01-05-2005 18:15:48
$249.99 + $14.99 shipping sold in less than 2 days)
Auction seen 160+ times
Attempts to scam - once)
01-05-2005 18:17:25
congrats.. how did the guy try to scam you
01-05-2005 18:21:29
It was a different guy. I got something like "You'll ship to my DHL address, and I'll pay for shipping using my account, so you won't have to pay anything. I'm from Singapore... blah-blah-blah" and bullshit like that)
01-05-2005 18:39:08
[quotebf9cb5ee23="Phbs83"]$249.99 + $14.99 shipping sold in less than 2 days)
Auction seen 160+ times
Attempts to scam - once)[/quotebf9cb5ee23]
If I ever get approved, I think I will sell my gratis psp too. Could u provide a link? Just want to see what the auction looked like. +Was it a value pack w/ Spidey or not?
01-05-2005 19:24:32
conrats man was it ebay>?
01-05-2005 21:00:30
What are you gonna do with the <$250 thats better than a PSP?
01-05-2005 21:08:50
Item #8188640393[=http//]Item #8188640393
This link should work. No it was without the SpiderMan movie.
And with the $250 i'm going to spend some money on referrals for notebooks4free, or save the money and upgrade my notebookpc)
Personally, I wanted a PSP so much. I even bought one, plus some games. However, after a couple of days, I realized I wasn't playing anymore. Why? No idea, probably because of World of Warcraft. So i decided to get as much money as possible, and invest them somewhere;)
02-05-2005 07:32:31
very nice, thanks for the link
02-05-2005 07:44:05
No problem.
I use this setup for most of my auctions, and it works;) I know it's plain ugly, but "don't fix something if it's working" lol