25-06-2005 12:01:56
couldnt have come any sooner... i was all out of clean laundry and didnt have anything to wear to the laundromat.
25-06-2005 13:39:51
So let me get this strait,gratis sends you a free t-shirt as well the ipod/photoipod? cause i only need 3 more greens before i get just curious,lol D
25-06-2005 13:43:24
yeah i got my free t-shirt about a month after i got my ipod.....but dont hold out for one, they seem to be very few and far between.
25-06-2005 13:45:23
what like 1 in 20 people get one?
25-06-2005 13:47:53
if that i think....might be something like that.
25-06-2005 14:00:18
I think they're now shipping to everyone who completes the site. I think the pattern is that they ship about a month after you get your ipod.
25-06-2005 15:43:35
for me it was like 11 days...
got my ipod on the 14th and tshirt today... the 25th
i guess i got lucky. didnt know till i was ordering my ipod that i even got a shirt.
from what ive been hearing, Gratis is getting better about the shirts.
like the ipods... it might take a lil while... but you will most likely get it.
25-06-2005 15:47:20
So does the T-Shirt have your referral link on it? If so, it seems kind of pointless to have after. lol
25-06-2005 17:08:37
i thought it say's I Heart(love) ipods.
25-06-2005 17:37:35
[quote8d464d1d63="computer-guy"]i thought it say's I Heart(love) ipods.[/quote8d464d1d63]
Yeah, here's a picture.

http/" alt=""/"155/8894/gallery153205309ev.jpg[" alt=""/img8d464d1d63]
25-06-2005 17:41:55
so the shirt also will come with the photo? i hope so cause thats the one i'm on,lol
Problebly a stupid question,lol, lol
25-06-2005 17:42:32
Yeah I got one of those too after I completed freeipods. I don't want to wear it though. Those are big and ugly.
25-06-2005 17:45:14
[quoteaf1288647a="J4320"]Yeah I got one of those too after I completed freeipods. I don't want to wear it though. Those are big and ugly.[/quoteaf1288647a]
lol, lol
27-06-2005 07:43:14
[quote4bfd96c725="computer-guy"]so the shirt also will come with the photo? i hope so cause thats the one i'm on,lol
Problebly a stupid question,lol, lol[/quote4bfd96c725]
No, if you do get one, it will only be for freeipods. They ask you what size and color you want. Not available for freephotoipods.
27-06-2005 13:19:24
I got my t-shirt today too. Seems like almost all the recent freeipod shipments are receiving shirts.
30-06-2005 06:12:51
Received my black t-shirt yesterday.