$1900+ and done, no more betting :) Thanks TonyDanza!!!
05-08-2005 09:38:53
Started playing black jack thanks to tonydanza92's offer. I started late last night, and I am currently up $1900.00+
Everyone should do this deal, really easy to make money, and even if you lose it all, you still get paid!
05-08-2005 09:42:09
D yeah he is a machine, every half hour he keeps talling me he mad another $50-$100...
PM me and you'll get the same deal he got !
05-08-2005 09:47:51
[quote93c25b8539="Sonofshoe"]Started playing black jack thanks to tonydanza92's offer. I started late last night, and I am currently up $470.00
Everyone should do this deal, really easy to make money, and even if you lose it all, you still get paid![/quote93c25b8539]
What exactly do you mean by..."even if you lose it all, you still get paid"?
05-08-2005 09:48:50
Tony Danza still gets money from reruns of Who's The Boss, so he'll pay him if he loses....
05-08-2005 09:51:04
What casino are you playing at? And how much did you deposit?
05-08-2005 09:51:15
What exactly do you mean by..."even if you lose it all, you still get paid"?[/quote5467cc12cc]
i pay your deposit amount + money, so even if you lose the deposited money you get paid signing up under me
05-08-2005 10:25:21
Sounds like a great way to make some dough +karma for tony cuz whos the boss rocks!! )
I'm gonna do this deal! I just signed up for neteller and going to sign up for the casino offer. Hopefully i make some money playing blackjack )
05-08-2005 14:44:57
What casino is it?
05-08-2005 15:02:01
Yep, I'm gonna do it for Tony once my wire transfer is complete or if Trainn pays me D
05-08-2005 15:29:24
Wow good job tony. So tony has l33t poker skillz?
05-08-2005 15:42:46
[quote3c109ec714="J4320"]Wow good job tony. So tony has l33t poker skillz?[/quote3c109ec714]
Nope, 1337 Blackjack skillz.
05-08-2005 15:44:57
I like calling it l33t. But maybe I will change my ways.......
05-08-2005 15:49:12
You have to be 1337 to say 1337. You can't just become 1337. You either are 1337, or you aren't.
05-08-2005 15:50:49
Its the 888.com casino
05-08-2005 15:57:13
[quoteb96517905c="Batman"]You have to be 1337 to say 1337. You can't just become 1337. You either are 1337, or you aren't.[/quoteb96517905c]
I've always used to say it 1337 but people didn't know what I was talking about so I changed it to l33t for a while. But now I realize if they aren't 1337 enough to know what 1337 means then they aren't 1337.
05-08-2005 15:59:13
[bf03aeafa8d]1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d !!!11!!1[/bf03aeafa8d][/sizef03aeafa8d]
05-08-2005 15:59:46
What the fuck does that say? wink
05-08-2005 15:59:48
That's easy to read. I bet a lot of people can easily read that.
05-08-2005 16:02:29
I know it's easy to read.
So what are the details of this offer? What site?
05-08-2005 16:04:36
Oh I get it lol. It makes it seem like you need to get laid even though you really don't need to.
05-08-2005 16:17:23
I'm bankrolling my friends for the rest of my casino referrals I need. It's kind of silly how people demand $50+ to do [i088399b659]profitable[/i088399b659] casino offers. I might as well get my refs and split money made from them.
05-08-2005 18:17:51
I believe I am the one with leet skills, not Tony )
Oh yeah, just maid another $55 cash out, and my grand total is $600 that I have cashed out so far. Along with the $60 that I have left to play with.
05-08-2005 18:25:53
How much did you deposit?
05-08-2005 18:30:32
Yah jesus $600!!!! Yah, how much did you deposit and play with? Did you use that one counting card that someone posted awhile ago? I still have that saved on my comp
05-08-2005 18:35:36
[quote86b6f7e1d9="idrinklisterine"]How much did you deposit?[/quote86b6f7e1d9]
he deposited $25.. then he got a 100% bonus that turned it into $50
plus I'm paying him )
05-08-2005 18:42:40
[quotef1d1329536="Sonofshoe"]I believe I am the one with leet skills, not Tony )
I'm leet too (
05-08-2005 18:59:28
Wow, are you following a chart? I did the same casino for bestfreegear and deposited $100 (so $100 bonus). I followed the chart Junior posted a while back and ended up cashing out just $130 (
05-08-2005 19:06:38
he doesnt follow the chart exactly he told me
he says that he thinks it is BS staying on 14, 15, and 16 when the chart tells you to lol
just go with your gut sometimes, i've hit on 17 and won before (yeah i'm stupid)
05-08-2005 21:07:16
im getting in on this now.......ill report back how much i lose D
05-08-2005 21:40:08
lol good luck theysayjump
+karma for good luck D
06-08-2005 00:05:03
lot of people making some good money at this thing 8)
06-08-2005 01:26:41
I decided to quit while I'm ahead, its getting too addicting, and I keep betting more and more ($25+ a hand)
I will have made a $640 profit from this site.
