09-06-2005 17:08:01
Sig says it all...
Pics will come as soon as I get them.
Xbox is coming the 10th, and the ipod is coming the 13th!
Edit Pics are here!

http/" alt=""/"148/6598" alt=""/img01252en.jpg[/img5ea6fb9535]
liDoes anyone know how to tell what "generation" it is. I'm selling it on Ebay, and its kind of important.
[img="5ea6fb9535]http/" alt=""/"95/9524" alt=""/img01265ao.jpg[/img5ea6fb9535]
09-06-2005 17:51:30
Pimp. Give me some of your free stuff. Congrats and you better take pictures or I will slap you. ;)
09-06-2005 22:20:03
yeah thats sweet dude!
lets see those pics dammit!
11-06-2005 08:59:49
Got my xbox early Friday, no games or dvd remote, but it was crazy fast to get. Took about 20 days after I hit "Order."
13-06-2005 14:05:12
Pics are kind of big shock But they should work )