27-07-2005 22:28:00
Sweet man. Hope you get it soon!!!
27-07-2005 22:42:54
congrats! This was also my first freebie, i got the xbox ) Should be there in no time )
27-07-2005 22:43:23
yah cool man! What system did you get?
27-07-2005 23:04:33
ok whose avatar is huge as heck? anywho congrats!
28-07-2005 00:21:19
Congrats on your first item. Hopefully, I should be done my first item soon.
02-08-2005 21:49:34
Well today it came, around 10-11 in the morning D
Here are some pictures...btw this is my first freebie
http//[" alt=""/img996c47a010]
[img="996c47a010]http//[" alt=""/img996c47a010]
[img="996c47a010]http//[" alt=""/img996c47a010]
03-08-2005 04:36:34
The xbox was my second freebie... Congrates bro.. What did you get with yours? When I got mine I was amazed cause I got the DVD kit and also the new starwars game that came out a couple months ago. I didn't think it would come with that stuff.
03-08-2005 07:53:52
Lol now get rid of it before it's worth $50.
But anyway congrats.