And yes, I'm done for good, $640 is better then nothing )
Oh yeah, Tony does have some leet skills.
Also, I used the guide the first couple of hands to get the hang of it, but after that, just do what you think you should do.
Good luck everyone )
PS, if you are up like $100 or so, dont be afraid to cash out...$100 is a nice profit for doing an offer!
06-08-2005 01:36:32
did you ever get close to losing it all?
im hopefully going to start in the next few days but im probably gonna lose the lot (
I'm not really familar with these casino things. When you cash out, in what form do you get your money? Paypal, check, whatever?
06-08-2005 05:23:11
You can get a check...neteller.....some others
06-08-2005 07:17:19
[quotedf93a402b2="Elbo"]I'm not really familar with these casino things. When you cash out, in what form do you get your money? Paypal, check, whatever?[/quotedf93a402b2]
pee emed
06-08-2005 07:21:46
sonofshoe.. if you look at it from a mathematical approach, the strategy card I gave you is your best odds at winning. I played with that strategy and made a little money (not as much as you.) I wouldnt advise people play wrecklessly like sonofshoe.. his wins were in my eyes an awful lot of luck. be very careful.. blackjack and any form of gambling is very dangerous.
06-08-2005 07:24:44
[quote56122a4674="liquidskin"]sonofshoe.. if you look at it from a mathematical approach, the strategy card I gave you is your best odds at winning. I played with that strategy and made a little money (not as much as you.) I wouldnt advise people play wrecklessly like sonofshoe.. his wins were in my eyes an awful lot of luck. be very careful.. blackjack and any form of gambling is very dangerous.[/quote56122a4674]
people are doing this because they are getting free money to deposit plus more money, no risk in that lol
sonofshoe.. you'll be back.. I know you will!!
06-08-2005 08:59:47
[quotef038c731de="liquidskin"]sonofshoe.. if you look at it from a mathematical approach, the strategy card I gave you is your best odds at winning. I played with that strategy and made a little money (not as much as you.) I wouldnt advise people play wrecklessly like sonofshoe.. his wins were in my eyes an awful lot of luck. be very careful.. blackjack and any form of gambling is very dangerous.[/quotef038c731de]
Of course there was some luck in it all. Especialy when I would place a random $25 bet, and would have to double on 10, and get 21 lol
I wasn't playing that wrecklessly. I would bet $1-$2 hand for a bit, and switch to a $5 hand, or If I was feeling really lucky I would place a $25 bet. I probably only placed 4-5 $25 bets, and only lost 1 )
All in all, the times I would win the most of the money, would be when I would lose 2-3 hands in a row, and I would bet about $12-$15, and would win, and then switch back to the $1-$2 hands again.
Also, the guide you gave me is wrong I believe, on Casino On Net, the dealer stands on 17, for that guide, the dealer hits on 17, which would it change around a bit.
However, it does work for the most part. And who cares if you bet wrecklessly, your still going to get $50, and a good chance to win a lot more.
It didn't really seem like I was going to lose it all, but it seemed like you get greedier and greedier, and instead of betting $1-$2 a hand its more like $10-$15 a hand. And once you start to lose a little bit, thats when I would start betting more and more to get back to even.
I might have just been playing dumb because of the state of mind I was in at the time. wink (drunk.)
lol. People who are playing, post what you are up to, etc.
Feel free to IM me if you want some advice, not saying that I am the all powerful master at black jack (I was just about going to put BJ, lol) but I do have some good strategies for betting, etc.
Also, my friend just cashed out with me and he is up $240, we were playing at the same table, using the same betting strategies.
Good luck.
06-08-2005 18:10:42
What sites is this offer on??
06-08-2005 18:31:59
Bestfreegear and allthis4free, also tonydanza is paying people to do it.
06-08-2005 18:58:43
can someone please pm me the strategy cards or whatever SonofShoe was using for strategy. I would like to also begin my luck at gambling.
06-08-2005 19:01:02
I didn't use the strategy card and I'm already at $801
06-08-2005 20:39:31
Damnit, use the card, lol. You can lose the money just as easily as you can win it if you aren't using the card. The card makes your odds as close to perfect as possible.
