After all my hard work was done....
25-12-2005 12:45:40
I FINALLY got my psp from freepay! Took a couple weeks to get my refs for it, but damn the whole process was QUICK.
Get this...
Applied for approval 12/21
Approved 12/21
STV 12/22
I woke up the next morning to find that lovely little yellow box on my doorstep. All in all, took only three days to get it.

http//[" alt=""/img244412f71e]
25-12-2005 12:55:14
That was fast
25-12-2005 12:58:33
They must have run out of clocks...
Congrats btw.
25-12-2005 13:14:33
Maybe I should do the psp site.. if it is that quick after the whole ref thing, than maybe it's worth doing freepay for that.
25-12-2005 14:19:02
i think it was the xmas rush. btw im posting from mine and congrats!
25-12-2005 21:03:17
[quote31417fc5e8="J4320"]They must have run out of clocks...
Congrats btw.[/quote31417fc5e8]
lol you and your clocks
25-12-2005 21:06:11
25-12-2005 21:07:49
Thank you thank you.
Now it's time to finish ipods.freepay. That one is TAKING FOREVER twisted
25-12-2005 22:56:08
applied and approved on the same thats nuts. |
25-12-2005 23:02:45
A coincidence. Freepay was REALLY pounding out approvals and stv'ing the week before christmas.
26-12-2005 06:36:35
Guess they missed me... I was approved for gamingsystems on the 20th and stv on the 22nd and didn get nothing. ( D But anyway Congrats!
26-12-2005 09:53:26
Dude. Take the refferal out of your signature.
Unless you liked being banned roll
yea nice eyes mods should be able to remove it
26-12-2005 09:55:27
Your icon is hilarious.
26-12-2005 13:57:35
[quote4c72f61182="chazmann"]Dude. Take the refferal out of your signature.
Unless you liked being banned roll[/quote4c72f61182]
Taken care of. wink
27-12-2005 00:26:27
Sweet! Congrats man, enjoy all that stuff
27-12-2005 00:30:42
D Thanks guys. I must admit, I believed...but once I saw that yellow dhl box. I [id6271e80f1]believed[/id6271e80f1]
27-12-2005 08:08:08
[quote45ae197ea8="PumaPride77"][quote45ae197ea8="J4320"]They must have run out of clocks...
Congrats btw.[/quote45ae197ea8]
lol you and your clocks[/quote45ae197ea8]
At one time I had 5 clocks in my room. One was an atomic clock with a thing you put outside and it tells you the outdoor temperature outside of your house, and the forecast, and the time and date and all. I sold that one.
I still have a clock that plays the radio by my monitor. And I still have a clock that projects the time onto the ceiling so when I'm sleeping and I wake up, I can just glance up at the ceiling and look at the time.
And I had a really tiny miniature one for trips and all. And I had another normal one.
I like clocks. All of them are sold except for two though.
I want the Freepay clock because it looks stylish.
27-12-2005 08:41:58
what the crap, i've been in approval on premiumipods for 27 days
anyway, congrats on the psp!
[quoteb9d93bc4f9="chazmann"]Your icon is hilarious.[/quoteb9d93bc4f9]
if thats directed at me thanks otherwise roll
27-12-2005 11:31:34
yup got mine too
27-12-2005 15:21:02
Is that a pen?
27-12-2005 22:03:00
Yes. Or as I like to call it, a pen.
28-12-2005 11:43:33
[quoteb94392f6c5="chazmann"]Yes. Or as I like to call it, a pen.[/quoteb94392f6c5]
It's not called a pen. It's called a [ib94392f6c5]pen[/ib94392f6c5]. Get it right.
28-12-2005 11:50:28
Just cause I didnt get a clock dont mean you can go around italicizing words like you own the place.
28-12-2005 12:15:12
[quote31b35b78ff="chazmann"]Just cause I didnt get a clock dont mean you can go around italicizing words like you own the place.[/quote31b35b78ff]
If you don't get a clock from them, that means that they don't like you.
Duh, I thought everyone knew that. roll
06-01-2006 13:01:09
[quoteff05a93164="Kidd"][quoteff05a93164="chazmann"]Your icon is hilarious.[/quoteff05a93164]
if thats directed at me thanks otherwise roll[/quoteff05a93164]
I second that. I can't stop watching it. Love the glowsticks.
Chaz, congrats on your [iff05a93164]psp[/iff05a93164]. And your [iff05a93164]ipod[/iff05a93164]. ) I promise I won't be jealous for long.
06-01-2006 13:21:05
Almost there for yours pete 8)