04-10-2005 09:59:41
picked it up at dhl on the way to class at around 930. here are some pics

http/" alt=""/"41/8251/s30100237lu.jpg[" alt=""/img55d81050f3]
[img="55d81050f3]http/" alt=""/"41/5854/s30100259nc.jpg[" alt=""/img55d81050f3]
[img="55d81050f3]http/" alt=""/"41/3583/s30100273yv.jpg[" alt=""/img55d81050f3]
04-10-2005 10:49:01
What kind of laptop is that?
04-10-2005 10:56:50
15" PowerBook G4... loaded ). its about 3/4 inch thick so that should tell you how thin the nano is.
04-10-2005 15:42:56
Congrats! I missed the delivery guy guess I'll pick it up tmrw or something.
04-10-2005 16:03:49
mine is already scratched up, it hasnt been anywhere but inside my roomy cargo pant's pocket...
04-10-2005 16:17:45
Good thing,im ebaying mine )
04-10-2005 16:37:13
You had better protect it well if you want it want it to stay all nice and shiny !
04-10-2005 16:48:42
yea i am not using it until my clear shield comes in the mail.
04-10-2005 19:47:25
Man is that thing HOT. Are there any good cases for the Nano yet?
05-10-2005 03:38:50
what else is included in the package?
05-10-2005 04:04:20
um... headphones, manuals and stuff, usb cable, and a dock adapter that i thought would just snap onto the current dock from the big ipods but is for other things like the bose systems and what not.
05-10-2005 04:04:40
screw the nano, congrats on the laptop!!!
07-10-2005 14:39:30
Wow. What a clutter free desk! Wanna come clean mine?
Congrats on the gifts.
My 20GB came today from Freepay as well.
I've decided to give it to my nephew for his help in getting me some referrals on all my other sites.
I'm all about Karma... gotta give to get in return!
07-10-2005 16:43:08
anyone know a site that you can get free cases and junk yet?
08-10-2005 05:36:56
Glad to see we share the same taste in computers! I have the 12", it's definitely been my best investment yet. )
How are you liking the nano?
08-10-2005 07:59:59
i havent been able to use it! that skin for decalgirl sucked ass big time. what a waste of $8 so i am going to order one from soon.
08-10-2005 09:37:38
once i get mine, i'm selling it )
i'm happy with my 20 gb color ipod
[quotedadf4a5b50="tracemhunter"]i havent been able to use it! that skin for decalgirl sucked ass big time. what a waste of $8 so i am going to order one from soon.[/quotedadf4a5b50]
Yeah its a pretty good protector but you might want to read this first http//
08-10-2005 11:41:30
yeah that looks rediculously hard to put on, i don't know what i'll get to cover mine
08-10-2005 11:53:45
I think i'll stick with trendygeek cover. Hopefully their nano cover comes out fast.
08-10-2005 15:57:01
[quote6b7abddd89="tracemhunter"]i havent been able to use it! that skin for decalgirl sucked ass big time. what a waste of $8 so i am going to order one from soon.[/quote6b7abddd89]
I was going to get one of those screen protectors for my mini but I ended up buying a nice sleeve from[=http//] instead. I think I'm going to get one for my photo ipod when it arrives too. Her sleeves are more aimed at females than males but I thought I'd throw that out there. )
09-10-2005 16:48:13
im 1 ref away from a nano i hope i can get a nice clear case for it D