If you aren't going to follow the card perfectly than at least don't stray too far from its strategy, know when to double down and such, and don't change your bet when you "feel lucky".
Glad to see some people won money on this.
06-08-2005 20:43:41
[quoteb01df9244f="slease"]Damnit, use the card, lol. You can lose the money just as easily as you can win it if you aren't using the card. The card makes your odds as close to perfect as possible.
If you aren't going to follow the card perfectly than at least don't stray too far from its strategy, know when to double down and such, and don't change your bet when you "feel lucky".
Glad to see some people won money on this.[/quoteb01df9244f]
Still haven't used the card and I'm at $1,324.50. D
06-08-2005 20:55:24
I don't believe you.
06-08-2005 20:59:39
[quote3a47418534="Collateral"][quote3a47418534="slease"]Damnit, use the card, lol. You can lose the money just as easily as you can win it if you aren't using the card. The card makes your odds as close to perfect as possible.
If you aren't going to follow the card perfectly than at least don't stray too far from its strategy, know when to double down and such, and don't change your bet when you "feel lucky".
Glad to see some people won money on this.[/quote3a47418534]
Still haven't used the card and I'm at $1,324.50. D[/quote3a47418534]
what are you playing?
im gonna play blackjack since i dont know poker or anything else.
06-08-2005 21:01:31
[quote189f720d03="theysayjump"][quote189f720d03="Collateral"][quote189f720d03="slease"]Damnit, use the card, lol. You can lose the money just as easily as you can win it if you aren't using the card. The card makes your odds as close to perfect as possible.
If you aren't going to follow the card perfectly than at least don't stray too far from its strategy, know when to double down and such, and don't change your bet when you "feel lucky".
Glad to see some people won money on this.[/quote189f720d03]
Still haven't used the card and I'm at $1,324.50. D[/quote189f720d03]
what are you playing?
im gonna play blackjack since i dont know poker or anything else.[/quote189f720d03]
blackjack, ill take a screen shot, hold up bball
06-08-2005 21:03:52
Starting with $100 and playing on casino on net?
06-08-2005 21:07:16
06-08-2005 21:08:27
Meh, I believed you. I was just jealous. Where the fuck you get $400 to blow like that?
06-08-2005 21:08:39
06-08-2005 21:09:23
[quoteb53e7b4e20="bballp6699"]Meh, I believed you. I was just jealous. Where the fuck you get $400 to blow like that?[/quoteb53e7b4e20]
dvdrecorders4free.com lol
06-08-2005 21:11:07
Set an amount, like $800 that you won't let yourself get below. Play until you get to that and then just quit.
It's the only way, trust me. Don't say you'll just stop eventually because you won't.
06-08-2005 21:12:05
[quotedfb81710bd="bballp6699"]Set an amount, like $800 that you won't let yourself get below. Play until you get to that and then just quit.
It's the only way, trust me. Don't say you'll just stop eventually because you won't.[/quotedfb81710bd]
hahah i know thanks for the tip. I think I'm gonna deposit some of it and play the rest and see if I can win anymore, that's what happened to me with the $400, I couldn't quit playing and I lost it all lol
06-08-2005 21:13:51
Just seeing that makes me want to put in $200, but I know I can't afford it. I played with $50 earlier today. I got up to $75, but lost back to $50 before I withdrawled.
06-08-2005 22:07:44
Grats, collateral!
06-08-2005 22:22:02
[quoted4bba7dd6d="Sonofshoe"]Grats, comp![/quoted4bba7dd6d]
collateral.....i think he just called you comp! shock
07-08-2005 01:25:33
07-08-2005 11:03:05
nice collateral!!!
sonofshoe made over $600 and I thought that was amazing.. you have made over $900.. crazy
07-08-2005 11:20:37
Awhile back I made $500 in one night on blackjack.
07-08-2005 13:00:00
[quotea62c8667ab="theysayjump"][quotea62c8667ab="Sonofshoe"]Grats, collateral![/quotea62c8667ab]
collateral.....i think he just called you comp! shock[/quotea62c8667ab]
What are you talking about?
07-08-2005 13:01:19
[quote3a4915f549="Sonofshoe"][quote3a4915f549="theysayjump"][quote3a4915f549="Sonofshoe"]Grats, collateral![/quote3a4915f549]
collateral.....i think he just called you comp! shock[/quote3a4915f549]
What are you talking about?[/quote3a4915f549]
He's talking about constipated emoticons. x
07-08-2005 13:26:37
I put in $25 to try out a little on casino-on-net. Dealer got black jack 3 times in a row and every time I got 20 it would push. Shit frustrates me to no end. I don't think I got two face cards more then twice before I lost it all.
