$500 visa giftcard from consumer incentive promotions
06-02-2006 08:36:10
W000000000000000000000000000000000000000t. I got my 500 visa giftcard from consumer incentive promotions!!! Funny thing is I STILL havent gotten my $75 giftcard from getspecialgifts yet. Maybe tomorrow...
1/17 offered to pay for my friends lunch if he did the offers for me. He thought free sites were stupid but he couldnt resist free food D
1/18 all 6 offers credited voucher printed and mailed.
1/21 (i think) fuffilment
2/6 ROFLWTFBBQ!!!! the mailman came earlier than usual and down my mail slide comes my $500 Icard visa debit card

http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35] [img="ae82309f35]http//www.congablast.com/phpbb/images/smiles/banana.gif[" alt=""/imgae82309f35]
06-02-2006 08:39:55
Nice. Congrats! What you gonna spend it on? wink
06-02-2006 08:42:11
thanks D Im probably just gonna have my friend withdraw the $500
from an atm so i can deposit it in my bank account. The worst thing about cash freebies is I almost never do anyhting fun with the money cry
06-02-2006 08:49:53
Hehe, yeah, that's probably what would happen to me too. I'd end up spending it on car insurance or gas money )
06-02-2006 09:01:49
Congrats! What link did you use just to be sure and is it still just 6 offers?
06-02-2006 09:11:57
i am sending off the $75 visa voucher today. i had the other envelope returned because of the 37c to 39c change.
06-02-2006 10:15:14
its no longer 6 offers its now 8 offers. I signed up for this a while ago but i didnt do it because i wasnt sure if 6 offers for $500 was a good deal
06-02-2006 11:31:42
Link anyways? I may want to do it. Thanks. P.S. I just printed out my voucher and am about to leave to go to the post office to mail it. It was for IRC's iBook for 6 offers. Thanks for introducing that to everyone. I signed up then left it alone. Can't wait until I get it! Will sell it though since I already have a Powerbook.
06-02-2006 12:39:00
http//www.consumerincentivepromotions.com/rd_p?skipRedirect=1&t=276 is the link i used to signup.
Ahh just sent my clever scooter voucher yesterday and I'm on my laptop right now )
06-02-2006 15:05:55
Just checked, still 6 offers
06-02-2006 15:20:07
is it 6 in different tiers like do they get more costly? how much would ya say you spent to get the offers all done? thanx much =)
06-02-2006 16:56:07
[quoted2607b7cf6="darkancient"]is it 6 in different tiers like do they get more costly? how much would ya say you spent to get the offers all done? thanx much =)[/quoted2607b7cf6]
4 normal offers
2 offer of death-such as earthlink, credit cards, south beach diet
Total cost if you're efficent is a few dollars over $40
06-02-2006 16:59:16
how much does southbeach offer cost? not like it matters cuse i could use a descent cc so i can stand to do 1 cc offer hehe
06-02-2006 17:01:14
[quote6f5cb10475="darkancient"]how much does southbeach offer cost? not like it matters cuse i could use a descent cc so i can stand to do 1 cc offer hehe[/quote6f5cb10475]
$65 is the first charge
If you dont like their service you can cancel, if you cancel within a month you get $45 back.
06-02-2006 17:07:52
Seriously, what's so bad about CC offers? It just takes longer.
06-02-2006 17:12:52
cool thanx for all the nfo =)
06-02-2006 17:17:22
[quote3c56566b11="d3athtonic"]Seriously, what's so bad about CC offers? It just takes longer.[/quote3c56566b11]
Lowers your credit score if you apply for a bunch of them at once.
06-02-2006 17:23:49
It's not 6 offers anymore.. it's 8!
07-02-2006 20:57:40
Congrats junior..
I used half of my 500 gift card on another lappy, this time from best buy. Sending off for another one, Woot!!!
07-02-2006 21:01:42
[quote2628e8742a="LucaBella"]Congrats junior..
I used half of my 500 gift card on another lappy, this time from best buy. Sending off for another one, Woot!!![/quote2628e8742a]
Did you do the same site? Did you get it when it was only 6 as well?
07-02-2006 21:25:00
[quotee48b5b2dd9="EasyAs456"]It's not 6 offers anymore.. it's 8![/quotee48b5b2dd9]
Really? I'm having my another one sent to my friends house, signed up two days ago, still 6....
07-02-2006 22:40:59
congrats !!! thats really sick
08-02-2006 00:02:12
Congrats, Junior!
08-02-2006 12:37:31
not worth another thread... but i got my $500 consumerincentivepromos and my $75 getspecialgifts cards today D
time to withdraw cash and pay off the plasma tv stand and xbox accessories i've bought in the past couple weeks
08-02-2006 12:49:47
I still haven't gotten my $75 from getspecialgifts, and I got my Shipping Request like a week before Christmas (
08-02-2006 13:35:43
I'd call them were I you.
08-02-2006 19:43:01
Ok that's really wierd I log in today to check my status I have 5/6 completed on there and the requirement somehow changed from 8 to 6.
08-02-2006 20:16:44
Lay off the shrooms.
08-02-2006 21:31:20
What's the getspecialgifts number?
13-02-2006 04:57:41
Junior, I think you're offering your hot body to these sites, because they always come hella fast for you. they take me 3 weeks easy for gift cards.
Slutty Skank D