MJRewardz - Offer Updates

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=69109


05-09-2007 20:46:27

Hello Everyone,

After recent problems with dead links and a short of offers, we have decided to totally revamp all of our offers. We started by completely deleting every single offer of ours, dead or not, and then started from scratch adding offers. We have now completed and we should have a great list of fully functional offers. We are offering a new incentive to catch errors on the offer side of our sites. If you had signed up for our site un-referred, we will give you $5 for every error (max = 3) you find in our offers as long as it was not reported by someone else already. An example would be a dead offer. The money for this incentive will be added onto your order if it is $80 +. Hope you enjoy our new offers and keep bringing the people!

-MJRewardz Management