07-08-2005 13:33:57
[quotefcb3683675="bballp6699"]I put in $25 to try out a little on casino-on-net. Dealer got black jack 3 times in a row and every time I got 20 it would push. Shit frustrates me to no end. I don't think I got two face cards more then twice before I lost it all.[/quotefcb3683675]
yeah that's why i don't make any promises people will make money
but they are playing with MY MONEy so it doesnt really matter much if they lose it lol
07-08-2005 15:15:13
Well, I ended up getting a $10 bonus after I lost the $25. I started to play with that and got up to $80 before I made a $55 bet and lost. Then withdrawled my $25 back.
07-08-2005 15:18:59
you guys will probably be happy to know i only cashed out $400! I lost the rest hahahahahaha
07-08-2005 15:24:23
I knew it...
07-08-2005 15:31:12
[quote243dafecf6="bballp6699"]I knew it...[/quote243dafecf6]
i hate myself cry
07-08-2005 15:51:08
Oh man, how could you do that. Oh well, money comes and goes
07-08-2005 17:28:32
I myself was up to whatever it was, $600 or something, and didn't play for like a day, and of course, I started again last night, and lost $175, and now I got back up to $600'ish.
I have now deleted my password, deffinately no more playing for me, heh.
07-08-2005 17:30:02
Well, I got real bored, so I decided to give it a try again with my $25 I decided to bounce out with. I got back to $70 and the withdrew $40. Then I used that $30 and won up to $50, so I withdrew $30 more. Then I took that twenty and got up to $50 again. So I withdrew $20 and lost the rest...
So all in all $90 in my neteller account after I lost my initial $25 and played from the bonus $10...
07-08-2005 20:04:19
You have it in your neteller account already?
08-08-2005 12:36:29
Carrying over from yesterday, I have lost 14 hands in a row from casino-on-net.
08-08-2005 13:35:28
Link to the strat card plz
08-08-2005 13:37:14
08-08-2005 14:52:46
Collateral, are you sure you can cash out? I know some casinos don't allow you to cash out without faxing in ID's and credit card records to prove you are of legal age to gamble.
08-08-2005 15:22:13
[quotec637a64cd8="slease"]Collateral, are you sure you can cash out? I know some casinos don't allow you to cash out without faxing in ID's and credit card records to prove you are of legal age to gamble.[/quotec637a64cd8]
it's all good.. they don't care at all
08-08-2005 17:07:11
Who's they, casino on net?
I'd suggest nobody underage doin any from the company that owns golden palace casino. they made me work pretty hard for my cashout, including faxing in that info.
08-08-2005 17:13:44
Yeah, GPC owes me $50, but I kind of forgot about it. If you use neteller it's easy to cashout. If you use a CC you're asking for trouble.
08-08-2005 17:44:34
damn makes me wanna do a casino site lol
08-08-2005 19:32:45
that's why i recommend everyone use neteller
with neteller my refs only have to deposit $20, with credit card the minimum is $50
i gotchoo covered!!
08-08-2005 19:40:19
What about FirePay?? Firepay seems good...
08-08-2005 22:51:49
Im not technically of legal age, but i dont want to use neteller (or similar things). Can anyone recommend what to do?
08-08-2005 23:00:13
[quote32ce9ebc17="Crynos"]Im not technically of legal age, but i dont want to use neteller (or similar things). Can anyone recommend what to do?[/quote32ce9ebc17]
why dont you want to use neteller?
08-08-2005 23:16:44
I was doing play for fun on a casino (not real money) and i just made about 200 in 5 minutes
08-08-2005 23:22:40
If you want to do Casino-On-Net, use ePassporte.
08-08-2005 23:27:09
[quote4b08633303="idrinklisterine"]If you want to do Casino-On-Net, use ePassporte.[/quote4b08633303]
Do they send checks for withdrawing? Also, do they put you through the shit slease was talking about?
08-08-2005 23:31:13
Nope, they didn't do that to me or the three friends I helped complete that offer. They send money back to your ePassporte, which you can withdraw to your bank account, or spend online as a Visa card.
08-08-2005 23:36:58
I wish that I could sign up for casino on net again. I've already done it. I made $500 in a night, but I don't have the cash to play right now.
