03-05-2007 15:48:45
hello.. i was just wondering if anyone else has been having trouble with their refs being able to sign up and/or transfer their accts. on the giftmonster sites... i have had about 50/50 with this... my latest ref said she cdouldnt sign up for either of the 2 sites i am working on now (gaming and ipodmonster).. i had another who said she had to sign up for one using a different e-mail address.. had one that said they tried on both their desktop and laptop to no avail.. and i had 2 that had no problem at all.. i have been in communication with the site and they have suggested that the users were trying to transfer thei accts. in log in instead of existing user.. im a lil stumped.. and i was just wondering if anyone else had been having this problem... dont get me wrong im not bashing the network by any means i LOVE the giftmonster network.. was just wondering if any others were having the same problem and/or if they had any ideas
Thank You,
03-05-2007 17:00:53
yes!!! one ref told me yesterday that she couldn't sign up, and i was like what??
anyhow, still waiting on a reply to my support ticket
03-05-2007 17:05:53
whew glad to see i wasnt th ONLY one )... yeah i dunno WHAT is goin on.. i hope we can get the problem fixed soon... i should have BEEN done with these two sites by now.. hopefully its some silly ass glitch kyle and dinis can find and straighten out.. i really wanna get started on my other 2 sites for them ;)
03-05-2007 17:10:49
ahhh, me finishing my fourth, going for the polo one after D
03-05-2007 17:14:02
yeah... i got the free credit promo for that one the other night as well ;).. once these two im workin on now are done it will be 4 completed sites for them.. i just saw the video for the raffle this morning... i didnt win x ;) yeah i dunno if i will do both at the same time like this time or just work on one at a time
04-05-2007 07:02:56
just an update
the person that was having trouble... i sent her a PM with a cut and paste of the support ticket Kyle sent me yesterday and i just checked this morning and she is green on both sites D.. she may have been loggin in wrong but everythings disco now ;)... very close to finishing these two and cant wait dance happy tradin everybody )
04-05-2007 12:16:16
my support ticket is still not answered, it has been like 3 days ?
04-05-2007 14:51:09
damn condra.. sorry about that... well basically he was tellin me what he ahs already told me.. that they may be trying to extend their acct. thru log in rather than existing user... i dont know if yer workin on 2 or more sites for them at the moment but that may be a possible cause.. either that or there may be trouble with yer refs computer shrug i dunno.. anyhoo i hope it worx out for ya soon
04-05-2007 19:45:31
Registering should be fine, I am sorry that your ticket took slightly longer than usual to respond to condra. After reading it the first time I wasn't quite sure how to reply, however after checking the registration system I came to the conclusion that everything was running fine. Unfortunately, this problem seems exclusive to your one referral, and we can only suggest that he/she tries resetting cookies or using a different computer.
04-05-2007 20:27:39
ok ) thanks
anyway, you answered only one of my support tickets D