19-01-2006 17:14:46
The DHL man delivered not one, but two free items from Freepay today.
Got myself a shinny new Playstation 2 and 1gb Shuffle.
Special thanks to fgr_admin for being about 1/3 of my referrals for both sites when him and his friends did their auction.

http//[" alt=""/img88682bad37]
19-01-2006 17:17:46
Jake told me that they werent making or sending out shirts anymore...
19-01-2006 17:53:05
[quote1458c40e6c="shamash"]Jake told me that they werent making or sending out shirts anymore...
maybe i got the end of the batch? sorry man, if you care for them that much and are willing to pay for shipping i'll send them out to you.
19-01-2006 19:27:25
plus you got a black and a white...if i got two shirts i'd be worried about getting two whites or two blacks....
anyways congratz! must've made your day!
25-01-2006 13:38:04
[quote0ac82cab18="shamash"]Jake told me that they werent making or sending out shirts anymore...
I just placed the order for my PSP today and it asked me for shirt size.
I hope I get one.
25-01-2006 14:39:15
Nice a black one. They send me a white one everytime, it doesn't matter if I order black or white
26-01-2006 21:15:35
waoh two shirts, i haven't gotten one (. g'job! congrats