08-08-2005 23:37:06
yep epassporte is good
stop sweating the phone call!! they could never just not pay you anyway especially if you used your dads name, thye would have to prove that it wasnt him (read the t&c)
08-08-2005 23:43:03
What phone call? They never called me or my friends. Also, one of them was actually 17 but he just put 18 in the age field and he just got his money yesterday.
08-08-2005 23:50:24
you get a phone call when you add a bank account, that's all
08-08-2005 23:59:11
From who? Casino-On-Net, or ePassporte?
09-08-2005 05:38:23
09-08-2005 08:24:24
Why don't you guys just use firepay...easier to set up
09-08-2005 08:33:36
[quote5b3a6cf68a="Collateral"]Why don't you guys just use firepay...easier to set up[/quote5b3a6cf68a]You have to do the same thing as neteller i thought
09-08-2005 08:45:39
[quote1135ae6540="Crynos"][quote1135ae6540="Collateral"]Why don't you guys just use firepay...easier to set up[/quote1135ae6540]You have to do the same thing as neteller i thought[/quote1135ae6540]
All you gotta do is sign up, activate your membership by calling an automated system thing and it verifies your phone number and your account that way, you dont have to talk to anyone. Then you can go ahead and add your bank account and shit
09-08-2005 11:28:19
Thats almost the same as what neteller does, but you call them instead of receiving a call from them. How long does it take to verify your bank account and get your deposits cleared? I deposited some money from my bank account into neteller last thursday and its supposed to clear this wednesday. Oh, and it took 1 or 2 days to get the account verified before I could even deposit.
09-08-2005 12:17:00
I still dont see the cash in my Neteller, roll
09-08-2005 23:29:15
100th reply!! just thought I'd post this, noticed there were 99 shock
09-08-2005 23:39:28
Everybody needs to do this offer with TonyDanza... the gambling is fun and plus my payday should be tommorow... It worth trying... I'm at about $50 right now with blackjack hopefully I can keep the winnings coming... D
10-08-2005 01:13:44
I'm down, PM away tony danza!!
10-08-2005 14:03:15
whats the best service to use to avoid the fees?? cuz i checked epassporte and neteller, and they call charge ridicoulous fees! When u transfer from bank account into epassporte, theres like a $3.50 fee, then when u deposit into casino, theres a $2 fee. I like my paypal much better. no fees at all, cuz i want the whole amount of my money!! thanx very much.
Crest, Out
10-08-2005 18:33:09
if you go through neteller the fees will end up being about $3 total
10-08-2005 20:15:56
I think the fees are zero with neteller. No fee to transfer from your bank account, and no fee to deposit into casinos. Maybe there's a fee for receiving payments?
13-08-2005 20:49:38
[quote9408cc8663="J4320"]That's easy to read. I bet a lot of people can easily read that.[/quote9408cc8663]
I can read it so therefore i need to get laid
17-08-2005 18:29:25
I put in $50 and Im betting $1 every hand. haha
in the words of Dave Chappele,"Im Rich Bitch"!!!
18-08-2005 16:59:29
wow am i ever reluctant to try this ... but please pm me tonydanza
ok so i got the link from tony danza, and last night i tried playing in fun mode (no money) for just over 2 hours ... i decided to try playing by the answer card, to the LETTER for every decision, so that i'd get a steady increase in my balance ... but throughout the 2 hours, there was actually a steady decline ... i bet the same amount for EVERY game and after 2 hours, i was down to 923 dollars from 1000 ... so if i'd played with real money, put in 50 (plus 50 bonus), and played for that long, i'd only be down like 7.7 dollars, but still i thought the card gave the best possible move (mathematically)? if it does, and it still yields a loss, it means that the odds are inherently in favour of the dealer, regardless of the intelligence/reasoning of the player ... therefore, the people on here making large sums are getting just plain lucky, increasing bets and making 'irrational' moves at the right times ...
all of that leads to my question, for those that have succeeded and made good money, how do you do it? is there a strategy that beats the card? or is it really plain old luck?
thanks for ANY input, i'd really like to use this to help pay my tuition this year
ALSO, is there an option for canadians that has instant transfers, without faxing anything, when i only have mastercard and not visa? thanks
23-08-2005 07:36:30
somebody reply damnit this money could really help out with school! lol
23-08-2005 08:22:40
If you use the card exactly as it says, the dealer will beat you 51% of the time.
IMO, its all about how much you bet and when you bet (obviously)
You just have to feel when to bet big and when not to bet something big.
You wont make any money if you are betting just $1, but I know its hard if you just have $50 to play with, it almost guranatees that you will lose.
Good luck.
