21-11-2005 14:28:36
I know that Studiotraffic and similar program are up for debate. Personally I have not bothered to try other ones, only ST, due to its long standing business record and reliability. "Investing" (not really the right word but just for discussion's sake) in these high risk ventures is completely up to each individual. My husband and I decided to upgrade our free ST account a few months ago. We have been compounding the money ever since and waiting until now to withdraw because this worked best for our own personal plans. While my October check should arrive in the mail within a few days (paper checks take longer to mail and so do first payouts), I am pleased to report that [ba8030f4bca]I have RECEIVED my November payout IN MY BANK!!![/ba8030f4bca] This month I chose Electronic bank transfer (EBT) and those go a bit quicker.
Here is the picture! -

http/" alt=""/img.photobucket.com/albums/v618/Godrockdj/StudioTrafficEBTPayment.jpg[/imga8030f4bca]
I'm not here to start a debate on this, etc. I just wanted to come and POST because I am sooooooo freaking happy right now. Also because I've kept a few FiPG updated of my status and wanted to let them know. The money we invested was some of our wedding gift money, and I am so happy we made the right choice. I just needed to happily BRAG ) , and will be doing so on all my journals as well lol.
If you are interested in learning more about StudioTraffic, by all means post or send me a pm ) I will try and answer any questions you have. There is a huge forum on their website as well full of members, proof, and lots more for you to check. [ba8030f4bca]You can check out and join ST for free- [/ba8030f4bca] they start you off with a free $10 account level. You don't have to "invest" anything if you don't want to. Just take your time and check it out. And of course as you well know by now in this freebie world, I have a referal link and would love it if you'd use mine should you decide to sign up. Just post here, or pm me, and I will send it to you ASAP. D
21-11-2005 15:26:31
Can i ask what you initially put in, and are you using the two account method?
21-11-2005 15:28:41
Congrats! Now you owe me half, Little Timmy sent me to collect. twisted
21-11-2005 15:30:21
[quotea38c07df20="Peinecone"]Can i ask what you initially put in, and are you using the two account method?[/quotea38c07df20]
We made several upgrades. First $100, then $1,000, and our last upgrade was $300 I believe.
Personally I don't think we need two accounts right now. In the future when my account nears its max level I'll probably start a second account, but for right now we have a good plan )
21-11-2005 20:14:45
Congrats. My check from them went paid last week. Should be getting it soon.
21-11-2005 22:57:41
StudioTraffic.. Isn't it similar to 12DailyPro?
22-11-2005 06:45:36
Thanks for the congrats!
[quote842f0d11dd="slinky_"]StudioTraffic.. Isn't it similar to 12DailyPro?[/quote842f0d11dd]
Yes and no. Their main business concepts are similar, but unlike 12DP StudioTraffic has many other businesses supporting them under the ST umbrella. Plus ST has been around for years longer, has hundreds of thousands more members, and a hugely larger reserve 8)
22-11-2005 12:15:31
in this case read this www.studiotraffic.name
22-11-2005 12:38:56
[quote290adda1c5="Archon810"]in this case read this www.studiotraffic.name[/quote290adda1c5]
? As we've all already discussed, any venture like this is high risk. All I know is right now I'm getting paid and was happy about it.
22-11-2005 14:10:26
Nice payout... but I'm curious - have they contacted you asking you to put in some hours for them? I heard that people with larger accounts either had to work for them for a few hours a week OR forfeit some of their payout. Is that the case with you?
22-11-2005 16:00:24
[quote5663c6fbf8="Poqui"]Nice payout... but I'm curious - have they contacted you asking you to put in some hours for them? I heard that people with larger accounts either had to work for them for a few hours a week OR forfeit some of their payout. Is that the case with you?[/quote5663c6fbf8]
I don't have a large account. So no. Also technically I am not totally in profit yet. That will be next month )
22-11-2005 18:18:23
i dont have a large accti make all my money from referal earnings i havent contriubuted any money to GAC or worked for them and i dont plan on it. its a matter of it failing or not if Jon can manage to convince people longer he is legit. if this happens he has improved the percent he receives back from people the site can go on but if he cant adn people run away like it looks like they are doing it will be gone within 2 months probabaly
also people are gonna complain how they lost money from this, if ur gonna say its failing take the money back gaurentee now and if ur in profit now u arent losing anything so be happy for wha u got while the program lasted.