GiftMonster MEGA PROMOTION - $2000+ in prizes inside!

Live forum:


28-05-2008 08:21:17

Hello everyone,

We wanted to start off by thanking everyone for their continued loyalty to the GiftMonster network. [b5fac8c2647]We couldn't be here without you[/b5fac8c2647] and we appreciate your business and support; it really means a lot to us. We also want to [b5fac8c2647]apologize for the lack of major promotions recently[/b5fac8c2647]. Hopefully, [b5fac8c2647]this will make up for it[/b5fac8c2647]. We've done our best to accommodate both the new and old faces to our network with this promotion so everyone can benefit!Now lets get onto the promotions!

[b5fac8c2647]1. Never cashed out on our network before?[/b5fac8c2647] The next ten users to place an order who haven't cashed out on any of our sites in the past will [b5fac8c2647]receive a FREE $25 Amazon Gift Card[/b5fac8c2647] added to their order. No strings attached; just let us know once you've submitted your order that you qualify so we can keep track.

[b5fac8c2647]2. Referral contest[/b5fac8c2647] We've got $1000 in prizes to give away!

The[b5fac8c2647] top five users [/b5fac8c2647]who accumulate the most referrals from now until June 25th, 2008 [b5fac8c2647]will receive prizes as follows[/b5fac8c2647]
[b5fac8c2647]1st Place - [/b5fac8c2647]$500 via Paypal, Check, or Gift Card of choice
[b5fac8c2647]2nd Place -[/b5fac8c2647] $250 via Paypal, Check, or Gift Card of choice
[b5fac8c2647]3rd Place - [/b5fac8c2647]$100 via Paypal, Check, or Gift Card of choice
[b5fac8c2647]4th Place -[/b5fac8c2647] $100 via Paypal, check, or Gift Card of choice
[b5fac8c2647]5th Place -[/b5fac8c2647] $50 via Paypal, Check, or Gift Card of choice

Winners should be announced around June 26th, 2008.

[b5fac8c2647]3. Point-Based Contest[/b5fac8c2647]

This [b5fac8c2647]contest will involve a point based system[/b5fac8c2647]. There are [b5fac8c2647]several ways to earn points[/b5fac8c2647], and in the end the [b5fac8c2647]top ten users with the most points will earn great prizes[/b5fac8c2647]!

[u5fac8c2647]EARN POINTS IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS[/u5fac8c2647]
[b5fac8c2647]1) +1 Point[/b5fac8c2647] Acquire two green referrals in a single day on a single site. Multiple points may be earned for additional referrals.
[b5fac8c2647]2) +1 Point [/b5fac8c2647]Post a proof picture in the GiftMonster subforum or trophy case on a payment from this day forward. May be repeated for additional points.
[b5fac8c2647]3) +1 Point[/b5fac8c2647] Be approved for an order on one of our sites. (+2 Points for HDTVMonster, DesktopMonster, or NotebookMonster). May be repeated for additional points.
[b5fac8c2647]4) +3 Points [/b5fac8c2647]Create a promotional video or video testimonial for GiftMonster. May only be completed once.
[b5fac8c2647]5) +3 Points[/b5fac8c2647] Write a written review or testimonial of GiftMonster or a GiftMonster site. This may be submitted via Private Message or as a post on the forums. Length should be 2-4 paragraphs. While we appreciate all comments, we won't be rewarding three points for a sentence. This may only be done once.
[b5fac8c2647]6) +1 Point[/b5fac8c2647] OPEN SLOT - Want to earn a point in a way not listed? PM us for ideas as to what you'd like to do to earn another point. If we don't hear any suggestions by Friday, unfortunately we won't be able to add another option. Note that your suggestion must apply to all potential members of our site and not just you, as this will be for everyone.

Please note that due to the complexions of this system, [b5fac8c2647]we will be requiring ALL users participating in this contest to keep track of their own points[/b5fac8c2647]. To do this, please reply to this thread whenever you have done something to earn a point. Post what you did to earn the point and your current cumulative point total. Here would be a sample post after earning a point

+1 Point
Reason Acquired two green referrals today
Site Referral ID 10251

Total Current Point Count 1


Sorry, but this is the only way we can keep things fair.

The [b5fac8c2647]prizes[/b5fac8c2647] for the top ten point earners at the end of this contest [b5fac8c2647]will be as follows[/b5fac8c2647]
1st. 8GB Apple iPod Touch ($299)
2nd. $150 Amazon Gift Card
3rd. $100 Gift Card of choice
4th. 2GB Apple iPod Shuffle
5th. Godiva Chocolate Box
6th. Gourmet Fruit Basket
7th. $35 Fandango GiftCard (Good for movie tickets at most theaters)
8th. $25 via Paypal, Check, or Gift Card of choice
9th. $25 via Paypal, Check, or Gift Card of choice
10th. GiftMonster T-Shirt

We realize this contest may be very confusing, so please do not hesitate to contact us via PM if in need of any clarification.

[b5fac8c2647]4. Free Greens[/b5fac8c2647]! We just wanted to remind everyone that we are still giving away free greens on any of our sites for signing up unreferred. [b5fac8c2647]Just open a support ticket once you've signed up with your request [/b5fac8c2647]and we'll get to it as soon as possible!

We hope everyone will enjoy these promotions and we are excited to see you all take home some awesome new gifts! Again, if anyone has any questions about any of these promotions, please contact me via PM and I will be glad to assist you.


28-05-2008 08:58:39

WooHoo. Great promo!!!

Is there a limit of how many sites we can get free green on?