23-08-2005 10:09:13
if you played for 2 hours and were down $7.70 that is still good, because you get a 100% bonus on your first deposit $50 x 2 = $100.. - $7.70 = $92.30
that's still $42 profit plus I'm paying to do it
23-08-2005 10:11:23
[quote86f7fa2258="tonydanza92"]if you played for 2 hours and were down $7.70 that is still good, because you get a 100% bonus on your first deposit $50 x 2 = $100.. - $7.70 = $92.30
that's still $42 profit plus I'm paying to do it
Is there a minimum withdrawal amount?
23-08-2005 10:16:47
$20 through neteller, other ways are more
check through mail is $50 i think
23-08-2005 10:19:00
So you can deposit the 50. Get the bonus and withdraw the 100? Or do you need to play some hands?
23-08-2005 10:30:14
[quote7050c0359c="stoogepid"]So you can deposit the 50. Get the bonus and withdraw the 100? Or do you need to play some hands?[/quote7050c0359c]
I put in 20 and got a 20 bonus which gave me 40 bucks, i played some hands and wasn't getting to lucky so i got to 36 bucks and withdrawled my money via neteller and just got my money the other day )
23-08-2005 10:39:03
[quote71c658f47f="stoogepid"]So you can deposit the 50. Get the bonus and withdraw the 100? Or do you need to play some hands?[/quote71c658f47f]
you can always take out your deposit right away, but the bonus takes some playing
with blackjack it is easy as hell to reach the requirements
i dont remember the amount of hands but 2 hours of play would easily reach it
23-08-2005 15:32:37
Like manofice i deposited 20 so i had $40 including the bonus. I bet mostly 1-2$ every once in awhile i'de bet a 5$ chip, I played for a good couple hours. At one point I had $70 but I lost it all. I definitly was not getting lucky in the later games, but whatever, still getting payed for the signup so profit!
EDIT this is the card i was using

http//standalone.888.com/bjschool/strategy1.gif[" alt=""/imgbd27948b4b]
23-08-2005 15:43:40
The cards suck... just play with your gut that's what I did and i got yo $1,400 with $200
23-08-2005 15:59:44
i gave this one to people
i tend not to trust that one AS much since it is from a casino D
16-09-2005 13:07:59
anybody else want to make some quick cash pm me?
19-09-2005 19:20:10
heck yeh, i just cashed out today for 1000 bucks, with 50 more still in the bank roll for more black jack... not bad for one days work... woot for money!!!
19-09-2005 21:14:21
19-09-2005 22:09:15
Tony, PM me the offer at hand. How much you're paying, via any site, etc
20-09-2005 10:57:01
tony, please let me know what my status is on your site and/or why you haven't paid yet
20-09-2005 11:31:43
[quote82eaef8a5f="emailjwr"]tony, please let me know what my status is on your site and/or why you haven't paid yet
please pm me with your info, the date you did it, and what the trade conditions were
my aim is alckoholickadam
20-09-2005 20:41:57
just cashed out $870 from a $20 deposit mwahahaha
20-09-2005 22:00:45
[quoted9af2c10b8="tonydanza92"]just cashed out $870 from a $20 deposit mwahahaha[/quoted9af2c10b8]
[bd9af2c10b8]WARNING[/bd9af2c10b8] Bumping rules apply here just as well as anywhere else...its clear you just posted that to promote your offer. Just a reminder...be cautious when dealing with 888!
20-09-2005 22:04:15
[quote7b28821c4f="FreeOffersNow"][quote7b28821c4f="tonydanza92"]just cashed out $870 from a $20 deposit mwahahaha[/quote7b28821c4f]
[b7b28821c4f]WARNING[/b7b28821c4f] Bumping rules apply here just as well as anywhere else...its clear you just posted that to promote your offer. Just a reminder...be cautious when dealing with 888![/quote7b28821c4f]
that was not an intentional bump... (I did bump it before though sorry)
and what is wrong with 888? I play there all the time and have never had any troubles EVER.. my best experience with any site yet
20-09-2005 22:14:14
I was directing you to use caution when dealing with 888 as an affiliate, not a player. Many a man has lost many a dollar not following their affiliate terms and conditions.
20-09-2005 23:34:39
[quotefe70f530a9="FreeOffersNow"]I was directing you to use caution when dealing with 888 as an affiliate, not a player. Many a man has lost many a dollar not following their affiliate terms and conditions.[/quotefe70f530a9]
did you ever email them and ask for permission? I did..
