01-10-2005 19:24:44
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got paid today by OC for psps4free. This was the first free site i seriously worked on. I started in APRIL and i just got paid this afternoon....I cant even begin to tell you how much drama i went through to complete this site. Its a super long story so lets jsut say I WENT THROUGH HELL to finish this site. I have now finished every single OC site ive ever worked on and I can walk away from OC with no regrets 8)
Screenie 8)
http/" alt=""/img312.imageshack.us/img="312/5715/psp4freefinally0ew.jpg[" alt=""/imga1c806974e]
01-10-2005 19:34:55
How did you get your last ref? The offer of doom and which offer did they do
01-10-2005 19:41:55
I got my last ref to do party poker. That offer was SWEET AS HELL
I got a case of double luck doing this offer. Around the same time my last ref did party Poker I did the Party Poker offer for Lakerskin2015 on his Macmnis4free as part of a 45$ trade. The next day i see a message saying the party poker offer was removed shock I though i was fucked for sure but a few days later Not only did my last ref on psp4free green for me but I went green for Lakerskin2015 on his Macminis4free. I didnt wager a single cent (i dont know how to play poker) on party poker. So i witdrew my 50$ and had it sent to my bank account as soon as i found out i was green. 45$ in pure fucking profit!!!! Lakerskin2015 still got approved for his 550$ gift when he went on review also!!! P P P P
01-10-2005 21:55:34
a long since someone recieved something from OC...P
01-10-2005 22:54:36
Dammit everyone else is getting through cept me. Congrats, at least someone got through.
02-10-2005 08:35:01
Not that it really matters, but screenie =P?
02-10-2005 09:04:57
Congrats bro, What offer of doom did you have to do?
02-10-2005 15:47:59
[quoteb8f59b0772="goofygarber"]Not that it really matters, but screenie =P?[/quoteb8f59b0772]
added D
02-10-2005 17:49:31
congrats lol OfferCentric from what i have heard is difficult compared to freepay (gratis)
02-10-2005 19:38:46
I finally gave up on my mp3players4free one...
I tried OC BEFORE Gratis. oops
Congrats on finishing all your OC sites!
03-10-2005 11:37:15
i've have heard offercentric is much more difficult compared to freepay websites ...
03-10-2005 12:42:04
yeah they put ridicoulous offers up for the last few and reject a few people as well. if u are going to do offers like that u might as well do an all casion/poker offer site it has lower referals.
03-10-2005 19:01:32
nice,see you got HIM-XXL d/led ;) good shit huh