legit! (even though it took 4 months)
02-05-2005 17:16:45
Well ya everybody thought was bogus, including me. It seemed too easy. Do 3 offers yourself (no need for referrals) and get an iPod mini. Well I said why not let's try it out (I thought Gratis was fake initially, but hey I got an iPod from them!). I did 3 offers (Video Professor - only cost $4.95, trial - free, Privacy Matters - free). And today I got a blue iPod mini. The catch/bad side is it took about freakin 4 months from the time I started doing this to getting it. Not that I really care that much because it's FREE.
Now that I have a 4GB iPod mini blue. Do you think it's worth it to try to exchange it for the 6GB iPod? wouldn't I have to pay at least $45?
Haha too bad, back in January when I started, the better mini's weren't out yet, and the 4GB cost $249. Now this iPod only costs $200 while the 6GB cost $249. Is it worth it to exchange and try to get a 6GB? and if I do, where should I go? Fry's? Apple Store?

http/" alt=""/[/imgc9a20594de]
02-05-2005 17:21:31 -
can you refer people - like do they give you a link.
I want to sign up fr this one (since you got your ipod)
if someone has a link - then lets trade
02-05-2005 17:26:29
no is not referral based, you do it on your own.
also, another problem is you need to do all your 3 offers at ONCE when you sign up. that's why it's been so unpopular and people were skeptical. it takes a freakin long time too. (6 weeks to verify offer completed, then you print out 3 certificates of completion and mail it to them in one envelope, and then wait another 6 weeks for them to ship) but it wasn't much effort at all so i'm glad it worked for me.
so ya it's a pain in the butt but i got an iPod
02-05-2005 18:14:27
how much money did you pay in total
02-05-2005 18:56:33
wow congrats, i don't think i have that much patience to do a site like that.
02-05-2005 19:20:07

http//" alt=""/img/bbq_grill.jpg[/img61168edcb8]
lol, thats funny
02-05-2005 19:51:03
i paid $4.95 total (shipping for video professor)
02-05-2005 20:14:33
i think i might actually go for the grill!
02-05-2005 20:20:11
wow that thing will be a pain to ship lol
but good luck chewy if you decide to proceed. i already warned you it's tedious and a long wait, but i'm glad my efforts paid off for my iPod.
02-05-2005 20:21:34
i already waited a month for my PSP to get used to the wait
02-05-2005 20:32:31
So I just went for the mini, did Simply You, Privacy Matters, and Entertainment book, and now what? Do I just wait for the email from them? I'm assuming I did them all right, so it just takes a while to get credit? Anyway, just lookin for some insight from a satisfied customer.
02-05-2005 21:16:18
hyperboarder cancel those trials before they start charging you (wait til near the end of the trial). for simply you and privacy matters, it was incredibly easy for me, i just emailed them and they canceled my membership . i don't know about entertainment book.
oh and i lied, i actually had to pay $6.95 in all cuz simply you and privacy matter each put $1 on your credit card.
when you log in to check your gift status, it should show the offers you did and say "pending". after 6 weeks it should say approved. you should be able to click the approved link and make a certificate for you to print to mail to the gift center. but the link for me wasn't working and i emailed the customer service (there is a form on the site) and i'm happy with their service, they usually reply the next business day. the customer service emailed me the right links to make the certificates since for some reason the ones on the site weren't working.
so after you print the 3 certificates, put them in one envelope and mail it to the place. after a week or so it should say "confirmed" on the process page. then after 5-6 weeks, it should say "shipped." from the time it says shipped you should get it 5 business days later or so. mine shipped from illinois.
02-05-2005 21:25:53
Sweet, thanks for the help, the entertainment book was just a thing to buy, so I got that because they're actually really useful. Did it take long to get the first email from them with the confirmation link? I can't log into my gift status page because I don't have that yet.
02-05-2005 21:54:34
check your junk mail box it could be there. or go to http// and try a couple times to send it again. are you using gmail? (it will be in junk)
03-05-2005 00:47:10
In case anybody's interested, I threw up a step by step documentation thread in the Point-Based Sites forum, it's updated to the stage where I'm waiting for "greens". And on a totally unrelated topic, I checked out your website crazylicious, and I gotta say, those are some really cool pics.
03-05-2005 03:39:34
Nice Crazy. I just signed up and did it for the little motor bike.
Razor Pocket Rocket™ Bike Entertainment® Savings Book 05/03/2005 Pending Pending
Razor Pocket Rocket™ Bike eFax Plus with 30-Day Free Trial 05/03/2005 Pending Pending
Razor Pocket Rocket™ Bike BLOCKBUSTER Online™ First Month for only $9.99!
05/03/2005 Pending Pending
03-05-2005 07:42:04
[quote75b8e7b0f5="Collateral"]Nice Crazy. I just signed up and did it for the little motor bike.
Razor Pocket Rocket™ Bike Entertainment® Savings Book 05/03/2005 Pending Pending
Razor Pocket Rocket™ Bike eFax Plus with 30-Day Free Trial 05/03/2005 Pending Pending
Razor Pocket Rocket™ Bike BLOCKBUSTER Online™ First Month for only $9.99!
05/03/2005 Pending Pending[/quote75b8e7b0f5]
What exactly did you have to do for the entertainment book offer? I just bought a book for my city, is that all there is to it?
03-05-2005 13:42:23
[quoted449d927d9="hyperboarder"][quoted449d927d9="Collateral"]Nice Crazy. I just signed up and did it for the little motor bike.
Razor Pocket Rocket™ Bike Entertainment® Savings Book 05/03/2005 Pending Pending
Razor Pocket Rocket™ Bike eFax Plus with 30-Day Free Trial 05/03/2005 Pending Pending
Razor Pocket Rocket™ Bike BLOCKBUSTER Online™ First Month for only $9.99!
05/03/2005 Pending Pending[/quoted449d927d9]
What exactly did you have to do for the entertainment book offer? I just bought a book for my city, is that all there is to it?[/quoted449d927d9]
yes, I believe all there was to it was to buy their book. That's what I did anyways.
03-05-2005 13:50:03
Where did you find the pocket bike? That sounds like fun. Gas or electric? I'd take it over an ipod mini any day, and I wouldn't have to sell it. I didn't see it in the gifts though.
03-05-2005 13:51:44
Gah, I guess I was a little of an idiot of not even reading if it was gas etc... http//
Only 15mph, what shit. I don't want it now lol, DAMNIT
03-05-2005 14:02:50
do they have more gifts then what is listed
03-05-2005 14:04:40
[quote2fa455412b="Stroid"]do they have more gifts then what is listed[/quote2fa455412b]
Yes, You see the ## at the back of the url? just keep upping it one by one and the gift will change such as 17, 18, 19, 20 etc...
03-05-2005 14:16:14
http// do they still sell this ipod...and they have a shitload of random gifts
03-05-2005 14:42:03
Everything up to 42 is different, the have some LV bags that are rather pricey, MSRP of $515. Is there any way to change gifts?
03-05-2005 15:04:37
Reminds me of GiftFox's redemption site...
03-05-2005 19:31:42
hyperboarder thanks, lol i take photos/web design for fun also owns and so i assume those should work too.
i'm still amazed. i really didn't believe offergift would work and i kinda forgot about it since it took so long, imagine by happiness and surprise when i got my mini!