13-07-2007 11:01:51
For the people who don't know I now work for the GiftOrb Network
Any questions or concerns can be brought to my attention, my aim name is GiftOrbSupport.
Or i'm always on the forum to help you all )
13-07-2007 20:33:47
I thought your name looked different.
Not that it is any of my business, but why the change from one network to another? (if you don't want to answer, you don't have to)
14-07-2007 11:10:42
[quote366b7d9232="moviemadnessman"]I thought your name looked different.
Not that it is any of my business, but why the change from one network to another? (if you don't want to answer, you don't have to)[/quote366b7d9232]
Alls that matters is that I now work for GiftOrb )