23-01-2006 14:05:01
My 60gb pen or clock ( But I did get another shirt. WAHOO )

http/" alt=""/"222/8112/[" alt=""/img0ab5d63f6e]
Mr. ChEkO StIcK
23-01-2006 14:44:19
nicee man the pic is small but nice though..

http/" alt=""/"222/8112/premiumipods6ic.jpg[" alt=""/imgc75322b453]
Good job, I hope my last 2 refs go green sometime soon for the 30 gig.
23-01-2006 15:10:27
Already returned for 424.94$ in store credit )
Mr. ChEkO StIcK
23-01-2006 15:22:23
ohh nice how did you return it with no receipt? Oo nvm they gave you store credit.. I would of should it on ebay or somewere D
23-01-2006 15:25:42
well its credit toward a macbook pro. I have another 1064$ in credit from my ibook
23-01-2006 17:00:58
which store did u return it too ?
23-01-2006 17:18:09
what was the turn over time from submitting for approval to approved to etc.....
23-01-2006 17:23:09
well i submitted with 9 greens, after 3 weeks they did an approval and one of my greens went grey. I still had 8 greens but they made me submit for approval again. That took an extra week, it went stv the day after it was approved which was on a friday. It came today.
24-01-2006 09:25:34
mine cames yesterday too
yay ;)
i bougth an iskin for it
damn things expensive thou \