04-01-2006 16:11:45
Yeah...that's what you get... I already have a PSP and now a iPod nano...
bad news... I wasn't home when DHL got here, they left me a note.... they'll come tomorrow, gotta find a way to stay home from school....
I love you silly guys lol
04-01-2006 16:42:07
Congrats! As for the DHL guy, some people leave a note on the door telling him to just leave the package there. shrug
04-01-2006 17:53:32
congrats! I've been home everyday after school and my door hasn't been knocked yet... Im still waiting for my freebie to come. It sure is taking long right now.. 13 days and nothing yet..
04-01-2006 17:58:46
[quote51b3be6207="compuguru"]Congrats! As for the DHL guy, some people leave a note on the door telling him to just leave the package there. shrug[/quote51b3be6207]
That usually works, or tell them to have your neighbor sign for it.
04-01-2006 18:21:56
did you read?
I wasn't home when DHL got here, they left me a note[/quote1f1f62cee8]
04-01-2006 19:43:20
did you read?
I wasn't home when DHL got here, they left me a note[/quote4d48f631cd][/quote4d48f631cd]
haha sry lol.
04-01-2006 21:44:03
hmmm, I barely have a gig of music