08-07-2007 04:46:15
Site error the file /home/freesmi4/public_html/gmonster/status.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be installed by the site administrator.
08-07-2007 06:49:01
We know about this problem, and we are currently trying to fix it. Our host must have toggled with something to cause this error, as we have not changed anything on our end.
08-07-2007 08:01:08
Hope it gets fixed very soon ?
08-07-2007 09:06:40
Hello, I just wanted to inform everyone that the GiftMonster network sites are all now back online. We thank you for your patience during our downtime and apologize for any inconveniences caused. It was truly unexpected, and fortunately we were able to fix the problem within a reasonable amount of time.
10-07-2007 02:30:44
I think is still have problem on gamingmonster ,I join as Existing User,but when I click the join now button ,the site not work ! (
10-07-2007 20:05:11
I think they might be having trouble again. I haven't been able to get in on iPodMonster for over an hour. I'm sure they will sort it out as soon as they can. ;)
11-07-2007 20:43:23
I get this error trying to access lcdmonster
[quotefc7aea77d3]Fatal error Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/freesmi4/public_html/lcdmonster/classes/site.class.php on line 312