2 videos and 1 nano
16-11-2005 22:00:01

http/" alt=""/img453.imageshack.us/img="453/4495/freeipods9xi.jpg[" alt=""/imga645cff9ef]
All from freepay. ) one nano shipped to my house and two other ipods shipped to friends address. Had a hard time getting it from them.
16-11-2005 22:22:22
thats wussup homes, keep pimping
16-11-2005 22:30:43
Very impressive, you keeping all of them?
You better keep all of them, i know i would.
16-11-2005 22:36:13
way to cheat freepay by using different address you should feel proud roll
Oh crap stroid I didnt even catch that, good call.....Richie your a scammer!!!
16-11-2005 23:05:45
if u wanna sell the black video ipod, im buyin immediately
16-11-2005 23:14:47

http/" alt=""/img453.imageshack.us/img="453/4495/freeipods9xi.jpg[" alt=""/img1c01086cc1]
All from freepay. ) one nano shipped to my house and two other ipods shipped to friends address. Had a hard time getting it from them.[/quote1c01086cc1] you admited it btw
17-11-2005 06:25:04
my god shock
17-11-2005 08:12:11
scammer spammer whatever you call me i still got alot of free ipods and im still getting more too. ) Im keeping one video ipod and selling the rest looks like my ski trip is paid for. ) oh yea and on alot of my sites i got like 11 referrals when i only needed 5, freepay has a major delay in crediting nowadays.
17-11-2005 08:57:58
[quotee44c42deac="richie"]scammer spammer whatever you call me i still got alot of free ipods and im still getting more too. ) Im keeping one video ipod and selling the rest looks like my ski trip is paid for. ) oh yea and on alot of my sites i got like 11 referrals when i only needed 5, freepay has a major delay in crediting nowadays.[/quotee44c42deac]
Here, I'll quote this one too, and then PM Jake to have a look at this thread. You'll enjoy the letter and response from Freepay's Legal Department.
17-11-2005 09:50:57
Jakeeeeeeeee? Where are you homie?? We Got Something For Ya Here! twisted
17-11-2005 09:55:03
you should breed the two ipod videos you have to create ipod nano w/ video capabilities
17-11-2005 12:19:16
[quoteed9fb5b4ac="Jake"]Hello richie.[/quoteed9fb5b4ac]
17-11-2005 12:21:03
[quote42a22e5900="jan"]You better keep all of them, i know i would.[/quote42a22e5900]
Sell 'em. Why would you keep two video iPods and then a nano on top of that? I would keep one of the video iPods and then sell the others and go buy something awesome, like a ski trip. Oh wait.
17-11-2005 12:21:35
[quote7f8827b6b3="chodeweiser"]you should breed the two ipod videos you have to create ipod nano w/ video capabilities[/quote7f8827b6b3]
Yeah, watching videos on a nano would be fantastic. lisarcasmli
17-11-2005 12:58:11
[quote609875f6ef="Jake"]Hello richie.[/quote609875f6ef]
Pwned By J4k3! lol
17-11-2005 13:55:58
[quote4940305f7d="Jake"]Hello richie.[/quote4940305f7d]
17-11-2005 13:59:27
hahah good one.
"Hello, Clarise.... is that goo in your eye, or can the guy in the next cell still smell you?"
17-11-2005 14:34:40
[quoteb85d47cfa7="Jake"]Hello richie.[/quoteb85d47cfa7]
someones about to get.............

http//0wn3d.dk/owned/owned49.jpg[" alt=""/imgb85d47cfa7]
17-11-2005 15:57:12
What the heck?
17-11-2005 18:39:21
atleast he was honest.
17-11-2005 18:56:52
[quotef220f4d9f8="Jake"]Hello richie.[/quotef220f4d9f8]
That made my day.
Yeah try selling that other video for halfway decent camera.
17-11-2005 18:59:46
[quote3aa34dc22f="stiles05s"]atleast he was honest.[/quote3aa34dc22f]
lol he been honest to admit that he wasnt honest to freepay.com? lol
17-11-2005 20:36:32
better than both right? -)
17-11-2005 20:53:54
Maybe he got one from ipodnano, one from ipods, and one from premium ipods?
17-11-2005 22:27:02
Why would he be sending them to his frriends' houses then?
Yea, sorry to say richie, but its not very smart to come on a forum with freepay reps, and give up info about how you scammed them.I no you didnt say that, but might as well.