21-09-2005 22:12:49
man the fun rolls on at this casino... just cashed out another $1000, which brings my 2 day total to $2000 cashed out, with $100 still in my bank roll to try to get to 3k!.... so much fun.... gambiling is addicting... especially when i didn't spend money to have this fun!!!
22-09-2005 07:03:32
[quote64def8f632="fox_91"]man the fun rolls on at this casino... just cashed out another $1000, which brings my 2 day total to $2000 cashed out, with $100 still in my bank roll to try to get to 3k!.... so much fun.... gambiling is addicting... especially when i didn't spend money to have this fun!!![/quote64def8f632]
Make sure your playing with real money and not play moneyt lol
) grats!
22-09-2005 08:36:39
ugh i'm so jealous of these people pulling in 1000+ ... i went in with 200 and gambled it away within like an hour, gotta get better at blackjack lol
22-09-2005 10:38:27
lol very true... i say not spending money cuz with the money i got from tony, i ended 5 bucks up before playing... so any money earned is money i didn't have to pay for...
as for emailjwr. blackjack is as much betting smart, as it is playing smart... playing smart is handled witht he cards u see floating around... so playing the strat card is best, don't deviate from it much (i do sometimes when i have like 16 i know i should hit sometimes, but u gotta take into account the cards on the table and the odds of busting)
but what i have seen after playing the computer for a long time, is that they have bouts where it will beat you silly, and not cuz u play bad, its cuz it just draws better. i went from 500 to around 100 from a 50 game loss streak... but just remmber if the computer is drawing 10's and high stuff bet low... i have seen that at some points the computer will draw bad and thats when ui strike back, usualy i can play like 7 hands in a row and bet high and win usualy....
. maybe the best strat i use when i play is treat every 100 like your back at 0... i mean try not to drop below your 100 levels, so if u get to 110... don't bet so much that you will drop below 100, when u get about 150 or whatever, u can bet higher, but when u hit 200, play it like you can't go below that... i found that it helps preserve my bankroll, and forces me to play smaller until i can afford to lose money...hope that helps a bit
29-09-2005 18:40:08
Tony PM me the offer, I have read through this and it seems pretty interesting.
02-10-2005 09:08:29
Wow!!! Let me know if you can cashout that. Congrats bro!
02-10-2005 17:12:56
tony PM me too )
03-10-2005 18:55:02
Tony, PM me this please, im interested wink
UniPrize Media
14-10-2005 15:40:14
[bd4f0fec3ab]$$$$$$$$$$$$[/colord4f0fec3ab]I am also referring people to Casino on net and Pacific poker so pm me If u want to do this.[/colord4f0fec3ab]$$$$$$$$$$$$[/colord4f0fec3ab][/bd4f0fec3ab][/sized4f0fec3ab]
14-10-2005 16:14:49
this is called thread hijacking, ulenie...
also all you hotheads, good luck to you, my account got locked without payment for september, it'll happen to you soon too!
UniPrize Media
14-10-2005 16:23:53
First i already asked Tony and second this is not his Topic.
[quote9feaa55b2e="Archon810"]this is called thread hijacking, ulenie...
also all you hotheads, good luck to you, my account got locked without payment for september, it'll happen to you soon too![/quote9feaa55b2e]
15-10-2005 00:35:24
I made deal with ulenie and it was a really smooth transaction!
Very recommended!
UniPrize Media
22-10-2005 07:11:45
Still looking for refs. Come on people, this is a win win situation.[/color5335978999][/size5335978999]
22-10-2005 14:27:55
I am interested in this PM me.
22-10-2005 15:37:39
way to go ulenie
not that this is a trading post but good job for "stealing it"
and don't lie about getting permission, I may have said you could post here but I never said you could blatantly advertise... when did I ever blatantly advertise this as a trade thread?
I wouldn't trade with you anyway you are just a shady liar
UniPrize Media
22-10-2005 17:10:46
[quote6f8e331e63="linco"]I am interested in this PM me.[/quote6f8e331e63]
23-10-2005 01:44:55
[quote50d2fac95d="tonydanza92"]I made my $7k and they bant me[/quote50d2fac95d]
Tiflyer3 Tony
Tiflyer3 u spoiling it for me
Tiflyer3 this is ulenie
Tiflyer3 please remove how much u made
Tiflyer3 people going to expect me to give them more
For anybody willing to do this for him..
Ulenie is a douch bag
UniPrize Media
23-10-2005 08:13:42
Tony is totally hating, bec he is cancelled. And He doesnt want other people to make money.
