15-02-2007 14:12:06
After wanting to do so for probably a year I have finally opened my own freebie network. It's called Somethin 4 Nothin and it's at
There are currently six sites in the network, with another launching fairly soon. Current sites are
I think you will find we have very high payouts. I compared my payouts to two of the most popular points sites and on average i beat them by $1-$2. not a lot but it adds up. can't promise that i beat them everytime, but if i recall correctly i at least tied them on every offer i checked.
all of the prizes are available from Points (60+).
XB360, PS3, Wii, PS2, DS, PSP, etc.
Microwaves, ovens, tools, TV stands, vacuums. Boring things that you hate to spend money on
Some unique gifts on this site pool tables, a portable basketball system, guitars, knives
I didn't want to do a typical iPods site, so this site includes the iPods and also includes stereo systems, TVs, cameras, car radios, GPS units, and a DVD recorder/DVR
Desktop and laptop computers, plus a tablet PC. Desktops include custom-built systems from Cyberpower, an iMac, and an amazingly small PC from Acer.
I'm really excited about the contest which we will have each and every month. I won't describe it yet, but here are the main points
1. You don't have to complete ANY offers if you don't want to.
2. It'll be completely unique
3. It'll be fun
Unfortunately I have to wait for the script to be modded before I can launch it. No word from SWGreenID yet about when I can expect it. I'd love to start it before March 1st, so it can run from March 1-31, and then start again first of April.
Also, I have updated my freebie-site tracking program GreenCheck so that you may check your Somethin4Nothin accounts with it. it still also supports many other networks as well of course.
Let me know if you have any comments or questions. You can email= me at me at and I am often available by AIM at S4NJeremy.
15-02-2007 16:52:55
Can't wait let us know when its out and good luck!
15-02-2007 17:10:34
it's out now actually, except the contest won't likely start until March 1st. i'm waiting for a script mod.
15-02-2007 19:31:52
How often do you guys pay?
15-02-2007 21:41:39
no set payout days yet, but it'd be within 1-5 days of you placing your order.
19-02-2007 10:29:17
since the monthly contest can't be started up yet I'm going to hold another one in the meantime. for every offer you complete between Feb. 15th (yes, it's retroactive ) and March 5th will be entered into a drawing for your choice of $50, 500 Points, or a free green on any of our sites.
(note that the no-CC offers on Points count as well.)
Prize will be awarded on March the 6th. Credit for your offer must be received by (or on) March the 5th.
21-02-2007 14:21:39
1-5 days of placing an order... how do you do it?
21-02-2007 18:33:58
I'm just good i guess lol
23-02-2007 22:16:26
Hi all,
I added three new gift options just now
Onkyo 6.1 Home Theater System (on Tech & Points)
i just recently bought this myself and it's a fine system
GMC Denali Road Bike (on Fun & Points)
GMC Topkick Mountain Bike (on Fun & Points)
I plan on adding some more TV models to Tech soon as well.
If you have any gift suggestions just let me know.
In other news
I added a few more offers over the past two days, bringing the total to 75. More will be added continuously.
I shipped out my first order and hopefully we'll have a proof pic Monday. (it actually wasn't PayPal either ;))
02-03-2007 21:59:47
only 3 more days to get your offer credits in for the interim contest!
since i STILL cannot get my awesome new primary contest running (please send a message to SWGreenID and tell him you want this now ;), trust me you'll really enjoy it, and it requires [bdc8884ffeb]zero[/bdc8884ffeb] offer completions and [bdc8884ffeb]zero[/bdc8884ffeb] referrals for you to be included) i have TWO great promos coming up very soon.
one will involve some bonus cash for you upon ordering, and the other will involve a free package being mailed out to you )
oh, be sure to check out the Somethin4Nothin theme song as well )
03-03-2007 09:25:45
Sweet Theme Song! Did you write that or record that? If so, you should offer your services to other freebie sites. Everybody should have their own theme song.
Me? Mine is "Make It Rain" by Fat Joe and Lil Wayne
03-03-2007 10:53:37
haha, nope, i'm not talented like that.
it's just some garage band who tried to pass off their song as an unreleased GNR track, i think. i cut out most the lyrics.