20-08-2007 08:32:17
Hello Everyone,
We have been having major problems on our sites lately and we finally found out what has gone wrong. We are now switching hosts to fix this problem and hopefully that will do it. The sites will be down for a day or two during the switch and that should start later tonight. We apologize for any unanswered support tickets the past couple of days, we were not even able to get into our admin panel. We also apologize for any inconveniences this has caused you and we assure you that the sites will be back up soon. Thank you for your patience.
-MJRewardz Management
28-08-2007 16:35:01
Hello Folks,
After a long 8 days, MJRewardz is back up fully. We had a major problem with our host and then had even more problems when trying to transfer, but we are all up now. We are now working on fixing a couple dead offers on the CC sites and working on adding more offers to the non CC sites. We apologize for this long delay, but we thank you for your great patience and we are glad to see everything back up. If you guys have any questions about anything, please feel free to contact us. We can be contacted through support tickets, e-mail ( email==Support@MJRewardz.comSupport@MJRewardz.com=Support@MJRewardz.comSupport@MJRewardz.com/email), or AIM (MJSupportMike or MJSupportJustin). We encourage you to contact us and ask as many questions as needed!
-MJRewardz Management