Explosive July Promos

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30-06-2008 14:18:04

http//swiftrewards.net/july_promos.gif[" alt=""/img4569a5bf04]

[color=Red4569a5bf04]Promo #1 Maximum Payouts[/color4569a5bf04]
As you may know, we have 24/7 bonuses for gaining more referrals if one referral is worth $40, and you cash out with 10, you instead get $450 -- $45/each. This month we're giving you these [i4569a5bf04]same[/i4569a5bf04] bonuses even if you cash out with just [i4569a5bf04]one[/i4569a5bf04] referral! That means
Every referral on our $80/ref site (Cash) will be worth $90 -- [color=Red4569a5bf04]$10 Bonus per referral[/color4569a5bf04]
Every referral on our $60/ref sites (PS3, 360) will be worth $67 -- [color=Red4569a5bf04]$7 Bonus per referral[/color4569a5bf04]
Every referral on our $40/ref sites (Cards, Photo, MP3) will be worth $45 -- [color=Red4569a5bf04]$5 Bonus per referral[/color4569a5bf04]

This applies to referrals obtained and used during July.
Note The prize images won't change, but you'll get your bonus when you order ;)

[color=Blue4569a5bf04]Promo #2 HDTV / $900 Giveaway[/color4569a5bf04]
This is month two of our two-month HDTV/$900 contest. There's still plenty of time to win, as a mere 4 referrals this month can put you in the drawing! And, only [i4569a5bf04]one[/i4569a5bf04] person has qualified so far, so the odds of winning, if you get included, are [i4569a5bf04]very[/i4569a5bf04] high! Remember the contest is [i4569a5bf04]not[/i4569a5bf04] a referral race -- you don't have to have more referrals than anyone else, you merely have to meet a minimum number.
[url==http//swiftrewards.net/HDcontest/][color=Blue4569a5bf04]Read more here![/color4569a5bf04][=http//swiftrewards.net/HDcontest/][color=Blue4569a5bf04]Read more here![/color4569a5bf04][/url]

We originally planned to post current standings on only two days, June 20th and July 15th. We posted them on June 20th, and will still post them on the 15th, but we've also decided to post a third update, today. Check the current point tallies [url==http//swiftrewards.net/HDcontest/points_tally.html]here[=http//swiftrewards.net/HDcontest/points_tally.html]here[/url].
If you want to participate in the promo and are not on the current list, be sure to let us know!

[color=Red4569a5bf04]Promo #3 Free Greens[/color4569a5bf04]
We've had great responses to our free green promos, so we're going to do another one )
To get a free green
[b4569a5bf04]Step 1. If you didn't participate in last month's promo[/b4569a5bf04]
Sign up unreferred on up to two sites of your choice. You can choose any two sites that you want.
[b4569a5bf04]Step 1. If you did participate in last month's promo[/b4569a5bf04]
Sign up unreferred on one site of your choice. You can choose any site that you want.
[b4569a5bf04]Step 2.[/b4569a5bf04] Open a support ticket to request your green.
A free green eliminates the need for you to complete offers.

[color=Blue4569a5bf04][b4569a5bf04]At Swit Rewards we offer[/b4569a5bf04][/color4569a5bf04]
- Near instant payments (minutes to hours). We'll cover your PayPal fees.
- Near instant support replies.
- Some of the highest offer weights available - 1-referral cashouts
- Forever green and repeatable
- Wide selection of offers. Plus typically about 20 Canadian offers
- Increasingly higher payout bonuses for referring more people
- Unique features and design
- Trustworthiness We've been in business since February 2007