11-05-2005 11:54:53

http//[" alt=""/img3051d5682a] Got my iPod Shuffle from Gratis today )
Just got home about 20 minutes ago and saw it on my kitchen table.
I was looking for a bigger box; almost walked right past it ) Its so tiny! Already put it on eBay ([url=]http//[]http//[/url]) Or i might sell it to my friend. I love Free stuff D
[img="3051d5682a]http/" alt=""/"225/5961/d4ws.jpg[" alt=""/img3051d5682a]
[img="3051d5682a]http/" alt=""/"238/4395/h6fr.jpg[" alt=""/img3051d5682a]
11-05-2005 12:12:35
haha, congrats! mine from OC should be coming today too. only 512 MB though (
12-05-2005 13:43:50
[quote4e6eb2cda6="Archon810"]haha, congrats! mine from OC should be coming today too. only 512 MB though ([/quote4e6eb2cda6]
Thanks, im pumped i actually got it! )
12-05-2005 13:48:36
[quote1e17a81b03="Archon810"]haha, congrats! mine from OC should be coming today too. only 512 MB though ([/quote1e17a81b03]
I got 4 out of 7 greens red on thefreeproject. ? So now, I'm processing for the 512MB Shuffle too. roll