04-08-2005 15:46:12
Received my first freebie!!
It's a 20gb Color iPod from flashipods4free. I received it today, 7 days after ordering. TRAINN IS THE BEST! I'll post pics.. when I get a digital camera.. after I start freedigitalcameras.. in a few months.
Thanks Alan and FlashiPods4Free
-tony danza
04-08-2005 16:13:10
Wow cool. Congrats on your first freebie. Who's the boss?
04-08-2005 16:34:25
[quote33bd547ba7="J4320"]Wow cool. Congrats on your first freebie. Who's the boss?[/quote33bd547ba7]
I AM I AM!!!
04-08-2005 17:43:46
[quoteac11452162="J4320"]No I am....[/quoteac11452162]

http//[" alt=""/imgac11452162]
[size=21ac11452162]I dont see you as an option there J.. so there's no chance of that[/sizeac11452162]
04-08-2005 18:01:28
btw congrats )
Edit Hey who gave me bad karma ( i didn't do anything wrong
04-08-2005 18:17:14
btw congrats )
Edit Hey who gave me bad karma ( i didn't do anything wrong[/quotef5e2f0493a]
I just gave you + karma for the congrats lol
04-08-2005 19:31:33
Take some pics do it i dont care if you dont have a digital camera do it now
04-08-2005 19:44:25
[quote20f11fe134="Collateral"]Take some pics do it i dont care if you dont have a digital camera do it now[/quote20f11fe134]
lol I think I have a shitty logitech quickcam somewhere I got free like 5 years ago... lemme see if i can find it
and I know you just want to see my sexy self dont you
04-08-2005 19:44:52
[quotef02cf109cb="tonydanza92"][quotef02cf109cb="J4320"]No I am....[/quotef02cf109cb]

http//[" alt=""/imgf02cf109cb]
[size=21f02cf109cb]I dont see you as an option there J.. so there's no chance of that[/sizef02cf109cb][/quotef02cf109cb]
DAMN YOU!!! I will be the boss some day!
04-08-2005 20:09:42
btw congrats )
Edit Hey who gave me bad karma ( i didn't do anything wrong[/quote4d672f8226]
I just gave you + karma for the congrats lol[/quote4d672f8226]
Ditto ) + karma for you )
04-08-2005 20:26:23
[quote1d34eb8521="tonydanza92"][quote1d34eb8521="Collateral"]Take some pics do it i dont care if you dont have a digital camera do it now[/quote1d34eb8521]
lol I think I have a shitty logitech quickcam somewhere I got free like 5 years ago... lemme see if i can find it
and I know you just want to see my sexy self dont you[/quote1d34eb8521]
04-08-2005 20:54:59
Congrats on the iPod. Hopefully I should finish mine up soon as well. D
04-08-2005 22:07:47
congrats! im waiting for mine to be approved )
04-08-2005 22:11:04
Good job, I agree with Collateral, u go buy a fucking disposable digi cam now!
05-08-2005 07:05:14
they have disposable digital cams??
05-08-2005 07:09:15
[quote4fd894d6ed="whatisntseen"]they have disposable digital cams??[/quote4fd894d6ed]
yah, where have you been?
06-08-2005 16:00:55
Way to go Tony, any tips for a newb like me to get greens?
06-08-2005 19:05:10
[quoteb894030ca5="Conner5"]Way to go Tony, any tips for a newb like me to get greens?[/quoteb894030ca5]
yeah, put the link up on ebay. Then hack into ebay's database and bid as other people, on ur own auction. Then, claim that the bidders were inlegitimate and sue ebay for falseafiing auctions.
wtf, did anyone get what i just said. Let me read it again... nope, still nothin.[/sizeb894030ca5]