players4free twice!
I haven't finished OC's 360. I have 2 greens.