23-10-2005 08:16:19
[quoteb7f77fdc8c="ulenie"]Tony is totally hating, bec he is cancelled. And He doesnt want other people make money.[/quoteb7f77fdc8c]
actually I'm not cancelled anymore, I just don't think people should trade with a shady liar like you
UniPrize Media
23-10-2005 08:21:03
How am i lying?
Here is a pm i got from tony
From tonydanza92
To ulenie
Posted Fri Oct 14, 2005 137 pm
Subject Re Hey Tony Quote message
ulenie wrote
Are u still alive in the 888 game? If not do u mind if i take over ur Topic in the brag bag thread, instead of starting my own topic. Thanks.
it's not my topic, so i cant change it
they just cancelled my account cause I made so much, but I'm making a new one... still alive i guess
pay me some money and i'll get it changed Laughing I have gotten like 20 people to do it who pm'd me after seeing it so it actually isnt a bad idea hehe
anyway good luck
I dont know why all the sudden He wants to turn against me, he probably had a bad night or something.
[quote9fc63a25bf="tonydanza92"][quote9fc63a25bf="ulenie"]Tony is totally hating, bec he is cancelled. And He doesnt want other people make money.[/quote9fc63a25bf]
actually I'm not cancelled anymore, I just don't think people should trade with a shady liar like you[/quote9fc63a25bf]
23-10-2005 09:22:54
I should be the one compensated for directing all of those new users to you.
UniPrize Media
23-10-2005 09:30:22
Actually ur right.
[quoteee7e6587aa="Sonofshoe"]I should be the one compensated for directing all of those new users to you.
23-10-2005 13:27:36
[quoted2a43c6a89="Archon810"]this is called thread hijacking, ulenie...
also all you hotheads, good luck to you, my account got locked without payment for september, it'll happen to you soon too![/quoted2a43c6a89]
First i already asked Tony and second this is not his Topic.
you jacked the thread, and tried to make it look like I gave you "permission"
now find where I gave you this permission in your own post
[quoted2a43c6a89="ulenie"]How am i lying?
Here is a pm i got from tony
From tonydanza92
To ulenie
Posted Fri Oct 14, 2005 137 pm
Subject Re Hey Tony Quote message
ulenie wrote
Are u still alive in the 888 game? If not do u mind if i take over ur Topic in the brag bag thread, instead of starting my own topic. Thanks.
it's not my topic, so i cant change it
they just cancelled my account cause I made so much, but I'm making a new one... still alive i guess
pay me some money and i'll get it changed Laughing I have gotten like 20 people to do it who pm'd me after seeing it so it actually isnt a bad idea hehe
anyway good luck
I dont know why all the sudden He wants to turn against me, he probably had a bad night or something.
[quoted2a43c6a89="tonydanza92"][quoted2a43c6a89="ulenie"]Tony is totally hating, bec he is cancelled. And He doesnt want other people make money.[/quoted2a43c6a89]
actually I'm not cancelled anymore, I just don't think people should trade with a shady liar like you[/quoted2a43c6a89][/quoted2a43c6a89]
oh and when I said you can pay me to get the guy to change it that was a joke, hence the "hehe"
stop posting here, nobody really reads til the 7th page anyway and you are just making yourself look worse
UniPrize Media
23-10-2005 13:36:40
Look Jack ass. U basically said it is not my topic, its not up to me. So stop acting like u own it. I havent got anyone from this thread and i dont really care if I do. So get off my back.
And by the way what the hell u got to loose from me posting here?
23-10-2005 13:57:21
i dont care if you post here, just dont act like I am "passing on my business" to you and stopping it myself
UniPrize Media
23-10-2005 14:06:28
I never said u passed on ur "business". I just said i am also referring people too. U have no ammunition in this argument. So stop arguing with me.
[quotef3339d7b5c="tonydanza92"]i dont care if you post here, just dont act like I am "passing on my business" to you and stopping it myself[/quotef3339d7b5c]
23-10-2005 14:21:31
OK, the way I see it, is that ulenie you shouldn't have "thread-jacked" by saying you were also paying people. I know this isn't/wasn't a trade thread, but it's still the same thing.
I don't see anything in TonyDanza92's PM to you that "gave you permission" to advertise your own offer. If you want to advertise the same thing, then open up a trade thread about it.
TonyDanza92, there's no need to call ulenie a shady liar or make him look bad because he posted in ehre advertising his offer. It seems like it might have just been a misunderstanding on ulenie's part.
If anyone else wants to make a thread like this, offering money for casino sites etc, then please make a trade thread. Please remember that you won't be credited TR for these trades however.